The AI ratings are gathered with from the MTGA Assistant deck tracker. Pro ratings are provided by Nizzahon Magic. The Pro ratings and comments are made before the set officially releases while the AI ratings are dynamically updated with new data all the time.
This will be a dead or underwhelming card a huge chunk of the time. Those times where you rebuy multiple ETBs multiple times will feel good, but those are going to be a very low percentage of the time.
Making it harder for your opponent to do two things that happen all the time in Limited magic is a good idea. Taxing those attacks and blocks means that the Archangel is great at slowing your opponent down when you need her to, and taxing blocks means she’s great when you need to pressure your opponent too. That triple white is pretty intense, but you get a well-statted creature who wreaks havoc on your opponent.
A one mana 0/4 is largely irrelevant, and the ability is too expensive.
Delaying a spell and charging a tax while adding a relevant flyer to the board is pretty good. Sometimes your opponent might manage to kill it before their next turn and they don't get the tax in the end, but you still delayed their spell. Happens to hate on Plot in general, too.
This is a huge payoff for Saddling, as the counters and life are sure to alter a race in your favor.
This is awful removal, you practically 2-for-1 yourself in exchange for some efficiency.
This has decent base stats, and spitting out a token is sometimes valuable.
This has good base stats, and it's great that it can catch you up on mana.
This is scary no matter how you play it. If you stick it on turn two, it might just win you the game in the air, and if you get it later and it's a massive lifelinker, the same outcome is likely.
This is efficient, but having to take a hit before you can use it isn't ideal. The life gain makes up for that a little.
This can be a 7 mana instant-speed wrath that kills everything but your best creature, and it can be a useful spell long before it reaches that point.
Getting to Scry 2 to repeatedly is surprisingly strong, and blinking your other creature might have value too.
This is going to be a 2-for-1 most of the time, and is especially good in the GW color pair.
This is nice removal, with some added utility, and if your creature has the highest power, you can blink it to make sure you can still kill your opponent's creature.
You have to have access to the activated ability, or this symmetrical effect just isn't worth it.
This delivers a ton of value for the cost, and the fact it has Flash is extra good in UW.
Getting this to Fly isn't too challenging, especially in Blue-White.
This is great Removal that also gives you a relevant body, hard not to be excited about that.
This is really good even without the Flash upside. With it, it has blow-out potential and some synergy in the UW color pair.
This is a fine play on turn one, and later in the game it can give itself a more relevant body, and maybe even rebuy an ETB.
Your opponent has to respect this thing, as it might gain double strike at instant speed. That's good upside to have on a bear.
This has a high ceiling, but just one mode on it isn't particularly good, and accessing it's full potential isn't easy.
This has solid stats that are good for augmenting, and it's good sacrifie fodder.
A two mana 2/2 with lifelink is a creature you always play, and this can grow fairly easily. In the late game, you can use it's ability as a nice mana sink.
This gives you two bodies for a reasonable cost, and it's abilty to become indestructible is a real problem for your opponent. Blocking this is kind of a nightmare.
This is a really nice Disenchant that comes with big upside, between being able to take down two permanents once and buffing your whole board.
The untap part isn't very exciting, but double strike for two mana isn't too shabby.
This will typically generate 2-for-1s, and when you can consistently reanimate something to the battlefield, this will feel like one of the best cards in your deck.
The floor is pretty bad here, and the ceiling is just a big vanilla creature.
Buffing your whole board and giving it Vigilance is great, as it allows you to attack a lot better while not giving anything up on defense.
This is conditional but efficient, especially if you have a Mount.
These "Master Decoy"-type creatures have been a lot worse as of late, and I don't really see that changing here. This does have passable stats and an ability that is good sometimes, though.
It's a 5-drop so you don't want a bunch of them, but 5-mana for 4/5 worth of stats, 3/4 of which has Flying, is a really good deal. You probably don't want more than one of these, though.
This was a very strong trick last time, and it will be this time too. It helps a creature win combat, can blank more removal, and leaves behind a permanent buff.
The turn you play this will feel pretty great, as it can really upgrade your attacks. The problem is how clunky it is when you have to Equip it thereafter.
This has passable stats, and because it can gain first strike, it has the potential to be relevant all game long.
This is more efficient than most creatures with this ability that we've seen. A 3-mana 3/3 really won't feel terrible, like the two-mana 1/1s and 4-mana 3/3s we usually see.
