Modern Horizons 3 Limited Ratings

The AI ratings are gathered with from the MTGA Assistant deck tracker. Pro ratings are provided by Nizzahon Magic. The Pro ratings and comments are made before the set officially releases while the AI ratings are dynamically updated with new data all the time.

  • 5.0 The absolute best you can get.
  • 4.5 Incredible bomb, but not unbeatable.
  • 4.0 Good rare or top-tier uncommon.
  • 3.5 Top-tier common or solid uncommon.
  • 3.0 Good playable that always make the cut.
  • 2.5 A solid playable that rarely gets cut.
  • 2.0 A good playable, but is sometimes cut.
  • 1.5 Filler card but sometimes gets cut.
  • 1.0 Not good filler and often gets gut.
  • 0.5 Almost Unplayable and mostly sideboard material.
  • 0.0 Not playable at all.


AI Rating: 0.4
Pro Rating:



AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating:



AI Rating: 0.4
Pro Rating:



AI Rating: 0.4
Pro Rating:



AI Rating: 0.4
Pro Rating:


Ajani, Nacatl Pariah

AI Rating: 5
Pro Rating:


Razorgrass Ambush

AI Rating: 1.8
Pro Rating:


Witch Enchanter

AI Rating: 2.5
Pro Rating: 3

The creature side on it's own here isn't very good, but having a land with creature upside is awesome.


Hydroelectric Specimen

AI Rating: 1.1
Pro Rating: 3.5

The best thing this creature can do is redirect removal to itself, but if you find yourself in a spot where you can't take advantage of that, you can probably use the land side.


Sink into Stupor

AI Rating: 4.6
Pro Rating: 3.5

The spell-side here is playable on its own, so the fact it can also be a land drop when you need it is pretty awesome.


Tamiyo, Inquisitive Student

AI Rating: 4.8
Pro Rating: 4

If you play her on one, she's going to net you a ton of cards, and transforming here isn't a huge challenge thanks to her own ability -- and Blue's propensity for drawing cards in general. She's not the most powerful planeswalker ever, but she's definitely going to generate some serious value if she transforms.


Boggart Trawler

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 3.5

This is an inefficient creature that hates on the graveyard -- but it's also a land when that's better, and that's awesome.


Fell the Profane

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 4

Just the spell side is playable here, and it's great that it can also be a land drop in a pinch.


Sorin of House Markov

AI Rating: 3.9
Pro Rating: 4.5

the creature side here is a creature you're always happy to play, and thanks to Extort and Lifelink, transforming Sorin isn't a huge challenge. And once he does, he's likely to remove an opposing creature, before giving you food and other value on later turns.


Pinnacle Monk

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 4

This is a 2-for-1 creature late, and a land drop early.


Ral, Monsoon Mage

AI Rating: 2.1
Pro Rating: 4

If you have spells in your deck, this will transform reasonably quickly, and it will usually enter with at least 3 loyalty when it transforms, at which point it can remove something and if it sticks around beyond that it feels awesome.


Sundering Eruption

AI Rating: 2.1
Pro Rating: 3.5

Land destruction doesn't matter in Limtied, but the unblockable effect is great late. So, if you get this early you're going to play it as a land pretty much every time, but if you get it late? It might just win you the game.


Bridgeworks Battle

AI Rating: 4.4
Pro Rating: 4

This is a nice removal spell on the spell side -- one you'd always play, so it's nice it can be al and when a fight doesn't benefit you.


Disciple of Freyalise

AI Rating: 3.9
Pro Rating: 3.5

This is another one where you play it as a land most of the time, but if you get it late it can give you a big advantage.


Grist, Voracious Larva

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 3.5

A one mana 1/2 with death touch is always a card you play, but Grist is fairly challenging to transform. The set doesn't have a massive graveyard theme. The good news is, if you do manage to pull it off -- Grist is likely to win you the game by generating tokens to protect it and then firing off that ultimate.


Bloodsoaked Insight

AI Rating: 3.2
Pro Rating: 4

So this is either good fixing, or a late-game spell that can break the game wide open. Sign me up.


Drowner of Truth

AI Rating: 2.1
Pro Rating: 4

This is either good fixing or a huge Eldrazi that is likely to pull you ahead even if you were behind.


Glasswing Grace

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 3.5

Auras are super situatinoal, but when they are good, they can be insane. And this is good fixing if you're not in a spot where you can use it.


Legion Leadership

AI Rating: 3.6
Pro Rating: 3.5

This is a nice combat trick when you need one, and a nice land the rest of the time.


Revitalizing Repast

AI Rating: 3.9
Pro Rating: 4

The spell side is an excellent trick you always play pretty happily in this case -- it blanks most removal and can win you combat pretty well too.


Rush of Inspiration

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 3.5

The random discard might be brutal, but you're likely to have energy in Blue/Red.


Strength of the Harvest

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 3.5

On the right board state and on the right target, this can win you the game out of nowhere -- but it's conditional. So it's a good thing it's also a land.


Stump Stomp

AI Rating: 4.4
Pro Rating: 4

Stump Stomp is a premium removal spell, and it can be a land when you need it too!


Suppression Ray

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 3.5

This is another one of these that is pretty bad early, so you'll play it as a land. But in the late game, it can win the game out of nowhere.


Waterlogged Teachings

AI Rating: 1.8
Pro Rating: 3

4 mana for a restrictive tutor is awful. But, in the late game when you're worried about flooding out, it's still better to draw than another land.


Breaker of Creation

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 2.5

It's expensive and a little hard to cast, but it also gains you a ton of life and is nearly impossible to kill outside of combat.


Devourer of Destiny

AI Rating: 5
Pro Rating: 4.5

You get a big body that doubles as removal, and if it's in your opening hand it even makes your first draw way better!


Drownyard Lurker

AI Rating: 1.8
Pro Rating: 2

This isn't exciting whether you cycle it or hard-cast it, but it's not bad either.


Echoes of Eternity

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 0

This is too hard to cast, doesn't do anything on it's own, and asks far too much of you to do anything at all.


Eldrazi Ravager

AI Rating: 5
Pro Rating: 3

This is a solid body, and it's not too difficult to bring back at least once. Cycling is nice value too.


Emrakul, the World Anew

AI Rating: 3.9
Pro Rating: 0.0 // 5.0

She's hard to cast, but will win the game virtually every time you cast her. If you can ramp, you can't do any better than Emrakul as your win condition.


Glaring Fleshraker

AI Rating: 3.8
Pro Rating: 2

The stat-line is bad, but this will usually give you enough tokens and do enough damage to make up for it.


It That Heralds the End

AI Rating: 3.3
Pro Rating: 3

This is a very strong lord in a set with lots of colorless creatures and lots of expensive colorless spells.


Kozilek, the Broken Reality

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 4.5

This will usually come down as a 9/9 that gives you two 5/4 bodies, and buff some other creatures on the board. That's worth more than 9 mana!


Kozilek's Command

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 3.5

Two colorless isn't always easy to produce, but this is a strong payoff for doing it. You'll always be able to choose 2 modes that give you a 2-for-1.


Null Elemental Blast

AI Rating: 0.7
Pro Rating: 0.5

This is sideboard material. Your opponent needs at least 5 multicolored things for you to side it in. When you can cast it, it'll feel pretty insane!



AI Rating: 4.8
Pro Rating: 5

You need to be able to Evoke this to unlock it's full potential, but even if you can only hardcast it it's pretty good! After all it's a big flyer that gives you a 3-for-1.


Twisted Riddlekeeper

AI Rating: 4.3
Pro Rating: 3

This can go after any kind of permanent, which is nice -- you can even lock down some lands! Usually you're going after creatures though, since that's going to result in you having a big turn.


Ulamog, the Defiler

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 4

If you can untap with this in play, you're going to win. Problem is, Ulamog doesn't give you any significant value up front, and while the Ward helps, Ulamog does die to a ton of removal. Spending 9 mana on something your opponent kills for a lot less is pretty brutal.


Warped Tusker

AI Rating: 2
Pro Rating: 2

This will never feel great whether your'e cycling it or hard-casting it, but it won't feel bad either.


Wastescape Battlemage

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 2.5

If you can pay for both of these kickers and produce colorless mana consistently, this'll feel pretty good. That might be asking a bit much, though.


Aerie Auxiliary

AI Rating: 2.9
Pro Rating: 3.5

4 mana for 5/5 worth of stats, 3/3 of which has flying is pretty insane for a Common. The other stats basically have Haste, too!


Ajani Fells the Godsire

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 4

This generates lots of 2-for-1s with the first two chapters, and chapter three can end games.


Argent Dais

AI Rating: 2.1
Pro Rating: 0

It's very challenging to actually get worthwhile value out of this effect in Limited, whether you go after your own stuff or your opponents.


Charitable Levy

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 1

This can hurt you just as much as it hurts your opponent, and you're not guaranteed to get enough counters on it for it to do something good.


Dog Umbra

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 3

It’s either Pacifism with Flash, or a way to protect your creature from removal at instant speed. One of those modes is likely to be helpful for you,


Envoy of the Ancestors

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 3.5

Once it outlasts, it's a 3/4 with lfielink, and one that can keep growing if you need it to. In White, you'ree likely to have other modifications around too.


Essence Reliquary

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 0

You can use this to rebuy ETBs or MDFCs, but that's just narrow of a usecase.


Expel the Unworthy

AI Rating: 2.2
Pro Rating: 3

This never feels like a super efficient removal spell, but it can get the job done all game long.


Flare of Fortitude

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 1

We've seen many cards that give your whole board hexproof and/or indestructibility at instant speed, and they're just too narrow for most limited decks.


Glyph Elemental

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 3.5

This can run away with the game if you play it on turn two, and it's always a relevant body.


