Historic Brawl - Card-draw Machinegun

10 55 20
22 34 3 40
Control Combo

Deck Goals
Queza, Augur of Agoniesimage triggers a leech effect whenever you draw a card. There are a few cards you can use to infinitely combo this trigger, namely Lich's Masteryimage and Griselbrandimage. Lich's Mastery you need to be careful with, as if you take damage you will sacrifice permanents, and once you have to sacrifice the Mastery itself, you lose outright. With Griselbrand, you pay 7 life to draw 7 cards, Queza gains the 7 life back whilst pinging 7 damage to the enemy, and you can repeat this ad nauseam.

Other than those specific win combos, the deck is filled with 'draw card matters' spells. Spells like Chasm Skulkerimage, Ominous Seasimage, and  Nadir Krakenimage which all grow or do cool stuff with more cards being drawn. The idea is to get Queza down and play as many card draw spells as you can, while gaining advantage with the secondary effects of most of the spells.

Key Cards
Nadir Krakenimage, Ominous Seasimage, The Watcher in the Waterimage, Teferi, Temporal Pilgrimimage, Teferi's Tutelageimage, Sphinx's Tutelageimage, Psychic Corrosionimage - All spells where drawing cards grows an effect. Ominous Seas is great because you don't need to remove the counters to make the kraken token immediately if you are neutral or ahead. Best to wait out their creature removal on other things, and if the Seas itself gets targeted, then you can remove all the counters possible in response for some tasty 8/8s before it gets destroyed. Teferi gets loyalty counters and can ult extremely quickly with the right spells in hand, or create token creatures that grow from drawing cards too. The tutelage’s are just there to suppress and nerf the opponent, and with three of them doing all similar stuff, you can really go for a mill win too. Having Teferi's Ageless Insightimage only compounds this further, as well ramping your card draw triggers even more.

Oneriophage, Chasm Skulkerimage, Cliquant Skymage, Jace's Projectionimage, Wizard Classimage - Creatures that grow, and Wizard Class not only benefits drawing many cards but can also grow creatures after some investment. 

Quick Studyimage, Pool Resourcesimage, Divinationimage, Field Researchimage, Thirst for Discoveryimage, Thirst for Knowledgeimage, Winged Wordsimage - three mana draw 2+ is the standard, and in this deck can often mean three mana draw 4-6 and gain that much life. In this deck even over costed card draw spells can be worth it sometimes.

Underworld Dreamsimage, Sheoldred, the Apocalypseimage, Scrawling Crawlerimage, Underworld Dreamsimage, Psychosis Crawlerimage - Though there are not many spells that force the opponent to draw also, this is just an extra clock to put the opponent on. Sheoldred gives you GREAT benefit from drawing and pressures the opponent to remove her or not be able to draw cards too.

Notion Thiefimage - A recent addition to this deck for me, if you don't have any of the above four cards down, or hell - even if you do, this cna really help prevent them drawing and even give you some life back for it.

Helpful Hunterimage, Spirited Companionimage, Elite Guardmageimage, Cloudkin Seerimage, Fblthp, the Lostimage, Bellowing Crierimage, Gadwick, the Wizenedimage, Cloudblazerimage - creatures that draw when they enter. Simple enough, bodies to block damage adn gives you value and life when they enter with Queza down.

Griselbrandimage, Lich's Masteryimage - As mentioned in the deck goals above, these are win con combos if Queza is already down. Griselbrand is more instantaneous and you can activate his ability in response to a removal spell. Lich's Mastery is only good if it makes it to your next card draw. Otherwise you could find yourself dead on the opponent;s next turn if they can swing in to your face hard. Exercise some caution with the Mastery.

Peer into the Abyssimage - The same plan as the above two, but this one is really evil. Unless the opponent has a counter oir removal (for Queza) spell, they're kinda screwed. With Sheoldred down, you can even target them to draw their deck and take around 40-50 damage and cause them to lose that way if Queza gets removed.

The rest of the spells are there to either draw more cards, remove or control creatures, and suppress the opponent.

Upgrades / Substitutes
Smothering Titheimage - If the opponent is being punished for drawing cards, why not profit from it? 

More removal in general - If you don't like the kind of style of crossing your fingers in hopes they don't play something too much for you, run some more removal or counter spells instead of things like Elite Guardmageimage and Cloudblazerimage, the more high end costed draws-when-enters creatures, as you have enough card draw already, really. I like to really lean into a theme though. We have Baleful Masteryimage, Swords to Plowsharesimage and Path to Exileimage that tend to carry this for me enough.

Erudite Wizardimage, Homunculus Hordeimage, Lat-Nam Adeptimage, Knights of Dol Amrothimage, Prince Imrahil the Fairimage, Gixian Puppeteerimage - Whenever you draw your second card each turn cards are ok but limited to one trigger per turn, but if you really want to add more creatures these may be pretty good - more so the ones that create tokens or leech more rather than +1/+1 counters.

Wiretappingimage - like fight rigging but for this deck if you think about it, but costs far too much - might be worth it at times though. Lets you draw two cards each draw step. This effect persists after the exiled card is cast too, which people seem to often forget.

Gurgling Anointerimage - Another slow growing creature due to being limited to one trigger a turn, but a great way to get a creature back whilst benefiting from card draw. Save your instant speed card draw for enemy turns to get the most value from its triggers!

Mindless Conscriptionimage - I tried to use this but, despite the cards we have, found it tough to draw three cards each turn consistently enough for this to be as big a pay off as other cards in the deck. But for 3 mana and uncommon it's a nice to have if you don't have a rare or a rare wildcard to craft something in this deck.

Starving Revenantimage - Getting 8 cards into your graveyard is tough in this deck, honestly. The game is usually over before that, so with the condition of the leech effect being 8 cards in your GY, it's not worth the time investment over other card draw or casting Queza.

Orcish Bowmastersimage - Punishes other draw card mirror matches, but not really consistent enough, despite how good this card is. We can force opponents to draw a lot with things like Peer into the Abyssimage, but if we have Queza down anyway - this is just a backup option really. Weird to say about old Orcy Bow-bow, but here we are. We make a theme and stick to it. Because we're people of integrity.

Mind's Eyeimage - I found this too expensive for the majority of the games I played and cut it out but you could use this as a nice kind of pseudo Rhystic Study. oh, speaking of which...

Rhystic Studyimage - The OG, the GOAT, the '"do you pay the one?" of nightmares. Yeah, it's Rhystic Study. You can potentially draw a card when the opponent casts their first spell. That's not bad in a card draw deck. I only have this here because... I don't own a copy on Arena. My wildcards get spent on stupid jank and nothing else (past dual lands). This works in any blue deck, really. At least we have good old reliable Esper Sentinel!


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Last Updated: 24 Jan 2025
Created: 24 Jan 2025
350 65 1

Commander - 1 cards (1 distinct)


Mainboard - 99 cards (76 distinct)

Creature (22)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (34)
Land (40)
Planeswalker (3)

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