Historic Brawl - I'll Show You True Villainy

Commander 1 cards (1 distinct)
Main 99 cards (96 distinct)
Creature (14)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (45)
Land (40)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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I shall show you all true villainy on this day! What's up y'all it's me BPRadiant here with another deck tech. This time we are covering Lord Xander, the Collector. 

The deck is really themed around the power he provides and so instead of just playing control we are trying to turbo out Xander and use him to win us the game either by just outvaluing our opponent or by using synergies with him. This way it has some distinction to what you would see with just a regular Nicol Control deck. 

First its important to put in two cards in the deck. Kalain, Reclusive Painterimage and Efreet Flamepainterimage . Xander collects art and these two make it while being decent in the deck. We are all about flavor here and it's important to keep the flavor up in decks like these so that you get maximum enjoyment out of it. 

You'll notice that we also include a treasure package in the deck. With us in RB it makes sense as the best way to ramp in those colors and we are here to turbo out Xander. In this regard you'll notice that Pirate's Pillage is in here. You can replace that with the new Unexpected Windfall card. I made a mistake when recording and will leave it in to show my shame. 

On to the synergy cards though. Best card to synergize with our commander is by far Mirror March! We get Xander's ETB and Death trigger for each flip and can keep one to try to get an attack trigger as well off. This just gives us great immediate value from our card in a way no other card does. In addition cards like Tergrid allowing us to gain a ton of value from what is discarded or sacced can be huge while Thassa giving us an additional ETB trigger each time really allows us to keep our opponent's hand lean. Like a hand model. Waste Not also makes a special appearance as it benefits from the ETB trigger and cards like IOK and Thoughtsieze. Also Bruvac makes a special appearance as he turns Xander's attack trigger into an OTK and honestly watching them mill everything is so so so satisfying. 

For our board wipes we wanted to run things that would be as one sided as possible with cards like Burn down the house and Hour of Devastation affecting our opponents boards and leaving Xander alone and free to attack. We really only want to have to cast him a few times. 

Cards that on turn 4 can allow us to turbo out a t5 Xander include our 3 mana rocks at 4 cost and both Pirate's Pillage and Unexpected Windfall. 

I can't recommend this deck enough as it is so fun and satisfying to get wins out of nowhere with it and so many people concede the instant you do something that keeps them in check. Really a fun deck to pilot against a lot of the greedy starts people take online. Hope ya'll enjoy the deck and if you like it check out my gameplay video with an audio breakdown of the cards as well! 

Have a great day and be radiant!

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After an entire day playing this, at least 25 games I would suggest you save your wildcards. The cards in the deck are good but I'm not convinced the commander is. On a whole this may be a C tier deck at best.
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Last Updated: 29 Apr 2022
Created: 29 Apr 2022
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With the MTGA Assistant deck tracker MTGA Assistant
Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
10 15 60 8 0
0 0 0 1 0
Mana Calculator
Symbols Percentage Lands
Average Converted Mana Cost: 2.78
Recommended Lands: 42