4-mana 3/2s can be abyssmal, since there is one mana removal that can deal with it, but this leaves a body behind to make up for that.
This has decent stats and an ability that can do some work in the late game. But, actually getting value out of the saddle early is hard, and actually hitting your opponent with it late is hard too.
Not a terrible roadblock, and you can loot with it pretty well in this format. It can even go on offense late in the game.
This is a fairly beefy creature, and the fact it has flash should work nicely in UW decks.
This has solid stats, and it might actually be a legitimate win condition in some decks.
This feels really inefficient no matter how you cast it.
This doesn't add to the board at all on it's own, a real liability these days. If you can untap and play an Outlaw it will feel good of course, but there are going to be times when you can't make that happen too. It's also an awful top-deck.
This looks enough like Ledger Shredder that I'm pretty excited about it. A two mana 1/3 with Vigilance is already fine, and this has way more upside than that! Sometimes it will hit harder, and you'll frequently be able to trigger the loot in this format.
I don't love that this does nothing on it's own, but turning into a 3/3 Flyer looks very doable. Heck, just playing in on two and passing on turn three with all your mana up sounds like a good call in many situations anyway.
This style of card is virtually always a 2, even with a little bit of upside. It's nice that you can interact, but the price you pay is often card disadvantage.
Fblthp is a card advantage engine, and his Ward at least makes it so your opponent can never deal with him efficiently.
Hexproof can be nice in the right situation. So can turning your creature into a copy of something else. However, both effects are too narrow for this to make the cut all that often.
Setting this up to make a zombie or two doesn't sound too challenging, though I wouldn't count on generating a ton in a turn, it's just too hard to cast that many spells. There are a few other Zombies in the format too that can get the buff.
This looks like a very nice Common. It has decent enough stats, and it's ability at a minimum makes your Instants easier to cast, but the set also has a ton of Flash that Geyser Drake can help you with.
This is a nice turn one play, and in the later game it's ETB can do some work -- especially if you need to commit some crimes.
Just the bounce option is a decent card, so the fact you have a whole other option for later in the game is pretty nice.
The trigger is powerful, but you have to go through the trouble of casting and equipping this clunky thing, and then you still don't get anything until the equipped creature hits the opponent. That's too many hoops.
When you draw a card with this it will feel like a 4.0, when you don't, it will feel like a 1.0. I think it will be easy enough to draw with to get up to a 3.
This is a very real body that is good whether you're ahead or behind, and the Surveil trigger is plenty accessible.
This "Frogify" type effect usually isn't very good, so it's a good thing you can also draw with it. When you get to remove a creature and draw two, it will feel pretty awesome.
The stats are bad, but if you get in with this once you'll feel pretty good ,and getting it with it is pretty easy. Get in with it more than once, and the game might just be over.
The baseline is great, and you'll often be able to get the extra large zombie out of the deal.
It's a decent body, but bounce effects have been getting worse lately with all the ETB abilities and the like. Plus, not being able to bounce a creature that can block is a big problem.
This can take care of a spell on turn two, and it has the upside of being a 5-mana 2/2 flyer that counters a spell -- that's a card I would always play.
Not affecting the board can be a liability, but a 4-mana draw 3 is pretty efficient -- and this has some additional upside.
Growing this will be fairly easy, and even just getting one counter and one swing will make you feel like you are getting there.
A two mana draw 2 is pretty serious business, and that mode will be accessible enough.
It's nice that this commits crimes for no additional mana, and stunning and tapping things has some pretty real value, especially if you're curving out, which the Slinger really likes.
Even with three options an the ability to choose all of them, it's too hard to line this up so it does something worth a card.
When you can cast a spell with this it will feel incredible, and thanks to Plot you can set it aside until you do have one. The fail-case isn't amazing, but not a complete disaster, either.
A 4-mana 3/4 with Vigilance 100% of the time is a 2.5 at the very best, and this isn't pretty far from having those stats all the time.
Pretty nice on turn two, as there isn't much that can block it in the early game. It isn't terrible in the mid to late game either, as it can really improve an attack for you.
Wheel effects don't work too well in Limited, since they are symmetrical. If you Plot this first, it means you can use your new cards right away. However, it also means that you spent six mana to do nothing on your previous turn.