Guardian of the Forgotten

AI Rating: 3.6
Pro Rating: 3

This has a solid starting point as a 4-mana 4/4 with Vigilance, and it'll spit out a 2/2 manifest pretty often. Modifying the Guardian himself is often a good idea.


Guide of Souls

AI Rating: 5
Pro Rating: 5

This makes any creature into a threat, and energy is plentiful enough in the format to trigger this as early as turn two.


Hexgold Slith

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 2.5

It's hard to block in the early game because of first strike, which often means it will become a 3/2 that stays relevant for even longer.


Indebted Spirit

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 3

This is a solid card whether you cast it normally or Bestow it, although Bestowing it generates the most value in the long run.


Inspired Inventor

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 3

The modality here is great. It works for the energy decks, the go wide decks, and the modification decks. Those are all the big themes in White.


Jolted Awake

AI Rating: 1.8
Pro Rating: 2

This is certainly efficient, but asks for set up in the form of energy and a loaded graveyard.


Mandibular Kite

AI Rating: 2.4
Pro Rating: 2.5

This is a one mana 1/1 flyer with lots of upside. It's expensive to move for sure, but if you play it on turn one and attack a few times, and then slap it on a threatening creature in the late game that's pretty good.


Metastatic Evangel

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 3

Lots of reasons to proliferate in this set, and the trigger here is going to happen naturally.


Muster the Departed

AI Rating: 3.9
Pro Rating: 2

You need to get two 1/1s out of this pretty quickly for it to feel worth it. It does have engine potential, and can spit out several tokens over the course of a game -- but we've seen Morbid be surprisingly difficult to take advantage of in the past, so I'm skeptical.


Nyxborn Unicorn

AI Rating: 2
Pro Rating: 3

This is a great two drop. If you're curving out, it's likely to buff your stuff pretty easily in the early game, and in the later game you can bestow it and get even more value.


Ocelot Pride

AI Rating: 4.3
Pro Rating: 4.5

This has great base stats in a set with lots of modifications, and getting things rolling on the token generation isn't too challenging either.


Pearl-Ear, Imperial Advisor

AI Rating: 3.8
Pro Rating: 4

This has nice base stats, and the two abilities are certainly upside -- although both of them are pretty finnicky. You need to put an Aura on something already modified and have Auras already in play for it to do anything.


Phelia, Exuberant Shepherd

AI Rating: 5
Pro Rating: 3.5

This exile trigger is very useful, whether you're rebuying ETBs and growing Phelia or getting a blocker out of the way.


Proud Pack-Rhino

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 3.5

The shield counter is what you choose when you don't have much going on, and Proliferate is what you'll usually choose in the late game. In both cases, the Rhino gives you a ton of value.


Rosecot Knight

AI Rating: 2.1
Pro Rating: 2.5

The base stats are bad, but this will often be a 2-for-1.


Solstice Zealot

AI Rating: 2.4
Pro Rating: 2

A tap creature that doesn't ask for mana is nice, but a three mana 2/3 isn't.


Static Prison

AI Rating: 4.3
Pro Rating: 1.5 // 4.0

This is pretty bad if you're in a White deck focused on modifications, but pretty amazing if you're good at generating energy.


Thraben Charm

AI Rating: 5
Pro Rating: 3

The removal mode is what you'll choose 90% of the time, but it's pretty close to premium and the other two modes come up sometimes too.


Voltstorm Angel

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 3.5

This can buff the whole board the turn it comes down if you're so inclined, and if your board isn't wide enough for that, you can spend energy to make the Angel into a way better attacker on your next turn.


White Orchid Phantom

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 3

You're always playing a two mana 2/2 with Flying and First Strike, and sometimes this ETB will actually come up.


Wing It

AI Rating: 0.9
Pro Rating: 2

This is a solid trick, though it doesn't offer the most impressive boost -- that gets offset by the flying counter, though.


Wrath of the Skies

AI Rating: 4.9
Pro Rating: 4.5

Customizable Wraths tend to be pretty great! And if you're good at making energy you might not even need to pay more than two mana, in which case rebuilding your board in the aftermath is very doable.


Aether Spike

AI Rating: 1.8
Pro Rating: 2.5

Two mana counterspells without this energy upside have been pretty solid lately, and this can actually stay relevant for longer.


Amphibian Downpour

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 3.5

If your storm count is only one, this is a nice card, and getting it higher than that isn't a huge stretch.


Bespoke Battlewagon

AI Rating: 4.3
Pro Rating: 2

This has some serious engine potential, but I'm a little worried about how bad the baseline is.



AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 2.5

This is a very nice card draw spell, especially in a format with fetchlands at Common.


Consign to Memory

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 0.5

This should start in your sideboard, but obviously it's pretty good against Eldrazi with cast triggers.



AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 3.5

You can virtually always get 4-mana worth of value out of this since it can copy creatures controlled by anyone and comes with Connive.


Corrupted Shapeshifter

AI Rating: 1.7
Pro Rating: 2

This isn't ultra efficient by today's standards, no matter what option you choose.


Deem Inferior

AI Rating: 1.9
Pro Rating: 2.5

This will always cost three or less, so it's a reasonably efficient removal spell.


Depth Defiler

AI Rating: 3.4
Pro Rating: 4

I would be thrilled about a 5-mana 3/5 that only ever gave me a choice between these two very powerful modes, so the fact you can kick it and get both is amazing!


Dreamtide Whale

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 1.5

This is crazy efficient, but tough to keep in play long enough for that to matter.



AI Rating: 1.8
Pro Rating: 2

This is a nice aggressive flyer for energy decks, but the ceiling isn't very high on the floor is pretty ugly.


Emrakul's Messenger

AI Rating: 2.5
Pro Rating: 4

Blue can get Spawn out of this pretty easily, and it's an efficient flyer.


Flare of Denial

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 2

It's rare that 2-for-1ing yoruself is worth countering a spell, but sometimes there's an emergency where you need to do that. This is Cancel with upside, which is fine -- but not much more.


Harbinger of the Seas

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 0

This is an inefficient creature with an ability that hardly ever matters.


Hope-Ender Coatl

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 3.5

When you counter something with this it feels incredible, and even when you can't your baseline is a Wind Drake with Flash.


Kozilek's Unsealing

AI Rating: 2.5
Pro Rating: 1.5 // 4

This is definitely a build around. Not all Blue decks are interested in this, but the ones that are are really interested. Drawing three when you cast a big Eldrazi is usually enough to win the game, and this helps you get there with the Spawn.


Petrifying Meddler

AI Rating: 1.4
Pro Rating: 2.5

This has almost-passable stats and an ETB that is often very useful.


Roil Cartographer

AI Rating: 2.3
Pro Rating: 3

This generates energy quite easily for decks interested in that, and her own energy activated ability is strong if you can get there.


Sage of the Unknowable

AI Rating: 1.1
Pro Rating: 1.5 / 3.0

This is really nice for Eldrazi decks, not so useful outside of them.


Serum Visionary

AI Rating: 2.5
Pro Rating: 3.5

This is a great 2-for-1 that will often feel even better, since Scry 2 goes a long way towards giving you better draws on your next few turns.


Shadow of the Second Sun

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 2

This effectively draws you an extra card and untaps your mana every turn. In other words, it doesn't imapct the board immediately and you spent 6 mana, so that's rough. You need the game to go long and lots of instant speed stuff to take full advantage.


Strix Serenade

AI Rating: 0.4
Pro Rating: 0

Any time you counter a spell with this, you come out behind and effectively give your opponent a 2-for-1. Not worth it in Limited.


Tamiyo Meets the Story Circle

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 2

Chapter II is where you need to get value for this to really feel like it's worth a card, and it's a little bit awkward. In the early game you probably don't have lots of cards to give up, and you probably don't have them late either.


Tempest Harvester

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 2.5

Blue is very interested in energy and drawing cards, and this checks both of those boxes fairly nicely.


Triton Wavebreaker

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 2.5

This is fine as a one drop, and beyond that turn it can augment creatures reasonably well too.


Tune the Narrative

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 3

Two energy is a significant bump in this format, especially in Blue. While it's not quite a 2-for-1, you pay one mana and get more than a card worth of value out of this in most Blue decks.


Unfathomable Truths

AI Rating: 1.4
Pro Rating: 2.5

This is a 5-mana draw three that actually adds to the board and can even ramp you! Now, it doesn't do an amazing job at either of those things, but it's also drawing you three cards, so that's okay.


Utter Insignificance

AI Rating: 2.5
Pro Rating: 2.5

I'm never a big fan of removal that only shrinks a creature -- this is because you usually come out behind when it comes to value. After all, you haven't full "removed" the thing you put it on. It can still attack and block after all. However, this has Flash -- so it can function as a combat trick, and it's ability means you can fully get rid of a creature too.


Volatile Stormdrake

AI Rating: 4.6
Pro Rating: 1

I think this is a little too Volatile. It's tough to set this up so that you're coming out ahead. In many situations it's a two mana removal spell that gives your opponent a formidable flyer in exchange. If you have the energy to hold on to what you steal, it'll feel better -- but there are going to be many board states where there's no option that is appealing enough and/or you don't have enough energy.


Accursed Marauder

AI Rating: 2.5
Pro Rating: 2

It's both a good thing and a bad thing that this says nontoken. It's nice your opponent has to give up something legit, but that means you have to as well.


Arcbound Condor

AI Rating: 1.4
Pro Rating: 1.5 // 3.5

This is a great artifact payoff between Modular and it's artifact trigger. If you're in one of the non-artifact decks in Black, though, it isn't very good.


Breathe Your Last

AI Rating: 4.6
Pro Rating: 3

Sometimes you'll gain 0 life from this in a format with so much colorless, but usually you'll gain 1, and that's not terrible upside on Murder.


Chthonian Nightmare

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 1

I have a hard time seeing this work out in Limited. Sure, it supplies you with the energy -- but you need something expendable in play and something worth getting back from your graveyard, and for it to be at it's best -- more ways to make energy. That's just asking too much most of the time.


