Historic Brawl - Fear the Ocean's Weight

  • Deck contains 1 invalid cards for this format: Hullbreaker Horror (VOW)
Commander 1 cards (1 distinct)
Main 99 cards (71 distinct)
Creature (25)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (32)
Planeswalker (2)
Land (40)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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Hey Ya'll! BPRadiant back after a bit of a break to bring a deck all about the depths of the ocean. We're talking a leviathan, sea serpent, and Kraken palooza! The idea here is to take advantage of these typings with a few cards to generate a huge value and drag our opponents back to the depths. 

I'll go over a few of the synergies we were dealing with which includes the sea creature package, the snow package, our loot package, and a few of the key cards we include. 

First the sea monster package. Our commander Runo works with sea creatures by creating two tokens instead of one. This works really well with all of our ETB effects. A few of the key effects with this is Junk Winderimage since if you do create two of them you then get 6 of their effects since you get two triggers on each and it really allows you to get past whatever blockers. Serpent of the Yawning Depths is another strong contender since it allows us to push a ton of unblockable damage through. Hitting the token from Kora Bests the Sea God the turn we hit chapter two gives us 24 damage through a tapped board that can't be targeted. It really can help you to close out games. 

Next we have the snow package. Using Marit Lage's Slumberimage really fit the theme of the deck of things rising from the dark depths and the scry really does work. It also has synergy with the loot card Pilfering Hawkimage and a Kraken in Icebreaker Krakenimage. Getting a few other great cards like Blood on the Snow and Graven lore is just icing on the cake. 

Our next package is the loot package. Its important that we have the ability to dump our high cost sea monsters into the bin so that we can cast Runo and bring it back to the top of the deck for a quick flip. We of course have Merfolk Looter that shares a name with our archetype but a few other options in Ghostly Pilferer to generate value in card draw and the Thirst Cards to help us dig and hit land drops. Which is one of the most important things in the deck. Cards like Obsessive Stitcherimage pull double duty since they can also act as a reanimator piece. We used to have more but we found that we couldn't confidently hit all four pieces we needed to make the deck function and cut most of the reanimator since I think that functions better as its own archetype and we wanted to focus on Krothuss' flipped effect. 

Lastly we have a few notable inclusions with cards like Tireless Anglerimage who fit our theme so well he might as well have been from the Old Man and the Sea. Assemble from Partsimage can help us to get some of our late game value etb's and such on the field to copy with Runo as well if we have more loot options. Elspeth's Nightmare also pulls double duty in letting us two for one our opponent. I also really love the inclusion of Bone Shardsimage since normally we'd lose a ton of value but in this case it can be a way to pitch a 6+ drop to get back with Runo. 

I know this is a bit shorter than my usual writeups but I hope you enjoyed. I'll be trying to do a lot more come January. Hope ya'll have a happy new year!

And as always! Be Radiant!

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Last Updated: 29 Dec 2021
Created: 29 Dec 2021
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0 0 1 0 0
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