A 4-mana 5/3 flash flyer is a great rate, and this will have hexproof a huge chunk of the time.
Blue's usual passable removal spell that you kind of hope you don't have to use, but it's fine if you do.
This looks like it's well-positioned in this format. It's good if you're trying to play two spells a turn in UR, it's good if you're trying to commit crimes in UB, it's good if you're trying to only do stuff on your opponent's turn if you're in Blue-White. It's definitely a small effect, but it replacing itself and having a real effect seems doable.
The best way to use this is to bounce your thing and an opponent's thing, and if you do that in response to removal or something that seems nice. However, it won't always line up that way, and the other options with the card aren't very attractive.
Each of these modes individually is playable enough, and if you access all of them you can get some pretty ridiculous value.
Clones that only let you do stuff with your side of the battlefield usually aren't great, but having Plot makes it more intriguing.
It's temping to imagine the 2-for-1s this can give you, but it's super expensive and surprisingly ineffective.
It's nice that this can go after Plotted cards. When you do that it will almost feel like Time Walk. It still has the downside of most discard spells of course -- it doesn't impact the board and has dimnishing returns the later games get, but it's efficient enough to be solid.
If you get the counter, this'll feel pretty good. If you don''s pasasble. That makes it solid filler over all.
This has some serious upside, but I hate the baseline. It's a virtually irrelevant body when it comes down and very easy for your opponent to deal with, even just using incidental damage.
A 4-mana 3/4 with Menace is okay, but this ability is generally too expensive to be worthwhile often enough.
This attack trigger is great, and it can draw you a ton of cards if you play it on turn two. It's nice that in the late game you can use it to after the opponent while still drawing cards.
There was a time when this would have been great removal, but once you're paying 4+ mana on removal it needs to do something extra to be premium. Surveil is extra, but not extra enough.
If you have lots of Mercenary tokens, this isn't a bad way to cash them in.
Two mana for -2/-2 is passable enough, and this will give -3/-3 in the mid to late game pretty consistently.
A two mana 2/2 Lifelink is a card you pretty much always play, so it's nice that this can commit a crime or load your graveyard too.
This type of trick is always solid. It's good in combat, good against removal, and has the upside of working well with ETB.
This will deliver quite the beat down if you play it on turn one, and even once the game gets late, you can find things to do with this recursive body.
This crime trigger is nuts, she's a little challenging to kill, and there are other zombies and skeletons in the format that can reap the rewards.
This ETB is powerful no matter what happens, so the only hurdle here is the casting cost. I think reducing the cost by 2-3 mana is pretty doable, though.
You pretty much need triple Black for this to be worth it, as the tutor effect on its own is pretty bad -- and triple black is asking a lot in Limited.
His crim trigger is strong, but needing the card to be black is a bit of a letdown. Still, even if you only cast one thing using Kaervek, you'll feel like you're doing a good job.
If you can get two bodies back with this it can feel reasonable, but setting your graveyard up just right isn't super easy, even with the tutor effect.
This will feel close enough to a two-mana 2-for-1 that I'm definitely playing the first copy in most Black decks.
As with most cards with this effect, this mostly seems like a sideboard card.
One mana for two 1/1s is a good deal, even when you don't get them at the same time. It makes this good sacrifice fodder too.
This only working on your turn is kind of sad, but it's a fairly capable attacker thanks to it's ability to gain indestructibility.
This can have a super powerful effect in the extreme late game. But it's pretty awful the rest of the game, so you really can't play it.
This drain life trigger can feel pretty good, but setting combat up just right to take advantage of them is surprisingly difficult.
Menace and Lifelink are great keywords in Limited, and it can even grant them to itself.
The stats are mediocre, and the crime trigger is decent.
If you can get the Zombie out of this, it'll feel great. Thanks to Plot, you have a better chance at finding a spot where that works out.
Killing things that have already been damaged is surprisingly hard to take advantage of. They pushed this pretty hard with all these keywords, so I think it'll be better than most similar creatures we have seen. But it's still nothing special.
These effects sound powerful, but they are surprisingly weak. Your opponent keeps their best cards and their best creatures, and those are the things you're often most worried about.
This is a nice stat-line. And, while the other ability can be kind of hard to access -- it's nice upside to have.
This can kill almost everything in the format efficiently. There will be times where an Outlaw is your biggest problem, but most of the time, this'll do the job.
