Historic Brawl - Satoru Historic Sneak Attack

Commander 1 cards (1 distinct)
Main 99 cards (77 distinct)
Creature (34)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (25)
Planeswalker (1)
Land (39)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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Hey, Y'all it's me and I'm back with another Historic Brawl Deck! This time we are piloting Satoru Umezawa who is basically a sneak attack in this deck.
Our goal is to cheat out big creatures with the ninjutsu ability and just start wailing on our opponents from there. With that out of the way, you can check out the video above to see the deck in action. If there is anyone else you want to see me build please leave a comment below or on the video. Let's get into it.
So we start off with a few small creatures that are unblockable or have evasion. Cards like Mist-Cloaked Heraldimage , Changeling Outcastimage , and Slither Bladeimage is our bread and butter and can allow a turn 4 sneak attack target easily. We also include some of the newer cards that have evasion in Thousand-Faced Shadowimage and Network Disruptorimage in the form that they are flying and still have utility in the late game.
Next, we have our interaction package. Even though we are not a control deck we need to include enough interaction to deal with our opponent's stuff if we can't make Satoru stick on the field. This includes some hand hate with Thoughtseize and Agonizing Remorse and to the normal counterspell suite you want in blue with some removal in the form of Feed the Swarm and Infernal Grasp. Of course, we have to put in our new pet card You Are Already Deadimage since like come on you can't not want to just say this when you cast it and cantripping is really a sweet upside.
We put in enough rogue and ninjas since they are the good evasive utility creatures that the new card Silver-Fur Masterimage is a really great anthem for chip damage and makes our Satoru ninjutsu costs lower allowing us to easier double-dip on ninjutsu. We do need to have some good draw so we put in Grazilaxx and Reconnaissance Mission for our evasive threats to draw our fatties and we included Ingenious Infiltrator as we still have a sizable amount of ninjas in the deck.
Speaking of fatties in the deck we are running a lot of the higher power ones though these can really be what you have available. Jin-Gitaxis and Sheoldred are here to provide super early control value when ninjitsud since they are just amazing that early in the game. Ulamog allows for a turn 4 10/10 indestructible which can really put a stall on your opponent's game plan. For more interesting picks I love Torgaar, Famine Incarnateimage since he allows us to essentially move your opponent from 25 to 12 on ETB then down to 5 on damage all on turn 4 in Dimir. We also include Tetzimoc, Primal Deathimage as a great source of removal. His ability is during your turn but not instant speed so it can allow you to before ninjitsuing him you can activate the ability to put the counters on him then basically flash him in for the ETB which can't be countered.
Our last major unique player has to be Atemsis, All-Seeingimage . The deck could be built to make this a bit easier but ideally, you can sneak him in attacking so that you can trigger the ability to win the game. Your high-cost cards are decent enough so with a solid land to 3 curves of cards you just need to have two others and its not too terribly hard to do. It can really put a stop to long games if you can get it off because no one is ever expecting it.
Well, that's the gist of the deck. This is just the first iteration but we workshopped it on stream for a bit so I'm hoping that we will continue iterating on it over the next few weeks to find more of our weaknesses(mono-black control) and try to find ways to overcome them.
Appreciate everyone who made it this far. I really love this set and am hoping to get to play so much limited this weekend so I can craft more decks. Again let me know if there is anything you would change or do.
May your pulls be what you seek and Be Radiant!

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Last Updated: 10 Feb 2022
Created: 10 Feb 2022
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