Main 60 cards (19 distinct)
Creature (35)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (4)
Land (21)
Side 15 cards (9 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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  • Meta deck card breakdown - 75 decks, 8.96% of meta

    Eldrazi Displacer 1x in 0%
    Pawpatch Recruit 1x in 0%
    Anointed Peacekeeper 1x in 1%
    Loran of the Third Path 1x in 1%
    Brimaz, King of Oreskos 1x in 1%
    Kazandu Mammoth 1x in 1%
    Scavenging Ooze 1x in 1%
    Welcoming Vampire 1x in 1%
    Intrepid Adversary 1x in 1%
    Kappa Tech-Wrecker 1x in 3%
    Tyvar, the Pummeler 1x in 4%
    Thalia, Heretic Cathar 1x in 4%
    Elite Spellbinder 1x in 4%
    Trostani, Three Whispers 1x in 4%
    Lion Sash 1x in 16%
    Knight of Autumn 1x in 21%
    Voice of Resurgence 1x in 48%
    Werefox Bodyguard 3x in 49%
    Kellan, Daring Traveler 2x in 77%
    Thalia, Guardian of Thraben 3x in 88%
    Llanowar Elves 4x in 91%
    Archon of Emeria 4x in 95%
    Elvish Mystic 4x in 99%
    Enduring Innocence 4x in 100%
    Aven Interrupter 4x in 100%
    Skyclave Apparition 4x in 100%
  • Instant, Sorcery
    Kayla's Reconstruction 1x in 0%
    Emeria's Call 1x in 1%
    Soul Partition 1x in 1%
    Dromoka's Command 1x in 9%
    Collected Company 4x in 100%
  • Enchantment, Artifact
    Virtue of Loyalty 1x in 11%
  • Planeswalkers
    The Wandering Emperor 1x in 0%
  • Lands
    Hushwood Verge 1x in 0%
    Lair of the Hydra 1x in 1%
    Restless Prairie 1x in 7%
    Branchloft Pathway 3x in 16%
    Shefet Dunes 1x in 63%
    Boseiju, Who Endures 1x in 65%
    Brushland 4x in 97%
    Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire 1x in 100%
    Razorverge Thicket 4x in 100%
    Temple Garden 4x in 100%
  • Sideboard
    Welcoming Vampire 1x in 0%
    Unlicensed Hearse 1x in 0%
    Wedding Announcement 1x in 0%
    Not on My Watch 1x in 0%
    Yasharn, Implacable Earth 1x in 0%
    Pawpatch Formation 1x in 0%
    Vivien, Monsters' Advocate 1x in 0%
    Rest in Peace 1x in 1%
    Kayla's Reconstruction 1x in 1%
    Sentinel of the Nameless City 1x in 1%
    Voice of Resurgence 1x in 1%
    Sheltered by Ghosts 1x in 1%
    Thalia, Guardian of Thraben 1x in 1%
    Scavenging Ooze 1x in 1%
    Thalia, Heretic Cathar 1x in 1%
    Crystal Barricade 1x in 1%
    Archon of Emeria 1x in 1%
    Tranquil Frillback 1x in 1%
    Loran of the Third Path 1x in 1%
    Tocasia's Welcome 1x in 1%
    Ajani, Sleeper Agent 1x in 1%
    Pick Your Poison 1x in 3%
    Reidane, God of the Worthy 1x in 3%
    Kutzil's Flanker 1x in 3%
    Get Lost 1x in 5%
    Elite Spellbinder 1x in 8%
    The Wandering Emperor 2x in 8%
    Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines 1x in 9%
    Cathar Commando 1x in 9%
    Guardian of Faith 1x in 11%
    Back to Nature 1x in 11%
    Knight of Autumn 1x in 16%
    Portable Hole 3x in 17%
    Gideon, Ally of Zendikar 1x in 33%
    Anointed Peacekeeper 1x in 36%
    Werefox Bodyguard 1x in 48%
    Dromoka's Command 1x in 51%
    Brutal Cathar 3x in 68%

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Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
Selesnya Company deck variations
14th MTGO Challenge 32 31/01/25
Will_Costa 47 Participants
13th MTGO Challenge 32 30/01/25
TellKou 54 Participants
16th MTGO Challenge 32 28/01/25