Consuming Corruption

AI Rating: 3.6
Pro Rating: 1.5 // 4.0

If you can go heavy black or mono black this is an insane removal spell that can kill pretty much everything while gaining you a bunch of life. It's pretty hard for your opponent win when you can do that.



AI Rating: 5
Pro Rating: 5

If you can get this down while your opponent still has at least one card in hand, you get a 3-for-1. When you get it later than that, you probably just get a 2-for-1. Either way, you're probably winning the game.


The Creation of Avacyn

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 1

This isn't a saga that can ever give you more than a card worth of value, so it generally ends up being a bad tutor or an expensive reanimate. Neither of those is very appealing.



AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 2.5

This is easy to Crew and hard to block, and the threat of activation is going to give your opponent headaches.


Dreamdrinker Vampire

AI Rating: 2.7
Pro Rating: 2.5

This has a solid baseline, and is very easy to buff. If you can find a way beyond adapt to put a counter on it, it triggers again!



AI Rating: 0.9
Pro Rating: 1.5

This is a super inefficient creature up front, and a super inefficient equipment overall. It's an artifact though, so it's probably not a completely unplayable card.


Emperor of Bones

AI Rating: 5
Pro Rating: 4

This has a great baseline as effectively a 4-mana 4/4 you can pay for over two turns -- and it hates on the graveyard and will definitely be temporarily reanimating stuff, especially in the mid to late game.


Etched Slith

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 2

This is pretty frightening in the early game, but it drops off in a hurry. It's going to be hard to get it after about turn two since it starts so small.


Etherium Pteramander

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 3

This is an okay turn one play, and in the late game it's likely to get very scary, especially in Black-Red.


Eviscerator's Insight

AI Rating: 2.3
Pro Rating: 2

This set doesn't have a huge sacrifice theme in any color pair and that hurts this a bit, but having Flashback is pretty sweet.


Fetid Gargantua

AI Rating: 1.4
Pro Rating: 2

This is a little slow and pretty inefficient, but if you get the time to adapt it and everything it can give you a 3-for-1.


Flare of Malice

AI Rating: 4.3
Pro Rating: 3

This is a good removal spell as a baseline, and sometimes you'll cast it for free.



AI Rating: 2.9
Pro Rating: 3

Gravedigger has been a good Limited card for a long time, and this is better in most ways, since if you need a two drop it can do the job.


Grim Servant

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 3.5

On it's own, it draws you a one drop, and your devotion is very likely higher than one black -- at which point it starts tutoring up some powerful stuff.


Kami of Jealous Thirst

AI Rating: 2
Pro Rating: 2

The baseline here isn't great, but it is nice you can activate this ability for free if you've drawn enough cards. Especially because if you spent time drawing that many cards, you're probably pretty desperate to gain some life.


Lethal Throwdown

AI Rating: 1.8
Pro Rating: 2

Bone Splinters is rarely a removal spell you're excited about, and while this has modified upside, it isn't really enough for me. Especailly because you probably spent resources modifying the thing you sacrificed.


Marionette Apprentice

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 4

Whichever Fabricate mode you go with, this is really efficient, and you don't even really need to be in one of the artifact decks for this to be good, though obviously it gets even better there.


Mindless Conscription

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 2.5

The baseline is a three mana 3/3, and if you're in Blue-Black especially you're likely to get more than that out of it.



AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 1.0 // 4.0

You really need a lot of Black sources to cast this consistently in Limited, but if you can it's a pretty amazing value engine. Especially if you can get some lifelink going.



AI Rating: 5
Pro Rating: 2.5

This will be a really efficient creature in many situations, and while it's ability to return from the graveyard probably means it come back smaller, it does mean that it is going to keep coming back.


Quest for the Necropolis

AI Rating: 2.9
Pro Rating: 1.5

Reanimation can be pretty awkward in Limited, especially when it isn't super cheap all game long -- and this definitely isn't. It's either a really expensive reanimation spell when you draw it late, or a card that sits around and does nothing for several turns early. I'm not a huge fan of either.


Refurbished Familiar

AI Rating: 2.5
Pro Rating: 4

This is a really good Common. It would be even without Affinity, since it's an evasive 2-for-1 no matter what the ETB does, but sometimes this will be insanely efficient.


Retrofitted Transmogrant

AI Rating: 1.6
Pro Rating: 2

This is never going to feel efficient, but there's value to be had with a creature that refuses to stay dead, especially in the late game.


Ripples of Undeath

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 1.5

This is really good at loading the graveyard, but that's less valuable in this set than in most, it doesn't add to the board at all, and having the mana and life to actually turn this into card draw is far from a guarantee.


Scurrilous Sentry

AI Rating: 2.4
Pro Rating: 2.5

Connive is a nice ETB, and this can do it more than once. It also works nicely in Blue-Black because it draws cards and Black-Green because of the counters.


Shilgengar, Sire of Famine

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 5

This has imposing stats and can very easily generate Blood tokens. There's even a chance in the late game you reanimate your whole graveyard!


Warren Soultrader

AI Rating: 3.6
Pro Rating: 3

This has fine starting stats and an activated ability that is useful whether you're interested in artifacts or fixing your mana.


Wither and Bloom

AI Rating: 3.6
Pro Rating: 3.5

This is a really efficient removal spell, and the counter it gives you out of the graveyard is pretty darn good in Black. There are even creatures with triggers when you put counters on them, in which case you almost feel like you're getting a 2-for-1.


Wurmcoil Larva

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 3.5

This is a real pain to deal with because of the keywords and the tokens, and will generally give you a 2-for-1.


Aether Revolt

AI Rating: 5
Pro Rating: 1.5 // 4.5

This is an insane payoff if you're good at making energy, as turning its production into removal is very powerful, especially if the Revolt part is live.


Amped Raptor

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 3.5

This has good French Vanilla stats, and it will effectively give you a free card a decent chunk of the time.


Ashling, Flame Dancer

AI Rating: 4.3
Pro Rating: 4

Saving up mana has some value in a set with lots of expensive spells and mana sinks, and even just getting the first magecraft trigger is pretty nice. If you're a heavy spell deck, you can really go off with Ashling.


Detective's Phoenix

AI Rating: 5
Pro Rating: 5

The stat line is great, and Bestowing this from your graveyard at least once per game is a reasonable expectation --- and often enough to win.


Eldrazi Linebreaker

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 3.5

It's a little challenging to cast early, but that's okay because it's combat trigger is very nice all game long.


Fanged Flames

AI Rating: 2.9
Pro Rating: 4

It's hyper efficient removal that shuts off death triggers and recursion. Not much more needs to be said.


Flare of Duplication

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 2

Even when you can cast it for free sometimes, copying spells is pretty conditional and not even always that impressive.


Frogmyr Enforcer

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 1.5

Even with affinity you're not going to cast this early enough for it to be all that impressive, Prototype or otherwise.


Furnace Hellkite

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 2.5

This is a creature that is relevant and imposing all game long, and spending 5 on it is pretty realistic and very powerful.


Galvanic Discharge

AI Rating: 4.6
Pro Rating: 4

This is pretty insane for a Common. The floor is that it's a Lightning Bolt that can't hit players, and the energy means it has a wide swath of other modes, too.


Ghostfire Slice

AI Rating: 5
Pro Rating: 4

4 to any target for three is an excellent card, and this will cost one sometimes.


Glimpse the Impossible

AI Rating: 2.3
Pro Rating: 2

Early in the game, you are probably casting this for the ramp. Late in the game, you probably cast it to get card advantage. It won't ever feel ultra efficient, but it's unlikely to feel terrible either.


Infernal Captor

AI Rating: 1.2
Pro Rating: 2

Red doesn't have a huge sacrifice theme in this set, which makes this weaker than it would otherwise be.


Inventor's Axe

AI Rating: 2.3
Pro Rating: 1.5

This is a trick that generally won't save your creature, and then a pretty bad place to spend your energy.


Mogg Mob

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 2

If this was two generic and a Red, it's be a 4.0, but triple Red is a huge challenge in Limited so you're not going to have an easy time casting it.


Molten Gatekeeper

AI Rating: 2.5
Pro Rating: 2.5

This can chip in lots of damage when you're going wide, and Unearth can make it do some nice damage out of the graveyard.


Party Thrasher

AI Rating: 4.6
Pro Rating: 4

This precombat main phase trigger is really great at making sure your draws are going well, and sometimes you'll even take advantage of convoke.


Phyrexian Ironworks

AI Rating: 3.9
Pro Rating: 2

The times where you play this and make a 3/3 right away it'll feel fine, but there are going to be times where you play it and can't do anything with it, and that's brutal.



AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 0

There aren't enough ways to manipulate your library to make this worthwhile.


Ral and the Implicit Maze

AI Rating: 2.9
Pro Rating: 4.5

Chapter I will likely kill at least one thing, Chapter II will net you a card, and Chapter III gives you a very real body. That's insane value on an Uncommon.


Reckless Pyrosurfer

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 3

A two mana 2/2 Haste is pretty playable, and you'll often be able to get Warcry going.


Reiterating Bolt

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 4

Two mana to do 3 is always premium, and this has the crazy upside of being replicated. While getting more than two isn't ultra likely, just getting two is insane.


Sarpadian Simulacrum

AI Rating: 1.3
Pro Rating: 2

If you're in the Red artifact deck this can help you get Affinity going, and it has some decent late-game utility too.


Siege Smash

AI Rating: 1.6
Pro Rating: 2.5

This stats boost with trample is pretty nice for two mana, and the set has enough Artifacts for this to do some work against them too.


Skittering Precursor

AI Rating: 3.9
Pro Rating: 3.5

This has great base stats, and spits out more 0/1s than you'd expect. It even does it when you sac a fetchland.


