Standard - Dimir Surveil

TCGPlayer $14
Cardmarket €10
Cardhoarder 2 Tix
  • Deck contains 17 invalid cards for this format: Lazav, the Multifarious (GRN), Nightveil Predator (GRN), Notion Rain (GRN), Thought Erasure (GRN), Disinformation Campaign (GRN), Dimir Spybug (GRN), Dimir Guildgate (GRN), Discovery // Dispersal (GRN), Connive // Concoct (GRN), Dream Eater (GRN), Sinister Sabotage (GRN), Thoughtbound Phantasm (GRN), Price of Fame (GRN), Cry of the Carnarium (RNA), The Elderspell (WAR), Enter the God-Eternals (WAR), Noxious Grasp (M20)
Main 60 cards (16 distinct)
Creature (14)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (22)
Land (24)
Side 15 cards (7 distinct)
Maybeboard 19 cards (6 distinct)

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 Budget, rotation proof Dimir Surveil deck

: ~ S U R V E I L ~ :

Thoughtbound Phantasmimage and Dimir Spybugimage for good surveil payoff, play them early and watch them grow into later game threats/win cons.  Classic Thought Erasureimage and Disinformation Campaignimage package for some disruption/hand hate and Sinister Sabotageimage to round out the control game (might experiment at a later date with some more discard/hand hate effects for a laugh).  Notion Rainimage and Discovery // Dispersalimage for extra card draw and surveil triggers, plus the library filtering you get from surveil is neat as always.  Wanted to try Nightveil Predatorimage for the value and versatility.  Just using Price of Fameimage as removal for now as Cast Downimage is rotating, might get something better with ELD, might try something else like a combo of Disfigureimage and/or Ob Nixilis's Crueltyimage and/or Tyrant's Scornimage, something of that ilk instead.  Price, albeit expensive to cast most of the time, offers some extra surveil triggers but will have to test whether Price is just too expensive or not.  Some Connive // Concoctimage for recursion and extra pay-off from surveil action.  Wanted to try throwing in Dream Eaterimage as a late game critter with the extra surveil triggers, also while it's in the graveyard it plays nice with Connive // Concoctimage.  Finally, added Lazav, the Multifariousimage because he's cool, copying stuff you put in the graveyard with surveil is nice.

In terms of upgrades, throw in a playset of Doom Whispererimage, maybe dropping the dream eaters and the nightveils.  Add Watery Graves.


Edit: Thanks Lunikoff for the suggestion, Agent of Treacheryimage is really nice swap for Dream Eater (completely overlooked that card at first). I’m gonna give this a shot

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TheGrymmBlade, this was originally a budget deck I built for approximately $20 so that's why I hadn't included rare lands in main. You're 100% right though, if your budget allows for it, play the rare lands.
Agreed with Lunikoff. Also, why aren't the rare lands main deck? There is no reason to "maybe" board them.
hi m8,
how about dropping some agent of treachery in there instead of dream eater?
also synergizes well with connive concoct.
nice deck
Last Updated: 24 Sep 2019
Created: 09 Sep 2019
3625 543 3

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Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
27 28 2 3 0
3 7 5 0 0
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