Traditional Alchemy - Esper Midrange

31 12 30
18 14 2 26

Ninth version of this deck, after about forty matches, which has worked out best for me. Very consistent if you get the connive engine going, but plenty of options if that gets disrupted. Liesa, Forgotten Archangelimage really locks up the game, allowing you some big connives with Raffine, Scheming Seerimage. Xander's Wakeimage only gives out something useful once in a while, but it keeps you drawing your creatures when you discard the duds with Diviner of Fatesimage on the board. Unlicensed Hearseimage is devastating in the right match-ups. This deck doesn't need a lot of 4-ofs outside its main engines because of connive, but get to know what's in the deck, both pre- and post-sideboard, so that you know what you might be getting back with Diviner.

Don't forget that when you don't have Diviner out, you're not getting anything back from Raffine's discards. If they snipe Diviner on ETB, the connive is still on the stack, but you won't get something back from the discard, so it's just looting. Once you have 6–7 lands out, you can start discarding those to thin out the rest of your deck with Diviner. Also good even if you're low on lands, to sometimes discard your one in hand that's a tapland to try to get a non-tapland, or to discard the last land in hand to get two back with two Diviners on the board. The field in traditional Alchemy is very weak right now, so this has had around an 83% WR for me in Mythic top 1200.


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Last Updated: 23 Jun 2022
Created: 23 Jun 2022
91 81 0

Enter The Battlefield Prepared

With the MTGA Assistant deck tracker MTGA Assistant
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
7 2 42 9 0
3 3 9 0 0