Skoa, Embermage

AI Rating: 2.3
Pro Rating: 3

This is a 2-for-1 when you can cast it, and can even finish off the opponent. Grandeur comes up on occasion too, and being Fireblast sometimes is certainly upside.


Smelted Chargebug

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 1.5

Even in a color that cairs about energy and artifacts, this seems pretty underwhelming. It's boost is meager and it's statline is mediocre.


Spawn-Gang Commander

AI Rating: 4.3
Pro Rating: 4

Four bodies up front is nice, and being able to ramp with those Spawns or hurl them at your opponent or their stuff is pretty awesome.


Thriving Skyclaw

AI Rating: 3.1
Pro Rating: 2

The starting stat-line is rough. It's a creature one drops can attack into and one mana removal spells can kill. Once it attacks it will start to feel a lot better, but that window where it's a 4-mana 3/2 is pretty rough.


Unstable Amulet

AI Rating: 2.5
Pro Rating: 1.0 // 3.0

You can't play this unless you have lots of ways to produce energy, and if you do, it's a pretty awesome engine.



AI Rating: 0.7
Pro Rating: 2

Neither mode is especially efficient, but neither mode is awful either.


Wheel of Potential

AI Rating: 5
Pro Rating: 0

Wheel effects don't tend to be good in Limited, especially because this one is limited by how much energy you can produce.


Basking Broodscale

AI Rating: 2.9
Pro Rating: 3

This has okay base stats and can very easily grow and help out your mana situation.


Birthing Ritual

AI Rating: 1.1
Pro Rating: 1

This doesn't do anything or does very little far too often. You have to have something in the top seven that lines up correctly with your board, and that's worthwhile to get into play in exchange for whatever you already have.


Collective Resistance

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 2

This has lots of artifacts and enchantments to target, and it's good at stopping removal too. Those three modes are still situational enough that it's not awesome though.


Colossal Dreadmask

AI Rating: 1.8
Pro Rating: 2.5

This is an imosing creature on it's own, and while it's expensive to move around it does make just about anything into a huge threat.


Eladamri, Korvecdal

AI Rating: 5
Pro Rating: 4.5

This is going to effectively draw you lots of cards, and can even cheat stuff into play!


Eldrazi Repurposer

AI Rating: 3.9
Pro Rating: 3

You get more than 3 mana's worth out of this in most cases.


Evolution Witness

AI Rating: 2.3
Pro Rating: 3

This starts with a bad stat-line, but becomes a reasonably efficient creature that gives you a 2-for-1 when you adapt it.


Fanatic of Rhonas

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 4.5

The baseline here is a great mana dork, and it has two other awesome abilities! Sometimes it will really produce a ton of mana, and it comes back as a much larger creature that can always tap for extra mana.


Fangs of Kalonia

AI Rating: 2.3
Pro Rating: 1.5

Coutners a thing in this set, but this is still largely a win-more card. You'd rather have more cards that are good when you're behind or at parity than a card that's largely only good when you're ahead.


Flare of Cultivation

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 2.5

This fixes and ramps your mana in a format where that's pretty nice. Sometimes it being free is sweet, because you can effectively go up a mana that turn since you can play one of the lands it grabs you.


Fowl Strike

AI Rating: 2.1
Pro Rating: 2

Neither mode here is especially exciting. It's either a bad combat trick or plummet. But, the modality does enough to make it better than either of those cards.


Gift of the Viper

AI Rating: 2.3
Pro Rating: 1.5

Most one mana combat tricks these days are pretty sweet, but not this one. It's not that good at helping your creature survive combat and it's not that good at saving a creature from removal.


Horrific Assault

AI Rating: 4.6
Pro Rating: 4

This is often one mana to kill something and gain 3 lfie, and that's pretty nuts.


The Hunger Tide Rises

AI Rating: 1.4
Pro Rating: 3

Most of the value here just comes from the three insects, but it's great to have chapter IV as additional upside, as on occasion it's worth giving up a bunch of stuff on board to search up an unbeatable bomb.


Hydra Trainer

AI Rating: 3.1
Pro Rating: 3.5

Like a lot of the adapt creatures, this starts with an ugly stat-line -- but it's going to get bigger and it's Exert trigger is incredibly good. Don't forget it can target itself and attack as a 5/5 on turn three.


Lion Umbra

AI Rating: 3.9
Pro Rating: 1.5 // 2.5

If you have lots of modifications, this seems solid -- the stats boost is big and it requires your opponent to use two removal spells to take the creature down. However, that last part does mean your creature kind of already needs to be good for this to be worthwhile.


Malevolent Rumble

AI Rating: 2.6
Pro Rating: 2.5

This is good card selection and it loads your graveyard too, while actually adding to the board.


Monstrous Vortex

AI Rating: 0.4
Pro Rating: 1

The upside is exciting, but even in an Eldrazi set actually triggering this enough to make it worth it is pretty hard. After all, the turn you play it, it doesn't do anything.


Nightshade Dryad

AI Rating: 4.6
Pro Rating: 3.5

This is a great mana dork, capable of producing all the colored (and colorless) mana you'd ever want, and it can even trade for anything thanks to deathtouch.


Nyxborn Hydra

AI Rating: 3.6
Pro Rating: 2.5

It's never going to feel efficient, but it scales all game long, and in the late game it can let you push through lethal.


Path of Annihilation

AI Rating: 5
Pro Rating: 1.5 // 3.5

This is a crazy good payoff for ramping Eldrazi, and it helps you ramp in a big way all on it's own.


Primal Prayers

AI Rating: 2.1
Pro Rating: 0

This doesn't work in Limited. Cards that only give you a discount -- even a free discount -- are rarely good because they don't give you card advantage.


Propagator Drone

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 4.5

This is an Uncommon two-drop that can win you the game. If you get it early, it's likely to grow lots of Spawns, and if you get it late it's likely to spit out Spawns and then grow them, either way this is very powerful.


Signature Slam

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 3.5

This is very nice removal that can sometimes work as a 2-for-1 thanks to the counter.



AI Rating: 4.6
Pro Rating: 4

This has nice base stats, and it's ability to get you lands and retrace your spells will make for an impressive engine.


Springheart Nantuko

AI Rating: 4.8
Pro Rating: 4.5

Whether this is Bestowed or in play on it's own, this is a great landfall trigger. 1/1 Insects can do a ton of work, and if you copy something awesome, things can really get out of hand.


Temperamental Oozewagg

AI Rating: 3.2
Pro Rating: 2

This can come down and give some stuff trample reasonably often, and Adapt means it can give itself trample too.


Territory Culler

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 4

These are great stats, and the landfall trigger is either "Surveil 1" or "Draw a card." While the latter is obviously way better, Surveil 1 is no small thing either.


Thief of Existence

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 3

This is hard to actually cost on curve, and you're not always going to have a target for it's cast trigger. However, when you do it will feel awesome.


Trickster's Elk

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 3

Sometimes this is nice to bestow on your stuff, sometimes it's nice to bestow on your opponents. The latter is useful more often, and the fact you get a 3/3 when that creature dies later is pretty sweet.


Wumpus Aberration

AI Rating: 3.6
Pro Rating: 3

This is pretty beefy when you can cast it early, and that's not a huge ask. By turn 4 having colorless is reasonably likely in Green.


Abstruse Appropriation

AI Rating: 3.7
Pro Rating: 5

This is a flexible and reasonably efficient removal spell that lets you cast whatever you kill with it. That's crazy! You do probably want to have a couple colorless sources in your deck to make sure you can get full value, though.


Arna Kennerüd, Skycaptain

AI Rating: 4.3
Pro Rating: 5

A 5-mana 4/4 with these keywords and Ward is something you'd always play. The best your opponent can do is get 2-for-1'd, and then this has crazy modified upside in a set filled with modifications.


Conduit Goblin

AI Rating: 4.6
Pro Rating: 3

This is a great two drop that can give you absoultely insane starts early, but it's ability can come up late too when you play something big and can send it in right away.


Cranial Ram

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 2.5

You do need lots of artifacts to go off with this, but that's pretty likely in Black-Red.


Cursed Wombat

AI Rating: 3.4
Pro Rating: 4

When you adapt this, it becomes a 5/6 because it's triggered ability counts itself! And you're going to have lots more Adapt and other counter stuff around for it to augment.


Cyclops Superconductor

AI Rating: 2.5
Pro Rating: 3

This can usually generate a 2-for-1, and Prowess can make it even better than that.


Emissary of Soulfire

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 2.5

Exalted isn't exactly insane, but the idea here is that in Blue-White you're gonig to attack with one flyer a lot and it'll get buffed. But the baseline here just isn't impressive, especially for a signpost uncommon.


Expanding Ooze

AI Rating: 4.2
Pro Rating: 3.5

This can put the counter on itself after you adapt, while also having the ability to buff other stuff if that's better.


Faithful Watchdog

AI Rating: 2.6
Pro Rating: 3

This is a great rate, and it's a ready-made modified creature.


Genku, Future Shaper

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 5

This is very easy to generate tokens with. Note that it counts all nontoken permanents, including fetch lands, and it doesn't care how those permanents leave the battlefield either. And on top of that, it can buff your whole board permanently!


Golden-Tail Trainer

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 2.5

I don't love that this asks so much of you. Namely, you need to have a board with other creatures, they need to be modified, and Golden-Tail Trainer also needs to be augmented if it's ever going to survive combat.


Horrid Shadowspinner

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 3

This is a powerful attack trigger, and it can get a lot better when you back it up with removal or modifications.


Imskir Iron-Eater

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 4.5

This is in black-red, so it doesn't really need a buildaround grade -- you're gonna have artifacts. In that deck, you'll be able to cast it for 5 or 6, draw a card or two, and have access to a powerful activated ability.


Invert Polarity

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 2.5

This is basically just a hard-to-cast cancel that will be better about half the time, since you can gain control of the creature spell or point removal at your opponent's own stuff.


