Arena Standard - Bant Finale BO1 Eldraine v1

10 31 16
1 26 8 25
Combo Jank

Eldraine just came out and my older iteration of the Bant Finale took a pretty big hit, hence this updated, standard legal version. It is a little rushed but I did win 8 out of the 10 games I played in Play Any Deck queue, so I guess it works! (At least against other Eldraine day 1 brews:))


Cards lost in rotation:


F. Azcanta was a standard staple and generates insane value against decks lacking enchantment interactions. It was the best 2 drop in my deck and added a counterplay against T2 Thought Erasureimage. RIP sweet prince.



Nova rotating out is not as devastating, since there is an abundance of alternatives, such as Time Wipeimage, Single Combatimage and Realm-Cloaked Giantimage (Planar Cleansingimage and Ravnica at Warimage are worse possible options).



I kept 1 copy of Settle in my old deck and it helped a ton against creatures you can't or don't want to kill (Cruel Celebrantimage, Judith, the Scourge Divaimage, Adanto Vanguardimage). Now it is gone I felt a hole in my new build.


image Hinterland Harbour image

The departure of check lands is by far the most problematic. For a 3-colored deck that, unfairly, only received one new scry dual land (Temple of Mysteryimage), this disrupted the consistency of our mana severely.


New Additions"


We need removals, and while Cleansing Novaimage was a better card due to its versatility against enchantments and artifacts, it also destroys our Wilderness Reclamationimage. So far the giant did his job fairly well.



I added this card as a lesser replacement for Search for Azcanta // Azcanta, the Sunken Ruinimage and Dawn of Hopeimage. The downside of this card is clear as day: it draws card for your opponent (and you will have to pay for it). However it opens up a new realm of possibilities in conjunction with Wilderness Reclamationimage, acting as a reusable instant speed Hydroid Krasisimage. It also has insane mill potential with the second ability, and works very well with Jace, our only win con.

To help this card succeed, I added one more copy of Narset, Parter of Veilsimage to cut down the drawback. Also, activate this card between opponent's end step and your turn, so they cannot use sorcery speed spells or discard their extra hand. This way on your turn you can mill a ton of cards. This punishes greedy decks like elementals and Golgari citadel. 



Time Wipeimage is not used any differently from Realm-Cloaked Giantimage, and to be honest you should replace it with the giant due to the tighter color restriction. It however has an interaction with the giant, since you can pick him up after he returns from his adventure.



This is the new, better Evolving Wildsimage, very important for color fixing, as we play cards like Time Wipeimage and Jace, Wielder of Mysteriesimage that have some pretty difficult colors. However, I don't recommand playing 4 copies, and instead keep 3 or 2, since we only have so many basic lands, and Fabled Passageimage itself does not generate even colorless mana.

This brings up another point about the mana base. I did not add the new single color utility lands, since they do not count as basics and cannot be fetched, and the benefit they bring is not very impressive. I am not particularly knowledgable with building mana base, so I suppose adding guildgates and heal lands instead of Fabled Passageimage is also a potential option.


Side Notes:

1. Remeber that Questing Beastimage will not be hindered by Root Snareimage and obliterates planeswalkers. Prison Realmimage and boardwipes are the only solutions.

2. If you are still wondering what this deck does, it uses Teferi, Time Ravelerimage + Wilderness Reclamationimage + Finale of Revelationimage to draw the deck, and uses Jace, Wielder of Mysteriesimage as only win con. Of course, you can still win with Folio mill and Planewide creature tokens. Beyond that, the deck plays like a Bant control/fog deck.

3. I am seriously considering Fae of Wishesimage, but to play it I need to figure out an entire wishboard, which is gonna take a while. I have a Sultai version of the deck that plays black removals, Emergence Zoneimage and Mastermind's Acquisitionimage. Now that mastermind is in the grave, fae could act in its stead in any deck that plays blue.




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Last Updated: 27 Sep 2019
Created: 27 Sep 2019
465 191 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (26 distinct)

Creature (1)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (26)
Land (25)
Planeswalker (8)

Maybeboard - 1 cards (1 distinct)


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