Creature (6) | |||
$4.500.06 | |||
$1.68 | |||
Planeswalker (7) | |||
$11.11€9.261.17 | |||
$8.42€11.370.17 | |||
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (24) | |||
$5.693.91 | |||
$3.46 | |||
$2.91€2.340.02 | |||
$0.25€0.220.03 | |||
$1.73 | |||
![]() |
$24.97€18.9611.02 | ||
$1.40€1.310.02 | |||
Land (23) | |||
![]() |
$0.33€0.150.04 | ||
$16.99€14.850.76 | |||
$13.09€11.820.96 | |||
$7.99€5.107.03 | |||
$14.45€12.931.27 | |||
$9.00€9.380.17 | |||
$2.00 | |||
$5.17 |
$0.26€0.160.03 | |||
$0.26€0.240.04 | |||
$0.25€0.290.03 | |||
$3.46€1.780.04 | |||
$0.81€0.480.02 | |||
![]() |
$0.25€0.160.03 | ||
$0.75 | |||
$0.44€0.480.18 |
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I saw ZanSyed (really good content creator you should follow him on twich or youtube) work on a turn list in historic who's very differente from the standard version. The list involve chance for glory for a 3 mana extra turn also give indistructible to your creature and stifle or gideon to not lose the game, that's nasty i love combo control decks like this so i decide to work on the list too, after some day our roads split because i stay on this list and keep changing cards and him goes into a (that's my opinion) really greedy version with karn and teferi 4 also no sideboard cards just wishboard for the planeswalker. I add Plan B cards like Chandra6 and Teferi5 because in a combo deck is always a good idea and still fit the Plan A (planeswalker+extra turns means more activation), go for the full 4X Gideon because is too important for the deck ,a prismari command (maindeckable answer to cage and oven, loot away anger in control matchup and a potential 2 for 1 against human if you hit sentinel) and of course a sideboard for the actual metagame.
If you did not undestand how work this deck this part is for you:
chance for glory plus gideon or stifle: extra turn and indistructible
lotus field plus stifle or proctor: 3 mana land no sacrifice
Lier rebuy all the spell also extra turns and stifle for taking all the rest of the turns (8 mana play lier plus chance mean lier is indistructible and you have an extra turn that usually win the game).
Like i said this is my favourite archetype and so that's really funny to play for me but i suggest you too if you wan to rank up or just have fun. I previously played some human decks (wich by the way is the only bad matchup) but feel like the meta already adapte to that and did not have the same winrate of the last month, Now we have 2 food version some greedy yorion pile and people love to bring out of sideboard witch's vengeance, archon of absolution and yawgmoth that's a disaster for humans.
So who absolute farm food , Yorion ,goblin, phoenix and still have a fine matchup against regular jeskai and niv? The Turns deck of course! That's the perfect time in my opinion for this deck if this become more popular ( i already saw some turns version of jeskai like this or like the Standard version with galvanic iteration) you should adapte the sideboard of course fry is probably the best card to bring in it kills lier tef proctor and gideon that's not bad so let's talk about the actual sideboard:
fry: I love this card aswer tef, all the humans (Adeline too), lier, narset , big sharks and the aura deck's creature.
Cleansing nova: Right now the enchantment deck is a real tier1 to me so having a 5 mana i win the game for this matchup looks like a must (if they have nine lives you kill him on the spot), also this card is fine on the draw against food decks wich is not a bad place to be food decks are the most popular right now
Veto: i mean is a counter hahaah just bring in for jeskai ,creativity, niv, citadel combo and enchantment decks
dispute: as before but not for citadel and enchantment but can be good for phoenix and merfolk
lantern: Phoenix and Arcanist are the main target but opus is still something in the format
rip apart: this card is insane to me i splash white in arcanist for rip apart answer all the greveyard hate all the enchantment deck kill oven trial goose and devil in the food matchup and is still fine for aggro A+ sideboard card
aether gust: gust is good again a lot of green and red decks in the format so having it in your sideboard is a must
archon of absolution: like i said the human matchup is the worst for this deck so this is just for that but if you really want to have a chance against a turn1 sentinel turn2 thalia archon is probably the answer.
Hold control for using stifle on lotus and chance trigger not lose the game or 2 lands for nothing
stifle and proctor are not only combo pieces, keep in mind for example the only main deck way to answer lier or yours planeswalker for the regular food deck is binding that's an ability my friend and stifle a Muxux trigger is also not bad.
If you need to sac 2 lands for the lotus alway sac smashing if possible you can rebuy it with lier
That's all i got Have fun!
4 | 4 | 36 | 15 | 0 |
0 | 14 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
Symbols | Percentage | Lands | |
17 | 28.33 | 7 | |
16 | 26.67 | 6 | |
27 | 45.00 | 10 | |
Average Converted Mana Cost: 2.57 | |||
Recommended Lands: 24 |