Generating a two-for-one with this is surprisingly easy, and even when you can't it makes for a good combat trick that efficiently commits crime.
The discard effect isn't very good, and the legendary creature upside can be hard to access. Even when you do, it's pretty weak.
This is mostly just a mythic rare one mana 1/1 with death touch. In the early game, your opponent won't have spells for you to steal. Then by the time they do have stuff worth stealing, they can just block tinybones with a Mercenary token.
This give Black access to some repeatable fixing, which we don't see every day. Still, the stat-line and ability are both pretty medium.
Destroying your opponent's best creature and adding to the board is very powerful, and the fail case here is Murder.
This is a good way to get value out of a Mercenary token, and in a pinch, the Agent can sacrifice themselves.
This will definitely grow, and if he comes into play on turn two and manages to survive, it's not impossible for him to gain Menace and Lifelink.
Trading off for something means you get a 2-for-1, but the presence of Mercenary tokens limits this somewhat.
This doesn't add to the board on its own, so it's pretty hard for me to get behind this. It's a cool buildaround, but those just haven't worked out of late.
This comes down and adds a ton of Haste damage to the board in many situations. The fail-case isn't awesome, but I don't think you'll end up with this just feeling like a 6-mana 4/6 with Haste all that often.
Sweepers are tough to get to work in Limited, but this one is trying it's hardest. The two modes should mean that you can choose one that hurts your opponent more than it hurts you a decent chunk of the time.
This is a great two drop that can do a ton of damage if it comes down on turn two -- especially if you played a one drop. But it also has nice late game upside that allows it to always stay relevant.
This lets you repeat crimes repeatedly, but the stat-line isn't great.
This Aura seems pretty pushed. It offers a stats-boost that makes just about any creature into a legit threat, it replaces itself, and it's really efficient.
Red doesn't have much of a discard theme in this set. So, this is mostly just a card with a mediocre statline and a mediocre ETB.
This is a great removal spell. Even if it was always just the first mode, it would be a card that always makes the cut -- and one you take highly. But the added Spree upside means that you can achieve a 2-for-1 sometimes.
These Enchantments that just buff your creature during your turn pretty much never work out. They do nothing on their own, and the buff it offers just isn't enough. I kind of wish they had made this so it could target any creature, because then you could commit crimes with it at least.
This saddle trigger is super strong, and saddling this is easy. If you get to attack, you're all but guaranteed a 2-for-1.
The second mode is quite the board pump all on its own, and if you have the extra mana to get an extra combat phase, this can be a real beating.
X damage spells never really feel efficient, but they scale as the game goes on, which allows them to remain relevant. The treasure you get here helps make up for the inefficiency, too.
There are lots and lots ouf outlaws in this set, and if you can cast this for 4 you're going to feel fine about it. If you cast it for less, you'll feel great.
4-mana for a 2/4 and two 1/1s is already a 4.0, and the added upside of Haste to your outlaws is enough to push this well into bomb range.
Because you can sacrifice lands to this, it's much better in the late game than most Tormenting Voice-like effects.
This is a great ETB trigger. Plot allows you to take full advantage, but even without Plot this can help you hit a land drop in the early stages of the game, and if you draw it late you can just cast it right away because you'll be able to use the card either way.
The stat-line's mediocre, and the second spell trigger isn't great either. Especially because second spell decks are going to want pretty low curves, so I'm not sure this really has a home.
Actually getting to do something to the board when you plot is a big deal, and a 4-mana 3/3 that does 2 to something on ETB is a great card, and this has more upside than that.
Treasure for commiting crimes is pretty nice, and it's not impossible you get the Dragon every now and again.
This is a weirdly defensive stat-line on a creature with an aggressive ability. It's also pretty awkward that Red is one of the colors that wants to cast multiple spells in a turn, and the effect is symmetrical.
You'll get the treasure a significant percentage of the time, and the fail-case isn't too bad.
A mass board pump that draws you a card tends to play pretty well, and Red is quite good at going wide in this format.
Three mana 2/2s that make 1/1s always perform well in Limited, and these tokens both come with an "Outlaw" creature type.
This is a solid trick, but it's only useful in combat, which makes it hard for it to be one you really want to seek out.
This has a passable baseline, and it's saddle ability means it can attack effectively at most stages of the game.