Izzet Generatorium

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 0.0 // 3.0

This is really bad if you're not going hard on energy. If you are, it becomes a card advantage engine.


Kudo, King Among Bears

AI Rating: 2.9
Pro Rating: 1

This is a hard to cast 2/2 that doesn't really have an effect that matters most of the time. If you were behind when you cast it, you still are once it's in play.


Nadu, Winged Wisdom

AI Rating: 3.2
Pro Rating: 5

This triggers on removal, on activated abliities like Equip, and on combat tricks and Bestow. So the best your opponent can do is get 2-for-1'd, and if it stays in play it's likely to be an engine that hits hard in the air.


The Necrobloom

AI Rating: 5
Pro Rating: 3.5

This has decent defensive stats, although it's a little hard to cast. 0/1s aren't awesome, but when you're getting them effectively for free, they are pretty good. It also isn't entirely impossible to get 2/2s instead thanks to the MDFC lands in the set.


Obstinate Gargoyle

AI Rating: 1.1
Pro Rating: 2.5

This starts out pretty inefficient, but you can give it flying easily enough -- and when it persists, it'll come back with Flying all on its own.


Ondu Knotmaster

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating:


Phlage, Titan of Fire's Fury

AI Rating: 4.6
Pro Rating: 5

This is a bad Lightning Helix early -- which is still really good, and in the late game it comes back, triggers again, and gives you a huge body that repeatedly Lightning Helixes.


Planar Genesis

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 2.5

If you cast this early, you'll probably use it to ramp your mana, and if you draw it late, you'll use it to find some action.


Psychic Frog

AI Rating: 4.6
Pro Rating: 4

Giving this flying and drawing cards off of it is really sweet, especially because you can give up cards to grow it too.


Pyretic Rebirth

AI Rating: 3.6
Pro Rating: 3.5

As long as you have a target for this in the graveyard, it's a very powerful 2-for-1.


Riddle Gate Gargoyle

AI Rating: 2.5
Pro Rating: 3

Blue/White has lots of places to spend energy, and repeateable lifelink can go a long way towards helping you win a race.


Rosheen, Roaring Prophet

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 2.5

She's mostly a 4-mana 4/4 with some minor upside, both because you aren't likely to take advantage of your graveyard or actually have X spells.


Scurry of Gremlins

AI Rating: 3.6
Pro Rating: 3.5

This adds a ton of damage to the board all on its own, and the buff it offers can often end the game out of nowhere.


Snapping Voidcraw

AI Rating: 4.3
Pro Rating: 3.5

This is serious ramp, and Blue-Gren is all about that -- and it even has late-game utility as a mana sink.


Sneaky Snacker

AI Rating: 2.5
Pro Rating: 2.5

Getting this back even once is going to feel pretty good, and Blue-Black looks like it can do it.


Titans' Vanguard

AI Rating: 4.1
Pro Rating: 4.5

This will buff much of your board in a Red-Green deck, and then do it again when it attacks -- and it even buffs itself on the attack, in addition to being an efficient trampler.


Wight of the Reliquary

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 4

This is good at fixing your mana, although you don't always have expendable creatures. Still, it scales all game long and has a useful activated ability.


Writhing Chrysalis

AI Rating: 4.6
Pro Rating: 4

This can effectively be a 4-mana 4/5 with Reach, since you can just give up the tokens right away. Ideally, you play this on 4, and drop a 7-drop on 5 while growing this to a 4/5. Either way, this card is nuts for a Common.


Disruptor Flute

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 0

Pithing Needles are bad in Limited. It's hard to know what to name and even when you do get the name right, you don't get a full card worth of value.


Idol of False Gods

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 1.5

This has some engine potential, but it's going to be very difficult to ever turn it into a creature.


Solar Transformer

AI Rating: 4.4
Pro Rating: 3

This looks like a very good mana rock, whether you're in an energy deck or a ramp deck. Two mana rocks just aren't thing we see very often, especially when this flexible.


Vexing Bauble

AI Rating: 0.7
Pro Rating: 1

This can replace itself so it isnt' entirely unplayable, but it's static effect is largely irrelevant.


Winter Moon

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 0

This set doesn't have enough nonbasics for this to matter.


Archway of Innovation

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 2

The cost of running this is low because it often enters untapped, but Improvise isn't that useful in Blue in this set.


Arena of Glory

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 3

This can offer a legit mana boost, and giving haste to the creature you cast is no small thing -- especially when the downside here is minimal.


Bloodstained Mire

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 3

These are great at fixing your mana, although keep in mind there aren't land with multiple basic land types in this set.


Bountiful Landscape

AI Rating: 1.8
Pro Rating: 3

These are pretty good at fixing your mana, and they give you colorless too! Cycling them makes them less painful to draw late, too.


Contaminated Landscape

AI Rating: 2.3
Pro Rating:


Deceptive Landscape

AI Rating: 1.4
Pro Rating:


Flooded Strand

AI Rating: 2.5
Pro Rating:


Foreboding Landscape

AI Rating: 2.1
Pro Rating:


Monumental Henge

AI Rating: 1.8
Pro Rating: 2.5

White doesn't have a ton of Historic stuff going on, but it has some and the ability is effectively a free roll.


Perilous Landscape

AI Rating: 1.8
Pro Rating:


Polluted Delta

AI Rating: 3.9
Pro Rating:


Seething Landscape

AI Rating: 1.9
Pro Rating:


Shattered Landscape

AI Rating: 2
Pro Rating:


Sheltering Landscape

AI Rating: 2.7
Pro Rating:


Shifting Woodland

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 3

Once you get Delirium, this will often effectively be a creature land -- and maybe a pretty darn good one.


Snow-Covered Wastes

AI Rating: 1.1
Pro Rating: 1

There are enough lands that produce colorless and give you other upside in the set that you just don't need this. Snow is also irrelevant here.


Spymaster's Vault

AI Rating: 2.9
Pro Rating: 3

It makes you do some work to get its ability on line, but once it is, conniving for one black mana is pretty amazing.


Tranquil Landscape

AI Rating: 2.2
Pro Rating: 1.5

This is pretty clunky at fixing your mana, and the fact it can get nonbasics doesn't come up a ton in Limited.


Twisted Landscape

AI Rating: 2.4
Pro Rating:


Ugin's Labyrinth

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 0.0 // 3.0

If you have 2-3 7+ mana colorless cards, this is basically Ancient Tomb which is pretty crazy! Although, if you don't get it early, and don't get it at the same time as one of those high-mana cards, it can be a problem.


Urza's Cave

AI Rating: 0.7
Pro Rating:


Windswept Heath

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating:


Wooded Foothills

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating:


Angel of the Ruins

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 2.5

This format has enough artifacts and enchantments, that this will usually have at least one target when it comes down. And, if you get it early, you can always use it to grab a land.


Decree of Justice

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 0.0 // 3.0

There's enough ramp int his format for Decree of Justice to be a pretty legitimate payoff, although most White decks probably don't want it.


Distinguished Conjurer

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 2.5

Incidental life gain is nice on a two drop, and in the late game this can sometimes be an engine.


Orim's Chant

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 0

This is good in constructed formats, but not Limited. This is really far from being a time walk. After all, your opponent gets to untap everything and draw a card -- and by the time it's your turn again, if they have any instant speed reaction online. In other words, much of the time Orim's Chant does nothing. It has moments where it's great, no question -- but the closest comparison to Orim's Chant is a fog. It has this amazing ceiling -- but it's only available like 5% of the time, and the other 95% of the time it's useless or at the very least not worth a card.


Recruiter of the Guard

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 2.5

A three mana 1/1 is pretty bad, but this one virtually always draws you a creature card, and sometimes it will be an especially good one.


Sevinne's Reclamation

AI Rating: 2.9
Pro Rating: 2

When you aren't flashing this back it isn't very good, and White decks in this format don't exactly have a graveyard theme.


Deep Analysis

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 3

This is a great draw spell that can give you a 4-for-1. Sometimes it's nice to get it into your graveyard without casting it too, because it draws 2 cards so efficiently.


Estrid's Invocation

AI Rating: 2.5
Pro Rating: 0

This format has Enchantments, but they definitely aren't concentrated in Blue, and even when it can copy something it often isn't worth three mana.


Kappa Cannoneer

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 3.5

Blue isn't an artifact-heavy color in this set, but the Cannoneer is still pretty powerful. It's hard to kill and can grow in a hurry while cracking in for tons of damage.


Reef Worm

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 3.5

So, if everything goes according to plan -- you pay 4 mana for a 0/1, a 3/3, a 6/6, and a 9/9. And yeah -- you don't get all of them at once, but this one card gives you so much value, and any time the token you have is no longer relevant, you can get the next one. This is super weak to bounce and exile removal, though.


Shrieking Drake

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 1.5

It's too hard to make this actually do something consistently. You can't play it on turn one if you want a one drop, and you just don't always have creatures worth bouncing to your hand.


Buried Alive

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 0

This is basically three mana to do absolutely nothing.


K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 1

If you can go mono-black this gets interesting, but otherwise you're spending a bunch of mana and life for an inefficient creature that doesn't grow quickly enough given how much work you have to do to get it in play.


Nadier's Nightblade

AI Rating: 3.2
Pro Rating: 2.5

This is a powerful card, but Black doesn't have a big token theme in this set, so it isn't insane or anything.



AI Rating: 3.2
Pro Rating: 4

This is basically three mana for a 2/2 and a 1/1 with death touch -- it does need to survive until your opponent's upkeep to get the token, but that's not a huge ask. It even has some additional upside of giving you repetable sacrifice fodder.


Toxic Deluge

AI Rating: 5
Pro Rating: 5

This is a great sweeper. It's cheap and you effectively get to choose what dies and what lives, while also having the upside of wiping the entire board when that's what you need.



