Your Guide to the Festival: Battle Royale Event

Kagros May 16, 2020 1 min

The Festival: Battle Royale event is running this weekend on MTGA. Here's a quick run-down on how to quickly get 5 wins or your daily wins throughout the weekend.


Runtime: May 16, 2020 at 12:00 AM PST – May 18, 2020 at 12:00 AM PST

Format: Omniscience Preconstructed Best-of-1 Singleton

Entry Fee: 500 Gems or 2500 Gold


Comicbook alt-art of the following cards:

image image image image image


The deck consists of 160 cards, meaning every game will definitely be different. Becoming familiar with the decklist is not necessary; we're here to quickly give you wins after all.

Festival: Battle Royale Decklist

Main 160 cards (160 distinct)
Creature (85)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (75)


Here are some basics you need to remember first:

  • 30 Starting Life Total
  • Since this is Omniscience, you can cast any cards from your hand for free. Every turn, you may create WUBRG for free to use activated abilities on your cards
  • Your starting hand size is reduced to 3
  • Free mulligan because this is Singleton

And now here are the gameplay tips you should keep in mind:

  • Card advantage is king. Whichever player ends up casting more cards will usually end up winning the game.
  • Mutate and cycling are NOT free. Because of this, you may not actually be able to activate some creature's Mutate ability because the Omniscience emblem won't provide you enough mana to do so. Some examples are Archipelagoreimage and Auspicious Starriximage.
  • Starting life totals are 30, so you shouldn't be dumping your hand right out the gate trying to kill your opponent. There are board wipes like Time Wipeimage and ways of recurring them, so do not dump your hand unless you are backed by a Negateimage or other counter-magic.
  • There is the uncommon cycling cycle that gives one of your creatures a certain token when the card is cycled. Splendor Mareimage and maybe Avian Oddityimage as creatures are unremarkable, but all the others should be played out. Cycling isn't technically card advantage, especially in this format.
  • Scholar of the Agesimage is in the deck and you can loop it with Survivors' Bondimage
  • There is a lot of removal in the decks, so using Mutate is usually not correct unless you really want Mutate triggers. It's best to go wide to force removal out of your opponent's hand. Usually the right time to Mutate is only when you get multiple Mutate triggers to make it worth it.
  • There are several graveyard recursion cards. Use your Exile effects accordingly.
  • If you are topdecking and your opponent is not, you've probably lost unless your opponent is at a very low life total.

I had a lot of fun with this event. Hope you all enjoy the event!

About Kagros:

Aether Hub News Team member. Writing thoughts on Magic news and fun gameplay!


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How to quickly get 5 wins: Just be lucky. There's nothing else to it in that mode.
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