2024 WPN Promo Cards - Zombie Master, Lord of Atlantis & More
Who doesn't love getting sweet versions of awesome MTG cards for getting out to their LGS and playing? If you play at a WPN premium store, you're lucky because WOTC has a great lineup of WPN promo cards arriving throughout 2024. Today, I'll cover the cards, when and where you can get them, and the other promo card recently spoiled. Here's everything you need to know.
2024 WPN Promo Cards
Each of the five cards, Zombie Master, Lord of Atlantis
, Goblin King
, Serra Angel
, and Gaea's Liege
come in a borderless promo style with brand new art and fantastic flavor text (Gaea's Liege didn't have room, I suppose) that breaks the fourth wall!
The cards show the characters playing Magic: The Gathering or, in the case of Goblin King, in a card shop. This is an excellent, unique idea that I'm surprised they haven't done before now. That said, I hope we continue to see things like this in the future because it's fun.
As for the cards themselves, we've got some bangers and some less exciting stuff. As many people have mentioned, whites promo feels a little underwhelming. Don't get me wrong, Serra Angel is a well-loved classic card. However, it's much less playable today than Lord of Atlantis and Goblin King. The same could be said of Gaea's Liege. Not as exciting as some others.
I would have liked to see lords or similar cards for green and white. The choice for black is particularly exciting because this is only the second printing we've ever gotten of Zombie Master. So, that's something, for sure. I imagine it will be one of the more coveted cards. Now, let's look at when and where you can get these.
When And Where Are 2024 WPN Promo Cards Available?
Players are excited by these spoilers, and the number one question I see is, "Where will these be given out, and how do I get one?" Here's everything you need to know about the release schedule.
These promos will only come from Wizards Play Network (WPN) Premium Stores. You can use the store locator to find stores near you. Here's when and how you can get your hands on these. They'll be released quarterly throughout late 2023 and into 2024 as follows:
- Fourth Quarter 2023: Serra Angel
- First Quarter 2024: Lord of Atlantis
- Second Quarter 2024: Zombie Master
- Third Quarter 2024: Goblin King
- Fourth Quarter 2024: Gaea's Liege
These promos aren't tied to any particular event or set. So, they'll be given out to stores on the timeline shown above and be distributed however the stores see fit. So, as they start to release finding your closest WPN store and asking them is a safe bet.
Additional Promo
If you're uptodate on Lost Cavern of Ixalan spoilers, you may have seen some of these awesome cosmium neon ink cards and the other special guest cards for the set. However, this perticular yellow version is only avalible as a promo version through WPN stores and will be coming out "throughout the next year, like the other promos above" acording to WOTC.
It seems with their recent reveiving of comperitive events and promos for Standard, and then these that Wizards are really leaning into these promos as incentives to get players out to stores again. And that's great news. With promo cards like these, it'll surely get players out thier front doors with deck in hand.
Which one of the 2024 WPN promos is your favorite? Comment and let me know. I have to say Cavern of Souls for me!