AI Rating: 3.9
Pro Rating: 1.5

This has a really high ceiling -- but for it to be worth it you need something expendable in play and a couple of worthwhile creatures in the yard -- and even then you're just breaking even on cards.


Cursed Mirror

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 2

Three-mana for a mana rock isn't a great deal, but this one will often be able to do something when you play it -- whether it's attacking or triggering an ETB.


Fledgling Dragon

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 2

The baseline here is terrible, so you really need threshold for the Dragon to be worthwhile, and Red isn't exactly adept at getting there.


Laelia, the Blade Reforged

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 5

This is effectively a three mana 3/3 with Haste that draws you a card, and it just keeps drawing you more cards and growing after that.



AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 0.5

This is a weird card for this format, because Red is one of the artifact-heavy sets in the format, so you don't really want to run this. Instead, you want to side it in against those types of decks.


Meteoric Mace

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 1.5

Cascade is strong, and this does offer a threatening stats boost -- but it's so inefficient to cast and equip that it's still tough to get 6 mana worth of value out of this.


Annoyed Altisaur

AI Rating: 3.9
Pro Rating: 4

It's expensive, but you're always going to get more than 7 mana worth of value, and sometimes it will be completely absurd.


Branching Evolution

AI Rating: 3.6
Pro Rating: 1.5

Counters are a big theme in this set, but a card that only makes your counter stuff better is a huge liability. It doesn't add to the board and doesn't do anything on its own.


Priest of Titania

AI Rating: 2.3
Pro Rating: 2.5

The floor is a two mana Llanowar Elves, and why Elves aren't a huge theme in the set, she will tap for two sometimes.


Sylvan Safekeeper

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 3.5

The ability to blank removal for no mana at all shouldn't be underrated.


Wirewood Symbiote

AI Rating: 0.7
Pro Rating: 0

This can combo with mana elves in a pretty sweet way, but there aren't enough in this set for it to be worth it.


Breya, Etherium Shaper

AI Rating: 0.7
Pro Rating: 3.5

If you can cast her, she's great, even with 0 other artifacts. And if you do have others -- which is likely, since Black and Red are both artifact colors -- she is insane. The mana cost is what holds her back.


Kaalia of the Vast

AI Rating: 2.1
Pro Rating: 1

This is basically just a hard-to-cast 4-mana 2/2 flyer. Occasionally you'll cheat something into play, but most of the stuff that you can do that with isn't anything special.


Emerald Medallion

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 0

Spending a card for a discount on half the cards in your deck isn't worth it in Limited.


Jet Medallion

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 0

Spending a card for a discount on half the cards in your deck isn't worth it in Limited.


Junk Diver

AI Rating: 1.2
Pro Rating: 1.5

This doesn't really give you a 2-for-1, because Junk Diver on it's own isn't really worth a card, and if you don't have an artifact to get back it feels truly miserable.


Pearl Medallion

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 0

Spending a card for a discount on half the cards in your deck isn't worth it in Limited.


Ruby Medallion

AI Rating: 0.7
Pro Rating: 0

Spending a card for a discount on half the cards in your deck isn't worth it in Limited.


Sapphire Medallion

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 0

Spending a card for a discount on half the cards in your deck isn't worth it in Limited.


Urza's Incubator

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 0

Spending a card for a discount on a few of the creatures in your deck isn't worth it in Limited.


Worn Powerstone

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 2.5

The turn you play this can be a little scary, since you don't add to the board. But the mana boost is legit, so it's worth it in many decks.


Barbarian Ring

AI Rating: 2.9
Pro Rating: 2.5

If you're an aggressive Red deck, you're going to be pretty happy to have a land that turns into Shock late. If you're a slower Red deck, you probably don't play this because you can't afford to take damage from the land.


Cephalid Coliseum

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 2.5

Draw three discard three is a great late game ability on a land, especially in a set with a card draw archetype.


Deserted Temple

AI Rating: -0
Pro Rating: 0

Colorless matters in this set, but there are better ways to produce it all over the place. Running lands that only produce colorless is dangerous for your mana base, and the activated ability here is very weak.


Nesting Grounds

AI Rating: 1.8
Pro Rating: 1

Colorless matters in this set, but there are better ways to produce it all over the place. Running lands that only produce colorless is dangerous for your mana base. Nesting Grounds has an ability that is relevant sometimes, at least.


Phyrexian Tower

AI Rating: 2.3
Pro Rating: 3

This can give you colorless or Black mana, which is attractive -- and if you have expendable bodies around it can even give you a mana boost.