This is a pretty pushed stat-line, making it a great play on turn one and a great place to put Equipment, counters, and tricks. And if it ever becomes useless you can just cash it in.
This is great on turn two, and it's often going to be unblockable in the late game.
This is situational of course, but if you can cast it with both Spree effects, it's kind of insane. If you can copy an opposing removal spell and then change the target of another, you get a 3-for-1.
In a format with Plot, this looks pretty good. It helps you have the mana to plot things, and casting something with Plot for free on your next turn and netting two red mana is sweet too. You won't always be able to use it, but I think you'll be able to often enough.
If you can get even one Dinosaur out of this you're coming out way ahead, and this has the potential to be repeatable.
This is efficient, but a little hard to cast, and being Sorcery speed will make it harder to generate 2-for-1s.
A two mana 1/2 with Flying and Haste is already something you'll play, and this will smash in for more damage pretty often. The Plot upside here isn't something you'll use much in Limited, you just want this down ASAP most of the time.
This will be pretty efficient without even trying. If you play it on 4 it's likely to be a 3/3 with flying and trample, and it'll only go from there.
Being able to cast this at instant speed will feel insane sometimes, because if the stats line up right, you can make two of your opponents creatures destroy one another. That gives this a higher floor than most versions of this kind of effect, while it still has big sacrifice upside.
This has amazing stats, does 3 damage to your opponent no matter what, and if you untap and play a creature the game's pretty much over.
The baseline here is a playable card, and doing three with this seems pretty easy in Red between having a low curve and the Plot mechanic.
This is a little expensive, but it'll have a token to hit reasonably often and it can kill just about anything at instant speed. You probably don't want more than one of them, though.
Two mana for +3/+2 and Trample and a two mana 3/2 with Trample is nuts, even if you wait a turn for the last part.
Green one mana 1/1s with Deathtouch tend to be a little better than black ones because of bite effects.
You'll draw with this often enough for it to be a very good card. And even if you don't draw, it's not a bad rate.
This has huge blowout potential, but it's too expensive to be something you really prioritize.
This is going to overperform because it counts itself. This means buffing it with a mercenary allows it to attack, as do buffs from counters and equipment.
You want to wait to play this until you also drop a land in the same turn so you get value no matter what, and you're going to flood the board with counters beyond that too.
This has decent stats and it's hard for your opponent to interact with it outside of combat without giving you some serious value.
If you can get this to have Flash, it's definitely a 5.0. But even without it it's an amazing rate, and the fact it can fix your mana from your graveyard is a pretty nice cherry on top.
Ramp spells that don't impact the board can hurt, but this provides really nice fixing early and can be a legit win conditoin late.
The stat-line is passable, and don't forget it grants itself trample too.
Neither mode on this is much more than a decent vanilla creature. A 4-mana 5/5 might sound amazing, but getting a turn later makes it a lot less impressive.
This has nice base stats, and it's crime trigger can fix and ramp your mana very nicely.
Overruns aren't as good as they used to be. There just aren't board stalls as much. This could end up overperforming if this format bucks that trend, though.
A 4-mana 4/4 Vigilance is a great starting point, and it's Saddle can come in handy in the mid to late game.
This is a decent trick that gives you back one mana, and it can even help you splash. There aren't so many treasures in Green that this will often give more than +2/+2.
As long as you pay 3 or more for X, this'll feel pretty efficient. But running it out early isn't a disaster either, as trading it off and getting some treasure can really jumpstart your game.
I wouldn't count on getting a benefit out of untapping this with regularity, but doing it once per game isn't a stretch, and a two mana 1/1 that taps for mana of any color is always playable anyway.
This is a great two drop that can attack and block pretty well, and it's ability to ramp your mana is great, even if you 0 Mounts or Vehicles.
It's been awhile since a 4-mana spell that ramps your mana and doesn't help your board state has been something you play with regularity.
Don't sleep on the Tumblewagg. A free counter every turn is a big game, and I'd love with this even without the Saddle.
This will provide amazing fixing since it can grab this format's dual lands, so it will often amount to a three mana 2/3 that draws you a very real card. That's amazing, and it has more upside than that.
Because this has Plot, you can really take advantage of the extra mana and make it more likely you can draw a card off of it the turn you play it.
This won't be quite as good as Eccentric Farmer was, as this format isn't all about the graveyard. But the B/G deck is, and this will do good work there.
