Historic Brawl - Tamiyo Draw

42 32
20 47 1 31
Midrange Combo

The game usually starts repetitively, Turn 1 Tamiyo, Inquisitive Student // Tamiyo, Seasoned Scholarimage go. If you're lucky you might also have the Mox Amberimage and Brainstormimage. This allows you to flip Tamiyo directly. And that is also the main goal of the deck, T1 Tamiyo - T2/T3 Flip - Prolifirate and win after the ultimate or to control the game until your opponents concede.

Of course I play almost all "Draw 2 Cards" draw spells or I play cantrips, which ultimately have the same mana value in most cases.

I also play a lot of ramp spells and also mana dorks. They are there to guarantee your land drops or not to fall behind due to a lack of mana. I also play a lot of Enchantment and Artefact Removal, as these can be really tiring to play against. The Exile Enchantments in particular are a huge problem. The best removals are by far Cancerbloom and Broken Bondimage

But also to be able to protect against it, I also play a number of protection spells, like Veil of Summerimage.

Personally, I have decided against counterspells because they do not help me make any progress in my plan. Three Steps Aheadimage, Archmage's Charmimage and Malevolent Hermit // Benevolent Geistimage are the only counterinteractions. Although Malevolent Hermit // Benevolent Geistimage is actually just there to make my spells uncounterable so that I can't be interrupted when I start comboing.

I also play a bit of graveyard recursion using Timeless Witnessimage, which brings up to 2 cards back from the graveyard, and Colossal Skyturtleimage, which can be used very variably, be it the recursion, the bounce or a simple 6 /5 flyer with ward 3

I also play Primal Amuelt and here I strongly recommend not flipping the card until you actually have the one spell that you would like to copy, the cost reduction is damn good for the spells. Since most instants and sorceries cost a maximum of 3 mana and some have cost reductions themselves, the amulet is very good for spellslinging

You can win with the following combos:

Prologue to Phyresisimage and then Prolifirate with the Flux Channelerimage (other cards also possible)
Hullbreaker Horrorimage + Emerald Collectorimage goes with Mox Amberimage and the conjured Mox Emerald infinite - if you bounce Emerald Collector you can get several Mox Emeralds. -> Infinite Mana -> Inifinite Bounce -> Infinite Spell Casts -> Infinite Prolifirate
Hullbreaker Horrorimage + Mishra's Baubleimage + any Mox Mox Amberimage || Mox Emeraldimage

I also play cards like Geralf, the Fleshwrightimage, Talrand, Sky Summonerimage, Ominous Seasimage and Shark Typhoonimage to build a correspondingly large board if the Prolifirate plan doesn't work.
Otherwise there are numerous draw spells and also the Archmage Emeritusimage, which lets you draw the entire deck relatively quickly with infinite mana. Luckily, that's exactly why I play Jace, Wielder of Mysteriesimage

The deck is very consistent in its game plan and at the moment I have a 64% win rate on 154 games

Otherwise, this deck is full of card draw, bouce interaction and value.

I'm open to any criticism and suggestions for improvement, just let me know by leaving a comment!


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Last Updated: 04 Dec 2024
Created: 22 Nov 2024
230 118 0

Commander - 1 cards (1 distinct)


Mainboard - 99 cards (92 distinct)

Creature (20)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (47)
Land (31)
Planeswalker (1)

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