Card Pro Rating AI Rating APA Picked ALSA Seen
ss-common||Basic Land — Plains
0.4 14.00 1 11.25 10
ss-common||Basic Land — Island
-0 15.00 0 8.60 8
ss-common||Basic Land — Swamp
0.4 14.00 1 12.00 12
ss-common||Basic Land — Mountain
0.4 13.83 6 12.05 65
ss-common||Basic Land — Forest
0.4 14.00 5 11.86 64
ss-mythic|White|Legendary Creature — Cat Warrior
5 1.00 1 1.00 1
1.8 10.00 1 5.50 7
ss-uncommon|White|Creature — Human Warlock
3 2.5 8.00 1 6.00 4
ss-uncommon|Blue|Creature — Weird
3.5 1.1 12.00 1 6.50 4
3.5 4.6 2.00 1 5.67 7
ss-mythic|Blue|Legendary Creature — Moonfolk Wizard
4 4.8 1.50 2 1.50 2
ss-uncommon|Black|Creature — Goblin
3.5 -0 15.00 0 4.00 2
4 -0 15.00 0 2.00 1
ss-mythic|Black|Legendary Creature — Human Noble
4.5 3.9 4.00 1 4.00 1
ss-uncommon|Red|Creature — Djinn Monk
4 -0 15.00 0 10.00 3
ss-mythic|Red|Legendary Creature — Human Wizard
4 2.1 9.00 1 9.00 2
3.5 2.1 9.00 1 7.00 6
4 4.4 2.67 3 3.50 5
ss-uncommon|Green|Creature — Elf Druid
3.5 3.9 4.00 2 3.67 5
ss-mythic|Green|Legendary Creature — Insect
3.5 -0 15.00 0 2.00 1
4 3.2 6.00 1 6.00 1
ss-uncommon||Creature — Eldrazi
4 2.1 9.00 2 8.00 5
ss-uncommon|White|Black|Enchantment — Aura
3.5 -0 15.00 0 6.00 1
3.5 3.6 5.00 1 5.00 1
4 3.9 4.00 2 3.50 5
3.5 -0 15.00 0 2.50 3
ss-uncommon|White|Green|Enchantment — Aura
3.5 -0 15.00 0 1.50 2
4 4.4 2.67 3 3.00 9
3.5 -0 15.00 0 6.33 6
3 1.8 10.00 1 10.00 2
ss-uncommon||Creature — Eldrazi
2.5 -0 15.00 0 6.00 2
ss-rare||Creature — Eldrazi
4.5 5 1.00 1 1.00 1
ss-common||Creature — Eldrazi Trilobite
2 1.8 10.00 3 8.40 19
ss-rare||Kindred Enchantment — Eldrazi
0 -0 15.00 0 3.00 1
ss-uncommon||Creature — Eldrazi
3 5 1.00 1 4.67 6
ss-mythic||Legendary Creature — Eldrazi
0.0 // 5.0 3.9 4.00 1 4.00 1
ss-uncommon||Creature — Eldrazi Drone
2 3.8 4.33 3 4.42 16
ss-uncommon||Creature — Eldrazi Drone
3 3.3 5.67 3 7.00 6
ss-mythic||Legendary Creature — Eldrazi
4.5 -0 15.00 0 1.00 1
ss-rare||Kindred Instant — Eldrazi
3.5 -0 15.00 0 1.50 2
0.5 0.7 13.00 1 8.00 8
ss-rare||Creature — Eldrazi Elemental
5 4.8 1.50 2 1.50 2
ss-uncommon||Creature — Eldrazi Sphinx
3 4.3 3.00 2 4.25 5
ss-mythic||Legendary Creature — Eldrazi
4 -0 15.00 0 1.00 1
ss-common||Creature — Eldrazi Boar Beast
2 2 9.33 3 9.25 14
ss-uncommon||Creature — Eldrazi Wizard
2.5 -0 15.00 0 3.00 2
ss-common|White|Creature — Bird Soldier
3.5 2.9 7.00 1 7.75 10
ss-uncommon|White|Enchantment — Saga
4 -0 15.00 0 1.00 1
0 2.1 9.00 1 6.50 3
1 -0 15.00 0 9.50 3
ss-common|White|Enchantment — Aura
3 -0 15.00 0 6.40 10
ss-uncommon|White|Creature — Human Cleric
3.5 -0 15.00 0 7.00 1
0 -0 15.00 0 4.50 3
3 2.2 8.83 6 8.20 73
1 -0 15.00 0 6.50 3
ss-uncommon|White|Enchantment Creature — Elemental
3.5 -0 15.00 0 3.00 1
ss-uncommon|White|Creature — Elephant Warrior
3 3.6 5.00 1 4.33 4
ss-rare|White|Creature — Human Cleric
5 5 1.00 4 1.00 4
ss-common|White|Creature — Slith
2.5 -0 15.00 0 5.67 7
ss-uncommon|White|Enchantment Creature — Spirit
3 -0 15.00 0 4.25 5
ss-common|White|Creature — Human Artificer
3 -0 15.00 0 6.00 7
2 1.8 10.00 10 8.27 63
ss-common|White|Artifact — Equipment
2.5 2.4 8.30 10 7.30 62
ss-uncommon|White|Creature — Phyrexian Human Cleric
3 -0 15.00 0 4.00 4
2 3.9 4.00 1 4.67 3
ss-common|White|Enchantment Creature — Unicorn
3 2 9.38 8 7.22 64
ss-mythic|White|Creature — Cat
4.5 4.3 3.00 1 3.00 1
ss-rare|White|Legendary Creature — Fox Advisor
4 3.8 4.33 3 3.50 6
ss-rare|White|Legendary Creature — Dog
3.5 5 1.00 1 1.00 2
ss-uncommon|White|Creature — Rhino
3.5 -0 15.00 0 5.00 1
ss-common|White|Creature — Human Knight
2.5 2.1 9.00 8 10.85 78
ss-common|White|Creature — Rhino Cleric
2 2.4 8.17 6 7.95 63
1.5 // 4.0 4.3 3.00 2 3.50 3
3 5 1.00 1 5.25 9
ss-uncommon|White|Creature — Angel
3.5 -0 15.00 0 5.33 4
ss-rare|White|Creature — Spirit Knight
3 -0 15.00 0 1.00 1
2 0.9 12.50 2 9.73 70
4.5 4.9 1.33 3 1.67 4
2.5 1.8 9.92 12 8.64 76
ss-rare|Blue|Enchantment — Aura
3.5 -0 15.00 0 1.40 5
ss-uncommon|Blue|Artifact — Vehicle
2 4.3 3.00 1 4.00 4
2.5 -0 15.00 0 7.67 6
0.5 -0 15.00 0 9.33 7
ss-uncommon|Blue|Creature — Shapeshifter Rogue
3.5 -0 15.00 0 6.67 5
ss-common||Creature — Eldrazi Shapeshifter
2 1.7 10.33 6 8.73 69
2.5 1.9 9.78 9 8.29 78
ss-uncommon||Creature — Eldrazi
4 3.4 5.50 2 4.50 3
ss-rare|Blue|Creature — Whale
1.5 -0 15.00 0 4.00 2
ss-common|Blue|Creature — Jellyfish
2 1.8 9.83 6 8.26 61
ss-uncommon||Creature — Eldrazi Faerie Rogue
4 2.5 8.00 1 6.00 4
2 -0 15.00 0 2.00 1
ss-rare|Blue|Creature — Merfolk Wizard
0 -0 15.00 0 7.50 3
ss-uncommon||Creature — Eldrazi Snake
3.5 -0 15.00 0 9.00 2
1.5 // 4 2.5 8.00 1 7.00 2
ss-common||Creature — Eldrazi
2.5 1.4 11.00 1 6.80 10
ss-uncommon|Blue|Creature — Merfolk Rogue
3 2.3 8.50 2 4.60 13
ss-common|Blue|Creature — Human Wizard
1.5 / 3.0 1.1 12.00 7 9.50 87
ss-common|Blue|Creature — Vedalken Wizard
3.5 2.5 8.00 3 9.20 15
ss-mythic|Blue|Enchantment — Aura
2 -0 15.00 0 11.00 2
0 0.4 14.00 1 11.00 3
ss-uncommon|Blue|Enchantment — Saga
2 -0 15.00 0 7.00 5
ss-common|Blue|Creature — Merfolk Wizard
2.5 -0 15.00 0 8.00 10
ss-uncommon|Blue|Enchantment Creature — Merfolk Wizard
2.5 -0 15.00 0 10.00 7
3 -0 15.00 0 7.60 13
2.5 1.4 11.00 2 10.00 6
ss-common|Blue|Enchantment — Aura
2.5 2.5 8.12 8 7.77 71
ss-rare|Blue|Creature — Drake
1 4.6 2.00 2 2.67 6
ss-common|Black|Creature — Zombie Warrior
2 2.5 8.00 1 3.67 4
ss-uncommon|Black|Artifact Creature — Bird
1.5 // 3.5 1.4 11.00 1 7.00 4
3 4.6 2.00 2 2.00 2
1 -0 15.00 0 2.00 1
1.5 // 4.0 3.6 5.00 1 4.00 3
ss-rare|Black|Creature — Crab Demon
5 5 1.00 3 1.00 3
ss-uncommon|Black|Enchantment — Saga
1 -0 15.00 0 12.50 4
ss-uncommon|Black|Artifact — Vehicle
2.5 -0 15.00 0 4.33 4
ss-common|Black|Creature — Vampire
2.5 2.7 7.50 4 7.20 13
ss-common|Black|Artifact — Equipment
1.5 0.9 12.40 5 9.57 74
ss-rare|Black|Creature — Skeleton Noble
4 5 1.00 1 1.67 3
ss-uncommon|Black|Artifact Creature — Phyrexian Slith
2 -0 15.00 0 5.36 14
ss-uncommon|Black|Artifact Creature — Salamander Drake
3 -0 15.00 0 3.00 2
2 2.3 8.50 2 6.00 9
ss-common|Black|Creature — Horror
2 1.4 11.00 8 8.62 65
3 4.3 3.00 1 3.00 1
3 2.9 7.00 4 8.38 69
ss-uncommon|Black|Creature — Zombie Warlock
3.5 -0 15.00 0 8.00 1
ss-common|Black|Creature — Spirit
2 2 9.44 9 9.16 67
2 1.8 10.00 1 6.75 6
ss-uncommon|Black|Creature — Human Artificer
4 -0 15.00 0 3.00 1
2.5 -0 15.00 0 8.50 6
ss-mythic|Black|Legendary Enchantment
1.0 // 4.0 -0 15.00 0 5.50 3
ss-mythic|Black|Creature — Lhurgoyf
2.5 5 1.00 1 3.25 5
1.5 2.9 7.00 1 8.00 4
ss-common|Black|Artifact Creature — Zombie Rat
4 2.5 8.00 2 5.75 9
ss-common|Black|Artifact Creature — Zombie
2 1.6 10.60 10 9.20 66
1.5 -0 15.00 0 5.00 2
ss-common|Black|Creature — Human Knight Rogue
2.5 2.4 8.40 10 7.83 68
ss-rare|Black|Legendary Creature — Elder Demon
5 -0 15.00 0 4.00 1
ss-rare|Black|Creature — Zombie Goblin Wizard
3 3.6 5.00 1 5.00 2
3.5 3.6 5.00 3 4.75 6
ss-uncommon|Black|Artifact Creature — Phyrexian Wurm
3.5 -0 15.00 0 2.75 4
1.5 // 4.5 5 1.00 1 3.00 2
ss-uncommon|Red|Creature — Dinosaur
3.5 -0 15.00 0 1.00 2
ss-mythic|Red|Legendary Creature — Elemental Shaman
4 4.3 3.00 1 3.00 1
ss-rare|Red|Enchantment Creature — Phoenix
5 5 1.00 1 1.00 1
ss-rare||Creature — Eldrazi
3.5 -0 15.00 0 1.00 2
4 2.9 7.00 1 6.50 4
2 -0 15.00 0 5.67 3
ss-uncommon||Artifact Creature — Frog Myr
1.5 -0 15.00 0 5.00 4
ss-uncommon|Red|Artifact Creature — Dragon
2.5 -0 15.00 0 5.00 7
4 4.6 2.00 1 2.33 3
4 5 1.00 1 2.88 10
2 2.3 8.67 12 8.43 72
ss-common|Red|Creature — Devil Rogue
2 1.2 11.67 6 9.37 69
ss-common|Red|Artifact — Equipment
