Historic - Gaea's Wheelchair Ramp

12 7 12 6 17
8 27 0 25
Midrange Jank

NOTE: Because apparently this needs to be pointed out, this deck is JANK and is tagged as such. Don't play it if you want to play a perfect meta-deck, it's rewarding if you stick with it in order to see the late-game control swings.

Hello all! I've updated the deck to move from Standard to Historic, have some fun!

The goal of this deck is, you guessed it, to ramp into our big creatures and/or combos! Our primary colors are G/U/B with splashes of R/W

General Idea:

Gaea's Blessingimage and Notion Rainimage make it so we can repeatedly shuffle our graveyard into our library.

Platinum Angelimage and Chance for Gloryimage makes it so Platinum Angelimage has to be exiled and you won't lose the following turn because of it. Thousand-Year Stormimage works quite well with Chance for Gloryimage, allowing for multiple extra turns (they stack).

The Immortal Sunimage controls strong planeswalkers like Teferi, Hero of Dominariaimage and lets you draw an extra card each turn.

Board wipes galore against go wide decks through Settle the Wreckageimage / Shatter the SkyimageVraska's Contemptimage kills any single creature or planeswalker threats we need to get rid of.

Banefireimage and Carnage Tyrantimage are our finishers against Ux Control. 

Strong Against:

This deck is particularly strong against Midrange and non-burn Control because of our lifegain and wipes, we should usually out-value them. The longer the game, the stronger our possible plays get.

Weak Against:

This deck is only as weak as its' draws. It's made to be as wide as it can go in order to deal with most threats. U-Tempo and Counterburn can be kind of rough though.


Mulligan Guide:

Ideal starting hand

This allows for steady ramp and removal opportunities, also getting life from Gift of Paradiseimage can be very useful if against aggro. Typically this type of starting hand will allow you to draw into more valuable cards, while the ramp should keep you alive. Paradise also allows for early double devotion spells (double black, red, etc) like Vraska's Contemptimage / Shatter the Skyimage. Alternatively, Chromatic Lanternimage can fix mana needed to cast anything.

Now because variance is a thing, your hands may or may not be something that you get in your starting hands/mulligans. Sometimes RNG will screw you. To make the best out of your hands, try to have a hand that includes USABLE early ramp (Paradise is best because of the lifegain), early removal, and/or card draw.

The biggest general tip I can give you is: ALMOST NEVER MULLIGAN BELOW FIVE CARDSThe statistical likelyhood of getting anything after mulling that low is abysmal and you're more likely to win with a mull-to-5 5 land mulligan than you are if you go any lower than that. 



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Nice deck ! With WAR out, what cards would you put in ?
Deck is very losing, but even than it's very fun to play. Ur not feeling bad when you lose, and if you win, you're glad twice. So, this deck feels good.) I added Primal Amulet though
Not a good deck . jJust , and onlu for fun...
Desk does nothing at all.
this deck is amazing, most fun deck i have, i changed some small things, the 2 grows for gilded lotus, the unmoored for a chromium for extra versatility
Grimório de Doente mental.
Fiz uma conta no site só para dizer que aprovo isso.
I just played a friendly neighborhood mirror match against one of you! Elifax that was such weird game for me lol. I hope to see more of my deck!
Thanks for the feedback everyone, I appreciate it! The deck is definitely janky (and is tagged as so), but it's made to battle the meta which hasn't quite settled down yet. I'll be tweaking as needed once we figure out what the best decks in the format are.
Fun deck.
First game: Banefired the bajeezus out of some poor sod playing a U/G mer, deck.
I love the deck man. I love that you keep it fresh. For those complaining that it doesn't win frequently enough.. I'd say to read his guide on how to mulligan this deck, and then I'd tell you that I agree.. it doesn't win enough. But it is an absolute RIOT to play and pull off big win cons!
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Last Updated: 08 Mar 2024
Created: 23 Jun 2018
58480 1600 21

Mainboard - 60 cards (40 distinct)

Creature (8)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (27)
Land (25)

Sideboard - 15 cards (13 distinct)


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Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
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0 5 7 3 0