Arena Standard - Grixis SuperFries

  • Deck contains 1 invalid cards for this format: Fires of Invention (ELD)
Main 60 cards (19 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (24)
Planeswalker (7)
Creature (3)
Land (26)
Side 15 cards (11 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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Main Deck Tech: Utilizes Fires of Inventionimage(Fries) to setup for powerful turns casting two threats per turn, or casting a threat and answering an opposing one. This gets even better with another new addition from Eldraine, Fae of Wishesimage. We're able to pull unique answers from the sideboard such as Casualties of Warimage, Ashiok, Dream Renderimage, Unmoored Egoimage, and Kaya's Wrathimage because Fires of Inventionimage opens up other colors! Normally we win through Nicol Bolas, Dragon-Godimage -8(easier to setup thanks to Planewide Celebrationimage) or through Chandra, Awakened Infernoimage damage. Castle Vantressimage allows us to mana dump and setup scrys during the upkeep giving us a better card to cast and renewing our pass for the value train. We include various answers to both planeswalkers and creatures such as Angrath's Rampageimage and Bedevilimage to make sideboarding versus control easier; this entails not having to sideboard out more than Legion's Endimage when facing creatureless control. 


Sideboard Tech: So, most of this section will cover what to grab with Fae of Wishesimage and what to actually "sideboard" between games. During 99% of your sideboarding phases, 0 cards will be brought in. I repeat, 99% of the time, no cards will be brought in. This is mainly because we want most of the cards to stay fetchable by Fae of Wishesimage. The Wandererimage solves the Wicked Wolfimage problem while dodging Veil of Summerimage. It's also super funny with Command the Dreadhordeimage


Esper Stax is part of the 1%. During this matchup you'll sideboard like this: 

-1 Fires of Inventionimage

-2 Legion's Endimage

-3 Ritual of Sootimage


+1 Chandra, Awakened Infernoimage

+1 The Elderspellimage or Command the Dreadhordeimage

+2 Ashiok, Dream Renderimage

+2 Unmoored Egoimage


The idea here is to weaken the opponent's Unmoored Egoimage. Bringing in an extra Chandra, Awakened Infernoimage and sideboarding out one of your Fires of Inventionimage allows you to wish for Fires of Inventionimage later while also adding a threat. Ashiok, Dream Renderimage exiles their graveyard making it impossible to recur artifacts and enchantments, and enables mill as a win-con. Unmoored Egoimage allows us to remove their Doom Foretoldimage or Dance of the Manseimage. Usually Dance is the first target, but Doom Foretoldimage can ruin a game. Normally it prevents us setting up Fires of Inventionimage or a Planeswalker because we'd have to sacrfice it before gaining any value. Thought Erasureimage their first Doom Foretoldimage,Dance of the Manseimage, or Thought Erasureimage, and we should be good to go!


Field of the Dead/Golos is the other 1%:

-2 Ritual of Sootimage

-2 Angrath's Rampageimage


+2 Unmoored Egoimage

+2 Ashiok, Dream Renderimage


Angrath's Rampageimage is weak against Tamiyo, Collector of Talesimage, and we can always grab Ritual of Sootimage from the sideboard with Fae to answer a huge board. Or, if we have Fires of Inventionimage out, we can simply grab Kaya's Wrathimage. Sideboarding out the Angrath's Rampageimage also allows us to wish for it as well. If they have two or less Field of the Deadimage this is normally the go to target for Unmoored Egoimage. This is situational, and will have to be felt out. Sometimes it's better to name Hydroid Krasisimage or Golos. Casualties of Warimage can answer one Field of the Deadimage, but usually it's quite hard to come back from a swarm of respawing zombies. 


Reanimator is the other other 1% in which we actually sideboard:


-2 Ritual of Sootimage

-2 Legion's Endimage

-1 Fires of Inventionimage


+1 Chandra, Awakened Infernoimage

+2 Ashiok, Dream Renderimage

+2 Unmoored Egoimage


As always, we leave a copy each of Ashiok, Dream Renderimage and Unmoored Egoimage so we can wish for it with Fae of Wishesimage. We also board out a Fires of Inventionimage to keep it safe from the opponent's potential Unmoored Egoimage. First Unmoored Egoimage Target = Agent of Treacheryimage. Then target whatever else we see as a threat after looking through their deck. 



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How are you finding this deck? Whats your winrate? Currently playing grixis fires as well, but I don't run the fae of wishes, it seems cool I'm just not sure if it works without fires, feel like there should be a chromatic latern somewhere around here. Also how is rampage working in this deck?
Last Updated: 29 Sep 2019
Created: 28 Sep 2019
5641 1485 1

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