1.5 2.3 8.60 5 8.12 73
ss-uncommon|Red|Creature — Goblin
2 -0 15.00 0 8.33 6
ss-common|Red|Artifact Creature — Golem
2.5 2.5 7.89 9 7.57 62
ss-rare|Red|Creature — Lizard Wizard
4 4.6 2.00 1 1.50 2
2 3.9 4.00 1 5.20 7
0 -0 15.00 0 9.00 2
ss-uncommon|Red|Enchantment — Saga
4.5 2.9 7.00 1 6.00 4
ss-uncommon|Red|Creature — Human Scout
3 -0 15.00 0 1.00 1
4 -0 15.00 0 3.00 2
ss-common|Red|Artifact Creature — Goblin
2 1.3 11.40 10 9.38 75
2.5 1.6 10.44 9 9.00 80
ss-uncommon||Creature — Eldrazi Drone
3.5 3.9 4.00 1 4.33 3
ss-common|Red|Legendary Creature — Goblin Wizard
3 2.3 8.45 11 8.05 66
ss-common|Red|Artifact Creature — Insect
1.5 -0 15.00 0 5.00 5
ss-uncommon||Creature — Eldrazi Goblin
4 4.3 3.00 2 2.67 3
ss-common|Red|Creature — Cat Dragon
2 3.1 6.33 6 7.70 61
1.0 // 3.0 2.5 8.00 1 6.00 2
ss-common||Creature — Eldrazi
2 0.7 13.00 1 8.20 15
0 5 1.00 1 4.00 3
ss-common||Creature — Eldrazi Lizard
3 2.9 7.00 1 4.75 5
1 1.1 12.00 1 6.67 4
2 -0 15.00 0 2.00 1
ss-common|Green|Artifact — Equipment
2.5 1.8 10.00 2 9.25 14
ss-mythic|Green|Legendary Creature — Elf Warrior
4.5 5 1.00 1 2.00 2
ss-common||Creature — Eldrazi Drone
3 3.9 4.00 2 3.50 4
ss-common|Green|Creature — Elf Shaman Mutant
3 2.3 8.50 2 6.00 8
ss-rare|Green|Creature — Snake Druid
4.5 -0 15.00 0 1.00 1
1.5 2.3 8.50 2 7.67 5
2.5 -0 15.00 0 1.00 1
2 2.1 9.22 9 9.36 68
1.5 2.3 8.50 2 8.40 10
4 4.6 2.00 2 4.00 5
ss-uncommon|Green|Enchantment — Saga
3 1.4 11.00 1 10.50 4
ss-uncommon|Green|Creature — Human Warrior
3.5 3.1 6.33 6 4.86 24
ss-uncommon|Green|Enchantment — Aura
1.5 // 2.5 3.9 4.00 1 7.33 7
2.5 2.6 7.67 3 6.60 13
1 0.4 14.00 1 8.67 9
ss-common|Green|Creature — Dryad
3.5 4.6 2.00 2 2.00 5
ss-common|Green|Enchantment Creature — Hydra
2.5 3.6 5.00 2 5.00 9
1.5 // 3.5 5 1.00 1 1.00 1
0 2.1 9.00 1 5.12 10
ss-uncommon||Creature — Eldrazi Drone
4.5 -0 15.00 0 9.00 2
3.5 -0 15.00 0 1.00 1
ss-rare|Green|Legendary Creature — Treefolk
4 4.6 2.00 1 2.00 1
ss-rare|Green|Enchantment Creature — Insect Monk
4.5 4.8 1.50 2 1.33 3
ss-common|Green|Creature — Ooze Brushwagg
2 3.2 6.08 12 6.38 68
ss-uncommon||Creature — Eldrazi
4 -0 15.00 0 3.00 1
ss-rare||Creature — Eldrazi
3 -0 15.00 0 2.60 5
ss-uncommon|Green|Enchantment Creature — Elk
3 -0 15.00 0 9.00 6
ss-uncommon||Creature — Eldrazi Beast
3 3.6 5.00 1 3.50 2
5 3.7 4.60 5 3.29 9
ss-mythic|White|Blue|Black|Legendary Creature — Human Knight
5 4.3 3.00 1 5.50 2
ss-common|White|Red|Creature — Goblin Warrior
3 4.6 2.00 1 5.25 6
ss-common|Black|Red|Artifact — Equipment
2.5 -0 15.00 0 3.00 8
ss-uncommon|Black|Green|Creature — Nightmare Wombat
4 3.4 5.50 2 5.75 4
ss-common|Blue|Red|Creature — Cyclops Wizard
3 2.5 8.08 12 8.41 70
ss-uncommon|White|Blue|Creature — Djinn Monk
2.5 -0 15.00 0 8.00 3
ss-common|Black|Green|Creature — Ooze
3.5 4.2 3.33 3 7.80 21
ss-common|White|Green|Creature — Dog
3 2.6 7.83 12 9.05 65
ss-rare|White|Blue|Legendary Creature — Moonfolk Wizard
5 -0 15.00 0 1.00 1
ss-uncommon|White|Green|Creature — Fox Samurai
2.5 -0 15.00 0 7.50 7
ss-uncommon|Blue|Black|Creature — Horror
3 -0 15.00 0 7.50 3
ss-rare|Black|Red|Legendary Creature — Demon
4.5 -0 15.00 0 4.00 1
2.5 -0 15.00 0 5.00 3
0.0 // 3.0 -0 15.00 0 7.67 6
ss-rare|White|Green|Legendary Creature — Bear
1 2.9 7.00 1 8.00 3
ss-rare|Blue|Green|Legendary Creature — Bird Wizard
5 3.2 6.00 1 6.00 1
ss-rare|White|Black|Green|Legendary Creature — Plant
3.5 5 1.00 1 1.00 1
ss-common|White|Black|Artifact Creature — Gargoyle
2.5 1.1 12.00 3 9.35 79
ss-uncommon|White|Black|Creature — Kor Rogue
-0 15.00 0 2.33 3
ss-mythic|White|Red|Legendary Creature — Elder Giant
5 4.6 2.00 1 2.00 1
2.5 -0 15.00 0 5.33 3
ss-rare|Blue|Black|Creature — Frog
4 4.6 2.00 1 2.67 3
3.5 3.6 5.00 1 3.75 7
ss-common|White|Blue|Artifact Creature — Gargoyle
3 2.5 8.00 2 7.33 61
ss-rare|Red|Green|Legendary Creature — Giant Shaman
2.5 -0 15.00 0 4.33 3
3.5 3.6 5.00 1 4.00 4
ss-common||Creature — Eldrazi Turtle
3.5 4.3 3.00 2 3.25 7
ss-common|Blue|Black|Creature Faerie Rogue
2.5 2.5 8.00 8 7.52 61
ss-uncommon||Creature — Eldrazi
4.5 4.1 3.60 5 3.17 15
ss-rare|Black|Green|Creature — Zombie Knight
4 -0 15.00 0 1.00 1
ss-common||Creature — Eldrazi Drone
4 4.6 2.00 2 2.00 3
0 -0 15.00 0 13.00 3
ss-uncommon||Kindred Artifact — Eldrazi
1.5 -0 15.00 0 6.00 6
3 4.4 2.67 3 3.38 12
1 0.7 13.00 1 10.00 11
0 -0 15.00 0 1.00 1
2 -0 15.00 0 7.00 1
3 -0 15.00 0 4.50 2
3 -0 15.00 0 10.00 2
3 1.8 10.00 1 7.20 8
2.3 8.62 8 8.44 80
1.4 11.00 2 8.80 21
2.5 8.00 1 8.50 4
2.1 9.00 6 7.21 69
2.5 1.8 10.00 1 5.50 4
1.8 10.00 1 7.67 10
3.9 4.00 2 5.00 11
1.9 9.67 3 7.33 12
2 9.33 6 7.35 64
2.7 7.43 7 7.36 67
3 -0 15.00 0 4.33 3
ss-uncommon||Basic Snow Land
1 1.1 12.00 1 10.50 11
3 2.9 7.00 2 7.00 4
1.5 2.2 8.75 8 7.61 75
2.4 8.14 7 6.88 63
0.0 // 3.0 -0 15.00 0 1.00 1
ss-uncommon||Land — Urza's Cave
0.7 13.00 1 7.50 3
-0 15.00 0 2.50 2
-0 15.00 0 2.33 3
ss-uncommon|White|Artifact Creature — Angel
2.5 -0 15.00 0 7.50 4
0.0 // 3.0 -0 15.00 0 8.00 5
ss-uncommon|White|Creature — Human Wizard
2.5 -0 15.00 0 4.50 3
0 -0 15.00 0 5.00 1
ss-mythic|White|Creature — Human Soldier
2.5 -0 15.00 0 1.00 2
2 2.9 7.00 3 4.33 7
3 -0 15.00 0 7.00 4
0 2.5 8.00 1 8.29 11
ss-rare|Blue|Artifact Creature — Turtle Warrior
3.5 -0 15.00 0 4.00 1
ss-uncommon|Blue|Creature — Worm
3.5 -0 15.00 0 6.33 3
ss-uncommon|Blue|Creature — Drake
1.5 -0 15.00 0 11.00 6
0 -0 15.00 0 10.00 7
ss-rare|Black|Legendary Creature — Phyrexian Horror Minion
1 -0 15.00 0 6.67 5
ss-uncommon|Black|Creature — Elf Warrior
2.5 3.2 6.00 1 4.50 2
ss-rare|Black|Creature — Human Shaman
4 3.2 6.00 1 6.00 2
5 5 1.00 1 1.00 1
1.5 3.9 4.00 1 5.50 4
2 -0 15.00 0 8.00 8
ss-uncommon|Red|Creature — Dragon
2 -0 15.00 0 5.25 5
ss-rare|Red|Legendary Creature — Spirit Warrior
5 -0 15.00 0 1.00 1
0.5 -0 15.00 0 9.75 11
ss-uncommon|Red|Artifact — Equipment
1.5 -0 15.00 0 11.50 6
ss-uncommon|Green|Creature — Dinosaur
4 3.9 4.00 1 3.67 4
1.5 3.6 5.00 2 6.00 3
ss-uncommon|Green|Creature — Elf Druid
2.5 2.3 8.50 2 9.50 11
ss-rare|Green|Creature — Human Wizard
3.5 -0 15.00 0 2.50 2
ss-uncommon|Green|Creature — Insect
0 0.7 13.00 1 13.00 2
ss-mythic|White|Blue|Black|Red|Legendary Artifact Creature — Human
3.5 0.7 13.00 1 9.50 4
ss-mythic|White|Black|Red|Legendary Creature — Human Cleric
1 2.1 9.00 1 8.50 5
0 -0 15.00 0 10.00 3
0 -0 15.00 0 5.00 1
ss-uncommon||Artifact Creature — Bird
1.5 1.2 11.50 2 7.80 11
0 -0 15.00 0 5.50 3
0 0.7 13.00 1 6.33 8
0 -0 15.00 0 4.67 4
0 -0 15.00 0 9.00 2
2.5 -0 15.00 0 6.00 2
2.5 2.9 7.00 1 8.50 3
2.5 -0 15.00 0 9.67 6
0 -0 15.00 0 9.50 6
1 1.8 10.00 1 7.33 4
ss-mythic||Legendary Land
3 2.3 8.67 3 7.25 6
Pro - Ratings by Nizzahon Magic AI - A.I. ratings APA - AvgPickedAt ALSA - AvgLastSeenAt
Color Rating Breakdown
Cards over 3 rating

Enter The Battlefield Prepared

With the MTGA Assistant deck tracker MTGA Assistant
Boros 32 matches 4 decks
of Metagame
Temur 22 matches 4 decks
of Metagame
Golgari 20 matches 3 decks
of Metagame
Jeskai 12 matches 2 decks
of Metagame
Abzan 12 matches 2 decks
of Metagame
Izzet 16 matches 2 decks
of Metagame
Jund 18 matches 2 decks
of Metagame
Rakdos 18 matches 2 decks
of Metagame
Azorius 17 matches 2 decks
of Metagame
Bant 16 matches 2 decks
of Metagame
Gruul 9 matches 1 decks
of Metagame
Selesnya 9 matches 1 decks
of Metagame
Mono Green 8 matches 1 decks
of Metagame
Esper 9 matches 1 decks
of Metagame
Simic 7 matches 1 decks
of Metagame
Orzhov 8 matches 1 decks
of Metagame
Mardu 9 matches 1 decks
of Metagame