Commander - Kykar Tokens

28 44 9
8 50 5 36

Play Kykar. Draw lots of cards, which makes lots of tokens. Play token payoffs. Profit. This deck can go from zero hero very quickly because of the mana ramp that Kykar provides from sacrificing spirits. There are of course combo wins involving infinite mana and drawing your whole deck, but most people don't want to play with those decks, so this one focuses on winning through glorious aerial combat. Sublime Archangelimage and Angelic Exaltationimage are both great ways to just swing in for lethal commander damage unexpectedly, as well as Mace of the Valiantimage. Purphurous, God of the Forge Gives us an alternate win condition and can combo with Sensei's Divining Topimage to burn out all opponents simultaneously in one turn (I don't feel bad about this one because if you happen to draw these together out the 100 that's fun. Lab Man/Jace win isn't). We're also bringing a hefty counterspell package plus Unbreakable Formationimage and Boros Charmimage to keep our token army alive and attacking.


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Last Updated: 01 Feb 2020
Created: 31 Jan 2020
64 55 0

Commander - 1 cards (1 distinct)


Mainboard - 99 cards (87 distinct)

Creature (8)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (50)
Land (36)
Planeswalker (5)

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