Arena Standard - Colorless Matters

  • Deck contains 26 invalid cards for this format: Crawling Barrens (ZNR), Clearwater Pathway (ZNR), Stonecoil Serpent (ELD), Fae of Wishes (ELD), Jwari Disruption (ZNR), Mazemind Tome (M21), Brazen Borrower (ELD), Radiant Fountain (M21), Neutralize (IKO), Palladium Myr (M21), Extinction Event (IKO), Solemn Simulacrum (M21), Forsaken Monument (ZNR) Ugin, the Spirit Dragon (M21), Ugin, the Spirit Dragon (M21), Shark Typhoon (IKO), Sublime Epiphany (M21), Shadows' Verdict (ZNR), Jace, Mirror Mage (ZNR), Neutralize (IKO), Lofty Denial (M21), Sorcerous Spyglass (ELD), Soul-Guide Lantern (THB), Tormod's Crypt (M21), Ashiok, Nightmare Muse (THB), Forsaken Monument (ZNR)
Main 60 cards (16 distinct)
Creature (19)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (15)
Planeswalker (3)
Land (23)
Side 15 cards (12 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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First and foremost, full credit for the idea goes to BillyRed and this list that they posted  For a more in depth description of how things work, you should definitely check their deck out first since this is a riff on it and I'll only be discussing the cards that I added on my end.  But seriously, you should check the original deck out.  It's really, really good and the description gives a lot of insight into how to play it.


Anyway, onto my additions to the Colorless Matters theme.


Extinction Eventimage - While testing out the initial list on my end, I kept running into board states that I was having a difficult time with, and really felt like even a situational sweeper would be a fantastic addition to keeping you alive until late game.  Thus, I added Extinction Event.  It's not a super great option, but white isn't really ideal to splash thanks to WOTC deciding that Azorius didn't need a proper dual land.  So, I went the Dimir route thanks to the decision to push rogues with this set. 

Clearwater Pathwayimage - And here's the enabler for EE.  I have mixed feelings on the fixing for Zendikar.  I like the versatility behind a lot of the spell lands and modal duals, but it doesn't really do control many favors, especially since if you fix early you can screw yourself over badly late game by not having the mana required for an answer.  It's not awful with this, since the only card that you'll need double black for is out of the wishboard, but I can still see it hurting control builds going forward.  The fact that they decided to only hit half of the color pairs is also an annoyance, but I've seen it before with shock lands, so I won't be fully up in arms unless they forego fixing for the remainder of the pairs in the next set.

Crawling Barrensimage - An amazingly good mana sink for late game, these lands work well with Forsaken Monumentimage and give you an additional threat against a control mirror thanks to how many cards can miss lands or colorless creatures/permanents. 



This deck can be incredibly powerful if you play things correctly and get good draws.  It's top end with Ugin is particularly good, since unlike other control decks that run him, he leaves almost all of your permanents unscathed.  I think a splash of black is a decent option for dealing with problematic midrange decks that like to flood the board against you in an attempt to go wide, and the wish-board also benefits by having a couple of colors to draw from.  Let me know if it works out for you or if you have any suggestions going forward!  And also check out BillyRed's lists on here.  A lot of them are exceptionally fun and competitive.

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Thanks for the shout out big dog! The community supporting each other is what its all about!
Last Updated: 19 Sep 2020
Created: 19 Sep 2020
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Color Breakdown
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
17 10 24 9 0
1 3 6 5 0
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