Historic - Historic Mono-red SPEED

44 8
26 11 0 23

Billy playing historic? You bet. Allow me to introduce you to the brew that got me to top 800 mythic; The Party Crasher.

*This deck is built to play, and win, exceptionally fast. Turn four victories happen on a regular basis, and the further we go past turn four the less likely we are to win the game.*

On turn one we have four copies of Bomat Courier and four copies of Fervent Champion. Unless we have multiple copies of the Champion in hand we will always play Bomat Courier first so we can begin to stow cards with it to, hopefully, prevent us from running out of gas. Of course, if we have multiple copies of the Champion we must at all cost get them out of our hand as fast as possible so they can buff each other and we can rip off quick damage before our opponent can get any semblance of a board.

On turn two we have several plays. The best scenario is being able to drop multiple creatures using Burning-Tree Emissary's enter the battlefield ability especially if we have multiple burning tree emissaries in hand; PLAY THEM ALL ON TURN TWO in most situations. Ideally we have a turn two that looks something like this; play BTE, play another BTE, play Kari Zev, end turn. This gives us four attackers on turn three and an easy embercleave. Even if we do not have any BTE's in opening hand, we can also get embercleave on the board as soon as turn three with any combination of one drops and Kari Zev as a two drop. Speaking of Kari Zev, she is a bomb in the deck should she be in the opening hand as, aside from Burning-Tree Emissary, she is the only other meaningful way to threaten our opponent with a turn three embercleave. We also run four copies of Robber of the Rich so we can get extra gas to finish the game from our opponents deck. There is one copy of Earthshaker Khenra as well so for an extra haste body that is also recurrable (This slot is the most flexible in the deck as well).

On turn three we technically have eleven three drops, but one of them is light up the stage, and we are always able to pay the reduced spectacle cost of one mana. Ahn-Crop Crasher is a GREAT finisher. It has haste as MANY of our creatures do, and it can make an opponents creature unable to block at the cost of exertion. Put embercleave on top and we are in business.

Sideboarding is relatively easy as we simply don't do much of it based of the deck our opponent is playing, but rather board in and out cards depending if we are on the play or on the draw. The only decks that are tough matchups for us, that we will actively sideboard for, is Wizard burn and Lurrus Auras. We sideboard burn in against both matchups. Against Lurrus we prioritize scorching dragonfire for it's ability to exile, and we will cut Khenra and Kari Zev to make it happen. Against the Wizard burn we will side in even more burn to insure none of their creatures stick (Wizard/Burn can't get their last bit of damage in if you take the Wizards from them). So against Wizard burn we will board out all of our Fevrent Champions for Bonecrushers and a shock, and we will board out two copies of the Crop Crasher for two copies of Relic Robber.

This deck has a sideboard tuned for Bo3 and can successfully be played on ladder in both Bo1 and Bo3, although I would mainboard a little more burn in the deck if I were playing it Bo1.

Thank you all for the support I have recieved. If you have any questions about the deck or would like to see it played stop by my twitch channel where I'm active M-F. Thanks for stopping reading the guide and, as always, good luck!


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Last Updated: 20 Nov 2020
Created: 17 Nov 2020
315 505 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (14 distinct)

Creature (26)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (11)
Land (23)

Sideboard - 15 cards (6 distinct)


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Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
17 22 14 7 0
6 4 5 0 0