Top 10 Most Expensive "Regular" MTG Tokens

High price tags are something that MTG players are more than familiar with. Some of the most extreme examples come recently with the Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earth products and the two-million-dollar One Ring card. We're not talking about anything nearly that expensive today, however. Today I'd like to cover something that flies under the radar regarding value - I'm talking about the most expensive MTG tokens.
Often, tokens get cast aside after opening a pack of MTG cards. And even if you need a few tokens for your tribal deck, there usually cheap to pick up. Or you can use whatever tokens you have to represent the creature type you may need. My point is that they're usually not too important and generally not considered valuable. But there are some pretty expensive MTG tokens.
And not just super old or "promo" tokens. I won't cover foreign Japanese tokens, promos from special events, or even secret lair tokens. I'm talking just your run-of-the-mill creature tokens from regular (with one from an unset) MTG sets. So, without further ado, let's get into the top 10 most expensive MTG tokens.
Top 10 Most Expensive "Regular" MTG Tokens
10. Plant // Saproling - Double Masters (Foil)
Market Price - $8.26
Double-sided tokens tend to be a bit more pricey than their single-sided counterparts, and that's the case for our first entry. One side is a 0/1 plant, and the other is a 1/1 saproling. This particular version comes from Double Masters and only comes in foil. If I'm not mistaken, you could only get these from Double Masters collector boosters too.
If I had to guess, I would say that the 0/1 plant side is the more playable side since it goes right alongside Avenger of Zendikar, but saproling decks are a thing in EDH too. And maybe if you're playing a spicy, decked-out plant tribal deck, you'd need both sides in foil, no questions asked.
9. Goblin Shaman - Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty
Market Price - $8.36
What we have here with the Goblin Shaman is simple supply and demand. This token is created by Fable of the Mirror-Breaker // Reflection of Kiki-Jiki, which is incredibly powerful and sees a ton of competitive play in multiple formats. So, there's your demand - At a high level of play and when you're running full playsets of fable, you're going to need official tokens, and you're going to need a few of them.
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On the other hand, it's a unique token, and it's only ever been printed in Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty, which was a successful set, meaning a lot of packs got cracked and a lot of these tokens got swept into the great beyond before the card really caught fire. Therefore, we have a relatively scarce, unique token with all the playability in the world. Until the Goblin Shaman gets another printing, this will remain one of the more expensive MTG tokens.
8. Copy // Treasure - Innistrad: Crimson Vow (Foil)
Market Price - $9.22
If you play Commander, you know that treasure tokens are created in excess these days via cards like Dockside Extortionist, Prosper, Tome Bound, Smothering Tithe
, Old Gnawbone
, and many more. That said, players playing these decks often create a ton of treasures and can use several tokens. And again, this is a double-sided token (with a copy on the flipside) which can also be helpful in formats like commander and foil.
And even in non-EDH formats, cards like Fable of the Mirror-Breaker // Reflection of Kiki-Jiki and Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer
can both churn out treasures throughout a game in Modern or Pioneer.
7. Dog // Griffin - Core Set 2021 (Foil)
Market Price - $9.44
Spoiler alert - This is the first of many double-sided foil Dog // x tokens from core set 2021 on the list. Some tokens from M21 weren't printed at the same rate as other tokens, and these are only available from the collector boosters. This combination makes them rare, and collectors and players want them, which is the perfect storm for value.
Low supply + High Demand = Valuable. It's also randomized as to what you get paired together on a token; some combinations are rarer than others. More on this later.
6. Samurai // Goblin Shaman - Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty (Foil)
Market Price - $9.54
As I mentioned above for the standalone Goblin Shaman token, it's valuable because of the popularity of Fable of the Mirror-Breaker // Reflection of Kiki-Jiki, which requires the token. The card is a powerhouse, and everything I said about that token also applies here. However, this double-sided foil version is only available in Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty collector boosters, which makes it significantly scarcer.
That said, given the popularity (especially at a competitive level), I'm somewhat surprised that this version is only $1.20 more than the regular version. When you need a token for the pro tour or something, practicality takes over, and all versions have about equal demand, I suppose.
