Historic - WAR Pauper Life Gain

Main 60 cards (12 distinct)
Creature (18)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (18)
Land (24)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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A quick lifegain deck, this adds some key commons cards from WAR to improve play consistency.  Had 3 losses and 15 wins in the Arena "No Escape - Pauper" event with the hardest match being against a tribal hexproof deck.  Matches that went easier than expected were green stompy, which couldn't out-damage the amount of life gain by the time Ill-Gotten Inheritanceimage and Epicure of Bloodimage were out.

Deeper Dive:

Common decks in a pauper event tend to be agro, which deals poorly with life gain--if it hasn't won by turn 5 or 6, they tend to be unlikely to win.  Going most-in on life gain cards allows quick stabilization against agro decks and an early life lead against anything slower.  Late-game solutions are necessary for longer games, both in creature removal and in damage dealing power.

Win Conditions:

This deck expects to win by draining the opponent, not by attacking.  Ill-Gotten Inheritanceimage and Vampire Neonateimage are expected to do the majority of the damage, while the rest of the deck is intended to extend the game and hold off incoming damage.  More than 20% of the deck is devoted to removal (Divine Arrowimage, Gideon's Reproachimage, Ob Nixilis's Crueltyimage, and Lich's Caressimage), giving time to get the draining cards out and to get some Epicure of Bloodimages to increase the amount of draining damage done.

Healer's Hawkimage is an early game play, expected to damage a few points and take a few life.  Additionally, they frequently will hold off 2/x fliers, as the opponent can't attack into a 1/1 lifelink without trading life 1:1.  With Epicure of Bloodimage late game, the Hawk can both prevent incoming damage and drain life.

Bulwark Giantimage is also a stalling tactic, being difficult to attack through, while also supplying the important life gain when it enters the battlefield.

Play Tips:

Treat the Healer's Hawkimage, Vizkopa Vampireimage, and Bulwark Giantimages as removal--given a chance to trade them 1:1, be willing to take it.  Also be willing to block with Epicure of Bloodimage, but if so, be wary of Divine Arrowimage (or similar combat-based removal) from the opponent and be sure to have instant-speed removal to prevent combat tricks from removing the Epicure.  Also, watch life totals carefully--it isn't hard to get 2 Ill-Gotten Inheritanceimage onto the board.  Remember that if the opponent is at 9 life, popping one on their turn will win the game.

Epicure of Bloodimage and Ill-Gotten Inheritace are the most important cards in the deck.  Be careful of playing them when they might be countered, and consider if it's worth holding until a safer time.  Or, consider trying to play them into potential counters if it seems likely that the opponent can force a discard.

Given a choice between a Healer's Hawkimage and a Vampire Neonateimage, early game should play the hawk and expect to use mana until significantly later in the game.

Final Thoughts:

I hope you enjoy the deck.  If you try it, add a comment and let me know how it goes!

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Last Updated: 12 Nov 2019
Created: 01 Jun 2019
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