Arena Standard - 2022 - Orzhov Control

TCGPlayer $66
Cardmarket €13
Cardhoarder 2 Tix
  • Deck contains 19 invalid cards for this format: Typhoid Rats (ANB), Acquisitions Expert (ZNR), Flunk (STX), Priest of the Haunted Edge (KHM), Vanishing Verse (STX), Go Blank (STX), Inscription of Ruin (ZNR), Pelakka Predation (ZNR), Baleful Mastery (STX), Skull Raid (KHM), Cosmos Elixir (KHM), Doomskar (KHM), Tergrid, God of Fright (KHM), Blood on the Snow (KHM), Professor Onyx (STX), Snow-Covered Plains (KHM), Snow-Covered Swamp (KHM), Brightclimb Pathway (ZNR), Snowfield Sinkhole (KHM)
Main 60 cards (19 distinct)
Creature (11)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (24)
Planeswalker (2)
Land (23)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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This deck's wincons are (most of the time):

image image



Melt opponent's hand and drastically slow the game with Acquisitions Expertimage, Go Blankimage, Inscription of Ruinimage, Pelakka Predationimage and Skull Raidimage and eventually with Tergrid's Lanternimage while you gain life and draw with Cosmos Elixirimage. Most of the time the opponent is forced to top deck every turn, making your job to outwit him much much easier.

Use your creatures to block during the early game (you can let them die in order to gain time) and block key creatures with Typhoid Ratsimage, but sometimes it is worth taking damage knowing something bigger is coming. If blocking is not required, you can go a long way by attacking with Typhoid Ratsimage every turns.

Once you play your first board wipe, you generally start to take the upper hand. Board wipe are especially important against izzet dragons because targeting the dragons makes things more complicated. NOTE: Do not forget Goldspan Dragonimage gives two mana to the opponent, if you suspect he has a Saw It Comingimage, take the damage, bait him with a discard spell next turn and then wipe the board with a foretold Doomskarimage.

Deal with creatures by casting Flunkimage (try to hold on them if you suspect the opponent is playing Faceless Havenimage), Priest of the Haunted Edgeimage, Vanishing Verseimage (absolutely hold on to these if you need to deal with a class card) and Baleful Masteryimage and of course you can destroy creatures with Inscription of Ruinimage but keep in mind that is not an instant (you will use this spell to make the opponent discard cards 80% of the time and sometimes bringing back a Typhoid Ratsimage or a Priest of the Haunted Edgeimage will be a godsend).

Wipe the board with Doomskarimage and Blood on the Snowimage. The latter can be used to bring back Professor Onyximage, Tergrid, God of FrightimagePriest of the Haunted Edgeimage and I know it will sound ridiculous but Typhoid Ratsimage. Typhoid Ratsimage is extremely useful against Faceless Havenimage, Hall of Storm Giantsimage (ward is bypassed this way) and any creature without Trample like Cragplate Balothimage (again, hexproof is bypassed this way). Depending on the deck you are facing, it absolutely can stall the early game big time and come back latter to keep forcing the opponent to be passive until you start your Professor Onyximage and Tergrid, God of Frightimage shenanigans.

Deal with planeswalkers with Baleful Masteryimage, Vanishing Verseimage and Blood on the Snowimage.


Most of the time, you will win by triggering Professor Onyximage ultimate and/or Tergrid's Lanternimage, but sometime you will simply finish the opponent with small fries and Tergrid, God of Frightimage.


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Created: 19 Jul 2021
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