Historic - Rowan combo

20 42
8 38 0 14
Combo Jank

For a turn 2/3 combo kill: goblin trapfinder + hopefully ways to hurt yourself/kill the goblin trapfinder/lands, then kill it, and pray in a rowan, scion of war, if it fails keep killing your trapfinder until you get it. rowan has haste through trapfinder but you wanna make sure you can atleast deal 3 damage to yourself (more dmg dealt to ourselves means explosive welcome/thousand-year storm are cheaper which could be relevant if we are short on mana) on the same turn you use rowan's active ability, otherwise you won't be able to dig through your deck to get a win.

card to kill your goblin trapfinder: having the enemy kill it/deadly dispute/fatal push/flick a coin

self damaging options(for rowan's active ability): lands/thoughtseize/feed the swarm

win con: wish for: thousand-year storm+torment of hailfire (can bypass fog effects/the one ring for example) or tendrils of agony (doesn't bypass fog effects/one ring fog effect)

Wish & sideboard: your first wish hopefully should be on thousand-year storm so that wiffing with the deck becomes less likely (if not possible because you'd be lacking mana to continue your combo you should either delay the wish until you can or if forced pick something off the sideboard that helps your combo to continue).

birgi: can't be played anywere other than the sideboard otherwise trapfinder might pick her instead of rowan. She makes generating mana for us a non-issue.

Explosive welcome: deals some solid damage to anything (this could specially be good to deal with orcish bowmasters/sheoldred) and potentially generates us some solid mana.

flick a coin: draw/treasure (which makes this card pay for itself) and ping which could be useful vs orcish bowmasters and is a very solid reason as to why this card is used in this deck.

underworld breach: if we are lacking mana generation in our hand/draw we can reuse our graveyard with this.

thousand-year storm: copy each further sorcery/instant for each other we played prior this turn, easily makes us able to generate alot of mana/draw alot of cards.

tendrils of agony: wincon if we casted enough spells to make the storm count high.

torment of hailfire: wincon if we have enough mana the enemy dies off of it.


weaknesses: yourself... decking out specially under thousand-yea storm be careful, aggro decks, decks that make you discard your rowan, orcish bowmasters/sheoldreds killing you because you are drawing cards, this deck by default hurts itself to activate rowan so for sheoldred/bowmasters it's easy killing you.


budget options:

lands: ifnir deadlands/ramunap ruins in instead of the other lands /shatterskull/agadeem's, not ideal because we do need to deal atleast 3 damage to ourselves and the "potentially" better mana fixing is obviously better before activating rowan's ability but it's duable.

thoughtseize isn't necessary but definitly good as it disrupts the enemy plans and deals damage to ourselves, it could either be replaced by more draw/treasure token engines or by mind spike which also deals 2 damage to us although it doesn't allow us to make the enemy discard creatures.

birgi isn't "necessary" same as tendrils of agony, it's nice to have the extra options but they are often not used.

We could also just run 1 underworld breach in the sideboard and make it so that we have to pick it up with wish, this saves us wildcards but makes our deck less consistent.




Rowan/Griselbrand cauldron: https://aetherhub.com/Deck/rowan-combo-966936


Rowan/trapfinder: https://aetherhub.com/Deck/rowan-scion-of-tendrils-960550



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Last Updated: 03 Nov 2023
Created: 16 Sep 2023
320 78 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (17 distinct)

Creature (8)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (38)
Land (14)

Sideboard - 7 cards (7 distinct)


Maybeboard - 68 cards (65 distinct)


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