The stats are great to begin with, but doubling the size of each creature that enters is backbreaking, especially because you can use Plot to make sure you get the trigger at least once.
The saddle is really easy here, but don't put too much value into the bounce part of the card.
Plot means getting multiple bodies into play in a turn is easier than normal in this format, and even when you aren't doing that this is a nice way to spend excess mana.
It's great that this replaces itself, but it's too expensive for it to be a trick/aura that I'm interested in using.
This looks like a legit win condition for Black/Green decks, but pretty mediocre for everyone else.
The base effect is a three mana draw two that loads your graveyard, and the fact this can also blank removal spells or help creatures survive combat is great. I wouldn't put too much stock in the most expensive mode. Sure, the first mode helps you get stuff in your hand, but it's still tough to consistently get your mana's worth out of that effect.
This is a great trick since it can efficiently blank removal and help your creature win combat.
This is an imposing presence when it's on the board, and fixing your mana early is awesome. That life gain is no small thing either, as you need to counteract the fact that you don't impact the board when you cycle it.
The rate on this is pretty crazy for a Common! It's a very real body that gains you life, and that can go a long way towards helping you stabilize.
This'll definitely get big sometimes, but I don't love how conditional the buff is. It's going to be at it's best in a B/G deck, but I'm also not sure how much they want to be saddling.
This is a great "bite" effect that allows smaller creatures to punch up, and you're going to have enough mounts in Green for that bonus to come up.
This is kind of a medium trick if you only use the first mode, but gaining access to the other two in the mid-game is pretty amazing, and it's the kind of card that can really swing a game in your favor between running over an opposing creature and drawing cards.
This doesn't do anything on its own, and while you can Plot it when you're stuck in a spot like that, the upside isn't insane here.
This has solid stats and an ability with some utility. This isn't a format loaded up with artifacts and enchantments, though.
The stat-line's great, but it's hard to cast and the activating ability is meaningless about 99% of the time in Limited.
You can flash here in to ambush block, reanimate a small thing, untap and draw two cards. That's right, she is a very attainable 4-for-1, and things can get even more out of control from there
This is moslty just a hard-to-cast removal spell that isn't even all that efficient. You'll sometimes get value out of the legendary creature part, but not often enough to give it much weight.
This is an Oblivion Ring that comes with the upside of making a creature into a copy of the exiled one. That last part isn't always going to be useful, but because this card's already so efficient, it doesn't reall matter. It's upside on a card that's already very good.
I don't like that this doesn't do anything on it's own in many cases, nor do I like that it's effect largely only matters on your turn. It can definitely churn out some tokens, but I'm skeptical paying three mana for a do-nothing enchantment to set that up is worth it.
This gives you a 2-for-1, and it even adds to the board. It does need a well-stocked graveyard for you to really get good value, though.
Black/White makes plenty of tokens, so adding more to the board is great, especially when you can sacrifice them for value.
This is 6 mana for a 6/5 and a 6/6 that will get bigger and she draws you cards. She's an insane bomb.
You get something good any time you trigger the second spell effect, but you won't always also have an artifact when you cast your second spell, so don't count on pulling this off a ton. Still, the effect is pretty gamebreaking even if you only get it once.
This is a 4-mana 4/3 that either draws you a card or gives you a 2/2 double strike when it enters the battlefield. And then, it gets that trigger again any time you attack. That's absurd value.
This has great stats, and trample and haste are a very real bonus for your 4 power creatures.
This can become a 2/5 with lifelink even if it's your only mount, and it's not going to be your only mount.
Discounting plots is big, but I don't love that that's pretty much all Doc has going on.
In this format, she's a hard-to-cast 4-mana 4/4 with lifelink. There aren't enough Auras around for her ability to be reliable.
I'd be happy just getting a 2/4 and a 1/1 for this cost, but doubling abilities -- including the mercenary token tap abilty, can really alter combat.
This isn't very good early, but in the late game it can stabilize you out of nowhere or make so many tokens that you can overwhelm your opponent.
He's a bit tough to cast, but that ability can do serious work in this format and he's got decent stats.
The stats are amazing, and will allow The Gitrog to get in there with a good hit the turn it comes down, and your opponent likely has to give up significant resources to take him down on your next swing. So, the fact that The Gitrog can make sure you come out way ahead by sacrificing the creature that saddled it is pretty nuts.
