Creature (22) | |||
$3.76 | |||
$0.30 | |||
$53.74 | |||
$0.16 | |||
$0.20€0.110.03 | |||
$13.75 | |||
$0.75 | |||
$0.24€0.140.03 | ||
$0.50€0.630.03 | |||
$2.89 | |||
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (14) | |||
$0.480.03 | |||
$0.15€0.050.03 | |||
$0.25€0.110.03 | |||
$0.43 | |||
$0.20€0.150.03 | |||
Land (24) | |||
$0.150.03 | ||
$0.170.03 | ||
$0.20€0.120.03 | |||
$4.35 |
$0.20€0.130.03 | |||
$0.20€0.100.03 | |||
$0.15€0.070.03 | |||
$0.16€0.070.03 | |||
$0.22€0.110.03 | |||
$0.14€0.020.03 | |||
$0.15€0.050.03 |
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Learn more Download For WindowsThis is a budget deck upgrade for Avalanche!, the Simic/Quandrix (U/G) Starter deck on MTG Arena unlocked through the Color Challenge.
This Deck Upgrade costs: 9 Common WC's || 14 Uncommon WC's || 0 Rare & Mythic WC's
All other cards in the deck, including the rares and mythics, are obtained for free from the other Arena Starter Decks.
The Avalanche! preconstructed deck is built around two main themes: Snow and Ramp. This upgraded list foregoes the snow synergies in exchange for a greater focus on strengthening our ramp plan. Let's check out some of the changes below.
We're running 4 copies of Neverwinter Dryad as an early ramper. We can play Dryad on Turn 1, Sacrifice it on Turn 2, and then play Cultivator on Turn 3 to get us up to a very quick 6 mana on Turn 4. Prosperous Innkeeper is our other early ramper. We like his treasure ramp because we are guaranteed to have extra mana when we play him even if he is removed. Innkeeper on Turn 2 is another way to hit our Cultivator on Turn 3. Speaking of which, Quandrix Cultivator is our strongest ramp card. He's a solid body at 3/4 that can both accelerate us towards our bigger threats while also protecting us on our way there. Bonus points for having the land he tutors up from our library enter the battlefield untapped. Field Trip is a decent ramp spell that gives us some added flexibility thanks to its Learn ability. Eureka Moment gives us both card draw and ramp if we have a land card in hand and can be cast at instant speed, allowing us to have multiple options if we want to hold up mana to counter our opponent's stuff.
Most of these are 1-of Rares that we include from the other Starter decks. They're all big bodies with powerful effects that we want to be dropping early. Aside from these Rares that we get for free, there's not much available in the way of top-end for a ramp deck in the Common and Uncommon slot. Though it's mana cost is slightly restrictive (8 mana is a lot to ask for something that doesn't instantly win the game), Bookwurm is our best option. It's a solid body with trample, has built-in recursion, draws us a card and gains us some life - all things that we like to do.
Unfortunately for us, our opponents are also going to be trying to win the game - so, we need to prevent them from doing so. Jwari Disruption fills in a nice slot for us in that it can be played as a land or a conditional counter spell. It also has a nice play pattern with our Neverwinter Dryad in that we have some added flexibility on turn two - we can sacrifice our dryad to ramp or possibly counter our opponent's turn 2 play if they are an aggressive deck. Decisive Denial also gives us some flexibility by being either a fight spell or another conditional counter spell. Divide by Zero is our main source of disruption. It can buy us the precious turns we need to ramp up to our pay-ffs or close out the game with said pay-offs. It's particularly strong in this meta against spells like Goldspan Dragon Alrund's Epiphany and Blood on the Snow, and it even learns. Dragon Turtle is good for slowing our opponent down by tapping one of their creatures for two turns and then leaves us with a solid 3/5 body afterwards.
Simic Ramp is a powerful deck in the Standard 2022 meta with a lot of different builds. Generally most of the lists look very similar with a few different flex slots. If you enjoy this deck and would like to upgrade it further, here are some considerations. Keep in mind these are all viable upgrades, but not necessarily all meant to be It is generally best to start with the lands.
I hope you enjoy this deck and that it serves you well. There's a deck tech video on youtube attached to this guide and I stream on Twitch here so don't hesitate to reach out :) I'd love to hear your experience with the deck. Good luck and have fun!
33 | 20 | 4 | 3 | 0 |
6 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Symbols | Percentage | Lands |