5. Dog // Weird - Core Set 2021 (Foil)
Market Price - $9.89
Here we have our second double-sided Dog // x token from M21. If you've been skimming, I'll review some. These tokens weren't printed at the same rate as all other tokens for the set. These double-sided foil versions can only be gotten from collector boosters, so surprisingly, few are floating around. And people love Dog tribal decks.
These have even become items that collectors are interested in. The final element is that what two tokens you get together is randomized, and some combinations were a lot more sought-after and rare than others. The Dog // Weird version is probably rarer than the Dog // Griffin token at number 7.
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Interestingly, the only card that creates an x/x Weird token is Experimental Overload. Of course, it also comes from M21, and if you look closely, it features the same character on the art.
4. Beast Token (Multicolor) - Shards of Alara
Market Price - $12.42
This token comes from Shards of Alara, way back in 2008. And the value comes from the fact that the thing is old and has never been reprinted. Think about how many packs you'd need to crack to get a few of this particular token back in 08... And that was 15 years ago. Now Shards of Alara boxes go for about $800, so you can imagine there aren't too many packs getting cracked, further choking off the supply.
So, what makes big beefy 8/8s? Godsire, of course. I love this card. The flavor text, art, and token remind me of days in MTG. Maybe one day we'll get a new Godsire card to pay sacrifice to, and the 8/8 token that represents his hungry progeny will get a new version. Until then, this will run you about $12.
3. Squirrel - Unglued
Market Price - $13.86
If you thought Shards of Alara tokens were old, just wait. This squirrel token comes from the original "unset" Unglued from 1998. Yep, 25 years ago. Since then, squirrel tribal has become a beloved archetype, and this old-school, silver-bordered token has a lot of homes these days. My favorite is Chatterfang, Squirrel General, but there are many more.
Unlike the beast token mentioned above, many newer options have been printed since this one. However, non quite have the appeal that this original one does. First, the card has no power, toughness, or name, which is fantastic. Next, the art is phenomenal. It's exceptionally well done and, I would say, hyper-realistic. Unsets often have great art, though, so there is no surprise.
2. Cat // Dog - Core set 2021 (Foil)
Market Price - $18.07
Here we have our final token from M21. Like the others, this one is double-sided, foil, and only came out of collector boosters. This particular combination (cat on one side and dog on the other) is the rarest of the bunch. It wasn't uncommon to open several collector booster boxes and only come away with two or three cat/dog tokens. So, they're pretty few and far between.
The demand for these (beyond them being foil and rare) comes from the popular dog/cat tribal commander Rin and Seri, Inseparable, which makes both tokens. If you play Rin and Seri, you'll undoubtedly want to get your hands on at least one of these. That said, at nearly $20 each, I wouldn't blame you for going with the New Capenna version.
1. Saproling // Voja Token - Guilds of Ravnica: Guild Kits
Market Price - $18.42
At last, we arrive at our most expensive MTG token. The Saproling / Voja token is only something you can get out of the selesnya Guilds of Ravnica: Guild Kit. If you're unfamiliar with these, each came with a 60-card deck built around a particular guild's theme, five double-sided tokens, an official guild pin, a guild sticker, and a spindown life counter.
One of the tokens for the green/white deck was the one you see above. The Voja side, in particular, is very unique and has never been printed anywhere except the guild kits. The regal-looking wolf token is created by Tolsimir Wolfblood, who will immediately make Voja into a 4/4.
If you play Tolsimir in Commander and want the token or are interested in the reconstructed deck, you can pick it up for around $30 and have this token alone cover most of the cost, which is fantastic. Of course, if you only want the token, you can get it for around $18. Considering how rare it is (regarding sheer numbers in circulation), I'm not surprised to see it atop the list here.
There you have it, my friends—the top 10 most expensive MTG tokens. Not including things from Secret Lair drops, player reward program promos, and exclusive Japanese tokens, of course. Let me know if you'd like to see a list of those items, and I'll make it happen. Until next time, go check your "bulk" from M21 Collector Boosters and see if you're sitting on any dog/cat tokens you didn't know about.