Standard - nissa control

30 27
9 24 3 24

A fun different control deck, with some creatures (who wants to play solitaire???).

No one expects this in ranked. Playing this I have been able to keep my ranked spot around Diamond Tier  1-2.

The main winning condition is to control the board, and then have Nissa, Who Shakes the Worldimage do her magic.


Thoughts on the deck composition

Ramp is provided by 4 x Arboreal Grazerimage, 2 x Paradise Druidimage, and 3 x Growth Spiralimage. Llanowar Elvesimage were cut, because they are to susceptible to spot removal or Cry of the Carnariumimage. In addition Arboreal helps with lands for Nissa, Who Shakes the Worldimage, and is a really effective turtling creature, since it can block flyers.

The decks runs a total of 11 counter spells: 4 x Negateimage for RDW and mirror control; 4 x Sinister Sabotageimage as it is the best counter spell in standard imho; and 3 x Frilled Mysticimage. Synergies well with Blink of an Eyeimage, but 4 felt like too much, since it can take some time before it is available (given the harsh manacost). However, it is nice against decks with some creature removal, since they have to deal with it.

Card draw (in addition to the cantrippers Optimage and Growth Spiralimage) in form of Chemister's Insightimage and Memorial to Geniusimage, which are both insane when one have 2 Wilderness Reclamationimages on the board, where you can use them at the end of the end step, when the first Reclamation resolves, and still have all your lands untapped when the second resolves. Also, a single Finale of Revelationimage is included, because magic should be fun :)

A single Planewide Celebrationimage for versatility. The life gain can be essential in some matchups, and doing multiple proliferates on your Nissa, Who Shakes the Worldimage land her land creatures, is really fun, and enables early ultimate activation. Also, the hefty casting cost of Planewide is no problem, when Nissa is on the board.

4 x Wilderness Reclamationimage because the card, when down, gives insane opportunities, so we need it. Plus, having a second on the board has good synergy with the draw spells, and makes one less concerned with spot enchantment removal (just let them kill one, and save the counter spells for more important targets).

3 x Nissa, Who Shakes the Worldimage, since we most often need it to win. However, when playing 4, it felt like too many.


Problematic match-ups

Aggro, either in the form of merfolk, or early aggression Red and/or white decks can be really tough, if one don't get a good draw (Arboreal, and the right type of counter spells).

In general a board full of creatures can be problematic, and the only solution for permanents on the board are the 2 x Blink of an Eyeimage


Thoughts on improvement

Maybe cut the 2 x Optimage, for some more removal.

A single Vivien Reidimage perhaps, for her destroy ability, however, her +1 is a bit off for this deck, since you don't really care for your card creatures later on (except for the Frilled Mysticimage, but we only run 3 of those).

Maybe one or two more Blink of an Eyeimage, since I believe Reclamation Sageimage would be too clunky to play here.


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i put in 3 krasis and biogenic oozes, its aweseome now!!!

I would play Bond of flourishing instead of the opts. Heals while draws. Maybe a good idea to include krasis too as it also heals and with nissa on board we can make a 10/10 krasis next turn heal 5 and draw 5. seems a pretty good deal to me. I would probably drop planewide celebration, 1 negate 1 sinister sabotage to add 3 krasis.
Cool deck will try it out!
Last Updated: 29 Apr 2019
Created: 29 Apr 2019
2565 375 2

Mainboard - 60 cards (18 distinct)

Creature (9)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (24)
Land (24)
Planeswalker (3)

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