Arena Standard - Standard 2022 - Simic (UG) Dragon Ramp

TCGPlayer $81
Cardmarket €26
Cardhoarder 2 Tix
  • Deck contains 19 invalid cards for this format: Snakeskin Veil (KHM), Barkchannel Pathway (KHM), Quandrix Cultivator (STX), Alrund's Epiphany (KHM), Lotus Cobra (ZNR), Dragon Turtle (AFR), Koma, Cosmos Serpent (KHM), Divide by Zero (STX), Into the Roil (CMR), Iymrith, Desert Doom (AFR), Cosima, God of the Voyage (KHM), Vineglimmer Snarl (STX), Eureka Moment (STX), Tangled Florahedron (ZNR), Mercurial Transformation (STX), Environmental Sciences (STX), Introduction to Annihilation (STX), Mascot Exhibition (STX), Teachings of the Archaics (STX)
Main 60 cards (16 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (12)
Creature (24)
Land (24)
Side 7 cards (5 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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22 July 2021

20 July 2021


Notable Combos 

Lotus Cobraimage + Quandrix Cultivatorimage. The land from Quandrix Cultivator comes into play untapped, and will trigger Lotus Cobra's landfall ability for another mana sources of any color.
Echoing Equationimage+ Alrund's Epiphanyimage.  Resolve Alrund's Epiphany, and next tur,n target whatever good creature you have on the board  to make with Echoing Equation to swing in with a bunch of copies of a powerful card. Works well to copy Augmentor Pugilist in the late game for multiple 8/8 trample cards, Iymrith, Desert Doomimage as a target can provide flyers and a bunch of card draws, and Froghemothimage for trample and removing graveyard cards (I never really noticed, but I am not sure if the counters earned from a copied Froghemoth stay after the transformation is removed). 


One thing I noticed is the first few turns are key. I sometimes will play lotus cobra off curve in order to hold up a Snakeskin Veilimage
Limited ways to deal with deathtouch creatures. The main type of removal (fight) available often kills your own creature when the opponent has a creature with deathtouch, so I chose to omit fighting cards for now. Also, There is no great form of dual lands in standard 2022 format. The pathways aren't bad, but there is no way to have one land that taps for either green or blue without it coming into play tapped.

Cards I was considering

Ashaya, Soul of the Wildimage. It seems really cool. But This deck doesn'y really have a huge payoff for generating a metric ton of mana. Also, trample would've been great on this card. Might not be bad for a gruul version where you have a mana dump burn spell.
Druid Classimage. I like the idea, but the abilities are to expensive.
Ancient Greenwardenimage. This one might replace Froghemoth. I chose the frog because I want the game over before control decks take over the game. But having a strong reach creature that boosts the power of lotus cobra might help.
Scute Swarmimage. I just feel bad playing the game to make 1000 bugs. Feels like Weevil from Yugioh and he threw away Exodia off of a ship. Lame. And also, I think Augmentor Pugilist is a more flashy way to win. I wouldn't blame you if you replaced the two, I would just not like you.

Final Thoughts

The deck is still not perfect, but it is fun making a board of legendary creatures and attacking. I tend to keep tweaking with this deck (at the expensive of my wild cards). Let me know what you think and what I can improve!

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Last Updated: 22 Jul 2021
Created: 16 Jul 2021
1105 441 0

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Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
24 10 16 10 0
4 1 1 1 0
Mana Calculator
Symbols Percentage Lands