I'd play a card that just had one of these abilities, having both makes this is an incredibly powerful signpost uncommon.
I really want this to be good, and it has the potential. But if this is like other formats of late, paying three mana over and over again for this effect might be too slow.
This is a pretty amazing payoff for doing things at instant speed or plotting, and the stat-line isn't bad either.
Getting treasure to power out more big stuff is pretty nice, and being able to throw treasure away for pings is great, especially once they outlive their usefuleness in the late game.
Black/white makes enough tokens on its own for this trigger to be pretty good, and your opponent is likely to generate some tokens too.
The ETB on this is pretty close to meaningless in Limited, but the legendary payoff is pretty big, and it only asks you to get one into play.
Even though triggering this ability is relatively easy in the format, actually getting to cast a permanent from your hand for free is very far from automatic. But, you'll pull it off sometimes and he's a great French Vanilla creature without that ability anyway.
Playing this and casting something with Plot in the same turn will be a big turn, and that's not even close to far-fetched.
Jasper can draw you tons and tons of cards, and his ability snowballs since you're likely to steal opposing creatures with his trigger.
Growing Lazav won't be hard, and sometimes making him into a copy of a graveyard creature will be real upside.
Triggering her ability isn't the easiest in this format as there simply aren't that many multicolored instants and sorceries. However, a three mana 3/3 with Prowess is already pretty good, and if you can cast an instant or sorcery twice here and there it'll feel insane.
This doesn't effect the board initially, but in theory Make Your Own Luck should give you a huge turn on your next turn. At the same time, spending your turn 5 doing this might mean you're dead before you ever get there, and if you don't reveal at least two spells in your top three, this doesn't feel like it will do enough to make up for it's problems. Most of the time you will draw two real cards with it and get one for free, but you're sort of spinning the roulette wheel every time you cast it, and I don't love that.
This has great stats, and draws you cards. Hard to find a problem here.
This is a very real crime payoff, although I wouldn't count on always having the spare mana to take advantage of it.
I love that your Mounts don't need to be saddled to get the buff, and hexproof on mounts and vehicles is pretty nice, as getting a crewed vehicle or saddled mount killed is a huge tempo-killer.
This is a hard-to-cast 4-mana 2/5 with Menace and the ability is virtually useless in Limited. This means she isn't worth splashing.
Oko's a bomb again. He can attack your opponent when it makes sense to, he digs you deeper in your deck, makes Elks to protect himself, and has an easy to access ultimate that busts the game wide open.
This is a pretty bad card selection spell early, and in the mid-to-late game it become a nice one.
The dream here is to reanimate a legendary creature so that the triggered ability is relevant, but I wouldn't count on doing that too often. That said, the two counters do mean that you're likely to get your mana's worth with this spell.
The stats are great, he's incredibly difficult to kill, and he draws you tons and tons of cards. Yep, that's a bomb.
Modal spells are all over the place in Limited these days, and the Spree mechanic in this format even appears at Common. This means that most decks that can cast Riku will probably have 2-4 modal spells, and that's more than enough, as just getting a trigger once is amazing.
A 5-mana 4/3 that gives you a mana and Shock when it enters and attacks is some awesome value. The mana multiplier effect won't matter much by the time you play here, but that's okay.
There are enough mercenary tokens and other sacrifice fodder in this format for this to do some serious work.
This has good stats, and it draws you a card every time you cast a plotted card, which is great.
This has great stats and it is going to churn out tons of tokens. The mana it makes isn't likely to be super useful, but it's even more upside on a card that was already a bomb.
A two mana 2/2 with lifeilnk and first strike is a real body all game long, and there are going to be plenty of boards this can attack reasonably well on even late. And that's great, since it is also likely to spit out an Angel when you do that.
Two mana to deal two to anything is probably a 2.0, but you're going to draw with this a huge chunk of the time.
Making your damage-based removal better is great, and sometimes you can even turn a weaker burn spell into a Fireball into your opponents dome.
If you play this on two and he sticks around, he's going to chip in tons and tons of damage. The trigger commits a crime, too!
Deathtouch to your whole board sounds pretty good, but the fact that you have to play them in the right order is a problem. In other words, it only gives deathtouch to the things that are in play when it comes down. This means it's pretty bad early, and probably not great in the mid-game either. The legendary payoff can do some work, but you need both legendaries and a creature to get through unblocked, which is far from guaranteed.
