Historic Brawl - Pants Laser - Dinosaur Tribal

12 32 43
38 22 1 38
Midrange Combo

Deck Goals

Play ramp and mana dorsk until you can get down [Pantlaza, Sun-favored]], trigger his discover for some extra value. From then on, just trying to play a big boi each turn for more Discover triggers.
One thing to remember: getting Ghalta down for a Discover 12 is cool sounding at first, but it just means if you come across a 1 mana spell from that trigger, you're losing value. Better to save the big toughness if you're in a bind and go for a DIscover 4-6 on average for more efficiency in keeping your mana base open for protection and other tricks.

Key Cards

Hulking Raptorimage - While not great for Discover triggers as other 4 cost Dinos, the fact it pays for itself over ttwo turns and has 5 power with ward 2 is formidable and REALLY helps ramp.

Stalwart Speartailimage - Even without the rebalance, this thing had crazy value and buffs all your Dinos, AND triggers Enrage abilities at the lowest possible damage. Now, you don't have to pay 3 mana when it attacks to do this, it just does it. Luckily, very little in the deck has 1 toughness which makes this even more valuable.

Palani's Hatcherimage - You have haste, and YOU have haste, and YOU have haste.

Kinjalli's Callerimage, Atzocan Seerimage Drover of the Mightyimage, etc - Try and aim to have at least one in your opening hand, as it makes ramping into Pantlaza far easier. This is the kind deck where Mulliganing to 5 is ok, and sometimes necessary. 

Trumpeting Carnosaurimage - Useful as a burn spell, also great as a Discover target to emulate the good old days of Cascade briefly.

Bonehoard Dracosaurimage - Great value engine, even out of Dino decks.

Ranging Raptorsimage - Ramp. Can swap out if finding it hard to get damage on it.

Upgrades / Substitutes 

Pyroceratopsimage - If you add more noncreature spells, this can be a nice beater to have down.

Rampaging Raptorimage - If you go more rampy, having this guy with his pump ability can be a nice win-con

Territorial Hammerskullimage - If you like a bit more lockdown/control.

Giant Cindermawimage - Protect yourself against Heliod and lifegain decks in general.

Zetalpa, Primal Dawnimage - Cheat this in and you're winning, probably.

The Tarrasqueimage - Even without Haste and Ward 10, cheating this in is a huge threat.

Verdant Sun's Avatarimage - Life gain on top of thE Discover triggers with Pantlaza

Tyrranax Reximage - Haste, Trample, Ward 4 and Toxic 4 is disgusting.

Kogla & Yidaro - Great versatility. Haste and Trample, Fight effect, or Naturalize with card draw effect when cycled, without going to GY.

Invasion of Ikoria // Zilortha, Apex of Ikoriaimage - Good creature fetch, and also you want this flipped ASAP for Zilortha’s effect.

Ravenous Sailbackimage - More versatility, modal choice on a decent sized body. Worth it if lacking rare wildcards.

Trapjaw Tyrantimage - A nice big guy and can exile multiple creatures.


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Last Updated: 24 Jan 2025
Created: 20 Jan 2025
175 40 0

Commander - 1 cards (1 distinct)

Mainboard - 99 cards (80 distinct)

Creature (38)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (22)
Land (38)
Planeswalker (1)

Maybeboard - 4 cards (4 distinct)


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