Historic Brawl - Omnementals

10 20 27
20 7 8 24


The elements bow to the power of our big blobby commander who likes standing in rivers! Omnath is a very powerful commander that gives us access to some of the best elemental creatures in Standard. I have seen people build this commander with very aggressive strategies to great effect. This deck has plenty of aggression, but I wanted to get a bit heavier with the value because this commander is super fun!


Omnath's ability when entering the battlefield can be quite powerful, but his power really shines through when you are drawing cards with every land drop. This commander can be a good finisher and a powerful value engine to keep us in the game. So forget all about that boring Earth, Wind, and Fire stuff and wield the power of all Five of Magic's elements with this powerful deck:


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The first of Magic's elements works a little differently in this deck, as our elementals give us some interesting aggressive synergies to make use of a fast start. While we do run the regulars Gilded Gooseimage, Incubation Druidimage, and Paradise Druidimage, we also have Chandra's Embercatimage to help cast elemental spells such as our commander, as well as all 3 of our Chandras. Leafkin Druidimage is better than normal in this deck due to his creature type, and we also run RDW all-star Runaway Steam-Kinimage to help us get aggressive with our red spells. This deck also runs one Arcane Signetimage as it REALLY helps fix our mana for our extremely demanding spells, like all three Cavaliers we run.


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The element of value is brought to us through a variety of means but if you know me you'll know I'm most excited by the Icon of Ancestryimage. Elementals are quite a bit beefier than puny Humans, so it should really let us establish board control and keep the Elemental trail rolling. For elementals we have Overgrowth Elementalimage to get value from our trades and Risen Reefimage because it's an absolute bomb in this deck. Cavalier of Galesimage and Cavalier of Thornsimage are our big threats that just give us amazing amounts of value, and Bloom Hulkimage is here for the fourth element of this deck, and the fact that our commander puts counters on our creatures. Spark Doubleimage lets us double up on any of our elementals and planeswalkers for whatever situation we might need. For more non-elemental value we have Guardian Projectimage and The Great Hengeimage to keep drawing cards whenever we play a creature, and Escape to the Wildsimage to get more lands in play and dig for more threats.


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Every successful deck has an element of aggression, and our threats let us get in there early and continue smashing throughout the mid-game. Thunderkin Awakenerimage has haste, and can bring back some other elementals once it has been grown. Creeping Trailblazerimage allows our elementals to hit in harder, and Lightning Stormkinimage can catch our opponents off-guard on turn 2 to generate pressure. Rhythm of the Wildimage can make our elementals bigger or give them haste, as well as protecting us from those darn counterspells. Living Twisterimage is excellent in case we are flooding out, being able to close off the game or recur land value for more draws or zombies with Field of the Deadimage. Scampering Scorcherimage presents some fast haste presence as well as synergizing with quite a few of our cards, and Cavalier of Flameimage is a spectacular finisher in many regards. Finally we have the very large and threatening Wakeroot Elementalimage as a way to make our lands even more of a threat.


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The fourth element in any decent magic deck: planeswalkers! We run tons of them, and all of them actually synergize quite well with our deck, with all of them playing to the board quite strongly. We have all three Chandras, which all have fantastic synergies with all our elementals. The Royal Scionsimage actually has targets for both loyalty abilities, and Domri, Anarch of Bolasimage lets us get even more aggressive with our creatures. Mu Yanling, Sky Dancerimage lets us both shrink opposing creatures and make Elementals, as we won't bother about her emblem much at all with this deck. Vivien, Arkbow Rangerimage can make our creatures bigger and act as removal if needed, and Nissa, Who Shakes the Worldimage is here because she is decidedly busted, decidedly makes elementals, AND SHE WALS ALWAYS MEANT TO BE WITH CHANDRA ANYWAYS. 


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The lands for this deck are on the low end with 24, but with our ramp, along with the variety of lands, I think we should be fine. Field of the Deadimage gives us inevitability in the long game, and both castles we run help us get explosive turns before our opponent can react for a big finish. Karn's Bastionimage is here in case the game stalls out, as we can really make use of extra counters on our creatures and planeswalkers. We run one Island, three Mountains, and four Forests as well as three of the dual-colored land in each our colors. Combined with Fabled Passageimage, we can maybe get lucky and not have any issues with having three 5-drops at 2GGG, 2UUU, and 2RRR.


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Last Updated: 14 Nov 2019
Created: 14 Nov 2019
297 198 0

Commander - 1 cards (1 distinct)


Mainboard - 59 cards (54 distinct)

Creature (20)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (7)
Land (24)
Planeswalker (8)

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