While the treasure you get won't be a creature anymore, you do get the abilities of that card.
This is a pretty insane payoff for plotting and doing things at instant speed, and Flash makes it easy to get that first token.
If this saddles or crews, you get some nice value, and the card's baseline is plenty good.
Three mana rocks rarely work in Limited, and while this can draw you cards it only does it very slowly.
Don't let this tempt you too much. It's too expensive and too slow, and the destroy creature part is generally all that will actually matter.
You can equip this right away if you want to, thanks to the treasure. Paying one to Equip for this boost is kind of passable, too.
This buff looks tempting, but if it's anything like other cheap haste-granting Equipment, it isn't going to be worth a card.
This is super easy to crew and pretty big, and sometimes the treasure will be nice, but I have a feeling this'll only really be worth in the Mount/Vehicle decks.
The rate isn't very good, but I think the upside of ramping your mana sometimes makes it playable.
If you need fixing, this can do it. While the stat-line isn't especially good, the life gain helps even that out a tiny bit.
This is pretty good late, but kind of meanginless the rest of the game.
Grabbing a dual desert is pretty good, and it has a useful creature type and a relevant ability.
This does very little for the cost, and you'll only run it when your'e desperate for creatures.
This is a meaningless body and a meaningless ability.
They provide awesome fixing, give you extra value in the form of a ping, commit crimes, and there's even deserts-matter cards in the set. These might just be better than the rare cycle in the format.
If you haven't had the pleasure of playing with bounce lands before -- trust me, this is better than it looks. It essentially provides card advantage as you end up with two lands that produce three mana.
This is a solid source of fixing, though you're probably hoping to get one of the other deserts that fixes your mana.
This is very nice fixing.
This weak ability isn't worth the hit to your mana base.
This weak ability isn't worth the hit to your mana base.
This weak ability isn't worth the hit to your mana base.
This weak ability isn't worth the hit to your mana base.
This weak ability isn't worth the hit to your mana base.
This weak ability isn't worth the hit to your mana base.
This weak ability isn't worth the hit to your mana base.
This is very nice fixing.
This isn't worth the hit to your mana base. The effect just doesn't do enough, even in a format with crimes.
He's a nice value planeswalker, but he isn't going to take over games. He can't protect himself or pressure the opponent, and his second +1 is pretty close to irrelevant in Limited.
If you have like 10 Mounts, this is worth it. Even just having 5 or so probably isn't enough to make it worth playing.
It's nice to have awesome fixing that enters the battlefield untapped.
It's nice to have awesome fixing that enters the battlefield untapped.
It's nice to have awesome fixing that enters the battlefield untapped.
It's nice to have awesome fixing that enters the battlefield untapped.
It's nice to have awesome fixing that enters the battlefield untapped.
Selesnya | 2234 matches | 272 decks |
Gruul | 1012 matches | 121 decks |
Golgari | 949 matches | 118 decks |
Rakdos | 812 matches | 97 decks |
Boros | 681 matches | 83 decks |
Simic | 479 matches | 58 decks |
Orzhov | 454 matches | 57 decks |
Naya | 457 matches | 54 decks |
Azorius | 414 matches | 50 decks |
Dimir | 350 matches | 42 decks |
Izzet | 315 matches | 40 decks |
Abzan | 289 matches | 35 decks |
Bant | 263 matches | 33 decks |
Jund | 246 matches | 29 decks |
Mardu | 202 matches | 24 decks |
Sultai | 189 matches | 23 decks |
Temur | 172 matches | 20 decks |
Grixis | 165 matches | 19 decks |
Esper | 67 matches | 8 decks |
Jeskai | 60 matches | 7 decks |
Four Color | 41 matches | 5 decks |
Mono Green | 36 matches | 4 decks |
Mono Red | 26 matches | 3 decks |
Four Color | 24 matches | 3 decks |
Mono White | 17 matches | 2 decks |
Mono Black | 17 matches | 2 decks |
Mono Blue | 17 matches | 2 decks |
Four Color | 3 matches | 1 decks |
Four Color | 7 matches | 1 decks |
Five Color | 9 matches | 1 decks |
Four Color | 9 matches | 1 decks |