Buffix 47 Participants
12th MTGO Challenge 32 19/01/25
MJ_23 51 Participants
5th-8th MTGO Challenge 32 17/01/25
MJ_23 45 Participants
3rd-4th Christmas Tournament @ Magic tournaments Russia 11/01/25
Soapeace 39 Participants
3rd-4th MTGO Challenge 32 12/01/25
marolanzi 48 Participants
1st MTGO Challenge 32 11/01/25
flyingspaghetti 32 Participants
7th LotusVale-Series#3 Winter 2025 @ Herne (Germany) 05/01/25
Christian Niehaus 105 Participants
9th MTGO Challenge 32 10/01/25
LasVegasChaos 46 Participants
14th MTGO Challenge 32 10/01/25
_PJ_ 46 Participants
14th MTGO Challenge 32 05/01/25
Brasatore 51 Participants
5th-8th MTGO Challenge 32 03/01/25
MJ_23 51 Participants
15th MTGO Challenge 32 03/01/25
marolanzi 51 Participants
3rd-4th ReCQ @ SCG CON Atlanta 03/01/25
Zhao Li 34 Participants
3rd-4th MTGO Challenge 32 31/12/24
_PJ_ 48 Participants
5th-8th MTGO Challenge 32 31/12/24
MJ_23 48 Participants
3rd-4th MTGO Challenge 32 27/12/24
LasVegasChaos 35 Participants
11th MTGO Challenge 32 24/12/24
DelverFofoqueiro 49 Participants
13th MTGO Challenge 32 22/12/24
LasVegasChaos 48 Participants
3rd-4th Nord Cup: X @ Flensburg (Germany) 15/12/24
Moritz Elle 38 Participants
5th-8th Nord Cup: X @ Flensburg (Germany) 15/12/24
Moritz Tremplin 38 Participants
3rd-4th MTGO Challenge 32 15/12/24
LasVegasChaos 37 Participants
5th-8th MTGO Challenge 32 12/12/24
WilliamMelo 47 Participants
2nd MTGO Challenge 32 08/12/24
LasVegasChaos 41 Participants
5th-8th MTGO Challenge 32 07/12/24
claudioh 55 Participants
9th MTGO Challenge 32 07/12/24
Marcuzinho 55 Participants
14th MTGO Challenge 32 05/12/24
Marcuzinho 57 Participants
3rd-4th MTGO Challenge 32 17/11/24
VitorCarvalho01 46 Participants
16th MTGO Challenge 32 15/11/24
LasVegasChaos 46 Participants
2nd MTGO Challenge 32 12/11/24
_Paula_ 39 Participants
3rd-4th MTGO Challenge 64 10/11/24
remf 64 Participants
2nd Ultimate Guard Pioneer Open – Fanfinity @ Lille (France) 10/11/24
Koen De Vos 335 Participants
5th-8th Ultimate Guard Pioneer Open – Fanfinity @ Lille (France) 10/11/24
Marty Silverberg 335 Participants
9th-16th Ultimate Guard Pioneer Open – Fanfinity @ Lille (France) 10/11/24
Fabrizio Campanino 335 Participants
9th-16th Ultimate Guard Pioneer Open – Fanfinity @ Lille (France) 10/11/24
Bogdan Oros 335 Participants
9th-16th Ultimate Guard European Magic Series – Fanfinity @ RC Lille 2024
Conor Hughes 546 Participants
9th-16th Ultimate Guard European Magic Series – Fanfinity @ RC Lille 2024
Matti Tyynysniemi 546 Participants
9th-16th Ultimate Guard European Magic Series – Fanfinity @ RC Lille 2024
David Dunitza 546 Participants
9th-16th ANZ Super Series Cycle 7 Sunday 5K @ Petersham Town Hall (Sydney,
Malcolm Zegveld 151 Participants
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Dan Bretherton 151 Participants
9th MTGO Challenge 32 08/11/24
LasVegasChaos 33 Participants
16th MTGO Challenge 32 08/11/24
coco7721 33 Participants
5th-8th MTGO Challenge 64 03/11/24
Lollopollo2001 79 Participants
5th-8th South American Magic Series - Regional Championship - Magicsur Ch
Andres Cifuentes 147 Participants
9th-16th South American Magic Series - Regional Championship - Magicsur Ch
Frederick Escobar 147 Participants
1st MTGO Challenge 32 01/11/24
Kotte89 78 Participants
5th-8th MTGO Challenge 32 01/11/24
coco7721 78 Participants
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