Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (14) | |||
$0.71€0.460.02 | ||
$0.75€0.510.02 | |||
$0.54€0.410.02 | |||
$27.63€20.401.15 | |||
$0.99 | |||
$58.63€42.151.51 | |||
$2.00€0.590.23 | |||
Creature (22) | |||
$32.72€15.910.02 | |||
$52.92 | |||
$1.05€1.050.06 | |||
$11.40€11.320.12 | |||
$0.87€1.11 | |||
$0.42€0.360.04 | |||
$2.46€1.490.02 | |||
Land (21) | |||
$13.58€11.821.02 | |||
$0.40€0.200.03 | ||
$0.160.03 | ||
$1.17€0.880.02 | |||
$3.500.96 | |||
$16.37€15.220.17 | |||
$6.007.09 |
$10.24 | |||
$0.40€0.200.02 | |||
$0.54€0.410.02 |
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Learn more Download For WindowsHey dear All.
You can add me ingame Cypho Dias#3205 to play vs. 100% self made, non meta Decks, THIS IS THE WAY !!
I feel that it is very consistent to use some Elf Ramp with Leyline of Abundance, to generate a lot of mana, I played Decks like this in Mythic a lot.
Typically you go into Ugins, Ulamogs or Vorinclex with instant Planeswalker Ultis such as Liliana's exile all but One or Vivian's indestructible + vigilance + trample Creatures Or you add Nissas and generate 6/6 Lands adding even more mana and finish with Green Biggies such as Behemoth.
But I looked at the Card Exponential Growth...
2 Mana and XX Cost every other 2 XX Mana doubles a Creatures Power again and again and agian and again...., so if u have one or more Nyxbloom Ancient(s) on Board and/or a few Elves with Leyline of Abundance and/or Kinnan, Bonder Prodigy it is easier than you normally assume to generate 200 to 300 mana in turn 6, 7, 8
The game mechanic breaks by the way, if you put too much damage on a creature though, it damage than turns into 0 anbd it does Zero Damage, as well. In the case u spend "too much mana".
But you can easily get (yes 15 Zeros) = 5 Billiard damage.
anyway, just calculate how much you need and swing in for 1 million damage instead... it is still devastating for your opponent's mind set and that how we want to win games. Alternatively use 100+ Damage to do undenialble True Damage with Banefire, if you face any Exiles to stop your trampler or just use another trampler next turn.
This goes out for all the MetaThrans out there, who still think Teferi or red burn decks would improve the game experience for anyone... For all others with an IQ above room temperature feel free to play this deck with over a hundred nice card symbiosis.
Expansion // Explosion (1x) , Banefire (2x) , Exponential Growth (2x) and Mass Manipulation (2x) are your seven game ending cards. If you want to promote this deck via discord or youtube feel free to say where you found it, but in the end I do not care for fame.
You can also adjust this into a Bant Deck, there are nice White Thread Controls and X Mana Spells to justify, beside the fact that u have some variety i game Experience. If you are a Sultai fan Torment of Hailfire is your best choice.
For best Consitence I would always suggest to play Simic for the crazy Ramp and just sprinkle in some extra W or R or B mana to cast certain game Enders that you personally enjoy the most.
CREDITs to all the players out there, who invent new decks off the road and fight with honor FUN and difnity ;)
Cheers and most of all enjoy! I had to share this, because this is one of my most enjoyable Decks I created since DnD release.
best Regard Cypho Dias
8 | 0 | 34 | 12 | 0 |
0 | 0 | 5 | 2 | 0 |
Symbols | Percentage | Lands |