Arena Standard - Rakdos Sacrifice Zendikar Rising

  • Deck contains 21 invalid cards for this format: Woe Strider (THB), Mire Triton (THB), Fabled Passage (ELD), Demonic Embrace (M21), Temple of Malice (THB), Weaponize the Monsters (IKO), Bonecrusher Giant (ELD), Skyclave Shade (ZNR), Claim the Firstborn (ELD), Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger (THB), Agadeem's Awakening (ZNR), Village Rites (M21), Rankle, Master of Pranks (ELD), Scourge of the Skyclaves (ZNR), Bastion of Remembrance (IKO), Fireblade Charger (ZNR), Embereth Shieldbreaker (ELD), Feed the Swarm (ZNR), Agonizing Remorse (THB), Bastion of Remembrance (IKO), Necromentia (M21)
Main 60 cards (18 distinct)
Creature (21)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (17)
Land (22)
Side 14 cards (6 distinct)
Maybeboard 9 cards (3 distinct)

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Hello! This is the Rakdos Sacrifice list that I have been tinkering around with. The list is is still being tuned so check back for any improvements. Like the previous iteration of the deck that was in standard, the deck has the ability to grind matches out, while struggling against decks that go over the top. The deck is focussed more on aggro compared to the previous version as it lost most of its best cards and ability to kill without attacking. Lets get into the card choices.

Mire Triton - Fuels the graveyard for escape (Kroxa, Woe Strider) as well as helps you find the skyclave shade

Kroxa - Without the cat/oven combo or any of the synergies that were present in previous standard, this deck needed a way to grind opponents out, as well as to act as a finisher. Kroxa does that well, being a 6/6 body as well as forcing the opponent to discard and potentially lose life. 

Woe Strider - Main Sacrifice Engine to help smooth out the draws as well as to act as a 3/3 on 2 bodies. Trust me this card is good.

Claim the Firstborn - Interaction that you'd be mistaken to not include in any sacrifice deck running red.

Village Rites - Draw 2 that helps fuel the graveyard, your hand and potentially blow out the opponent!? Sign me up!

Scourge of the Skyclaves - Helps to get over the top with the kicker, while usually being a 3/3 for 2

Skyclave Shade - Recurssion on a creature, and what inspired me to make the deck. Annoying creature that the opponent has to deal with.

Rankle Master of Pranks - Another engine that allows you to force sacrifice triggers and be able to force life loss as well as force an opponent discard cards. 3/3 or 4 power haste flying can also be relevant in some matchups

Agadeem's Awakening - The curve of this deck allows you to play this often recurring your creatures for max value, a land that you want in the late game. Thanks wotc! Also helps to fuel scourge of the skyclaves to be an actual creature in some matchups. 

Weaponize the Monsters - A sacrifice outlet that acts as a removal spell, which this deck sorely misses from previous standard

Lampad of Death's Vigil - Could be cut for other cards like Bastion of Remebrance, but the fact it sacrifices is why I'm trying this card out + the fact it's one mana cheaper. Might cut the card for bastion of remebrance if meta pushes out aggro decks.

Fireblade Charger - I've been impressed with this card in the deck, with a way to sacrifice it it is able to remove lotus cobra, or act as a lighting strike with weaponize the monsters

Demonic Embrace - A card that I've been trying to get work in a deck like this, and I think that this is the time for it to shine. It is how this deck can beat the omnath decks of the format by flying through and beating them with a huge flier, be careful of removal spells and blowouts. Tip : if you suspect a removal spell from the opponent, attack first then play this post combat.

Bastion of Rememberance : Lifegain and a body that can be used as sacrifice fodder. Currently better than lampad of death's vigil. 


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its good u wining with this?
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Created: 23 Sep 2020
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