Historic Brawl - Ketramose, the New Dawn

1.05% of meta 0.22% change over the past week
Commander 1 cards (1 distinct)
Main 99 cards (86 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (26)
Creature (32)
Planeswalker (1)
Land (40)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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  • Meta deck card breakdown - 23 decks, 1.05% of meta

    Silverquill Silencer 1x in 4%
    Overlord of the Balemurk 1x in 4%
    Fleeting Spirit 1x in 4%
    Tinybones, Bauble Burglar 1x in 4%
    Starseer Mentor 1x in 4%
    Starving Revenant 1x in 4%
    Tymaret, Chosen from Death 1x in 4%
    Unscrupulous Agent 1x in 4%
    Deep-Cavern Bat 1x in 4%
    Angel of Finality 1x in 4%
    Gisa, Glorious Resurrector 1x in 4%
    Eagles of the North 1x in 4%
    Troll of Khazad-dûm 1x in 4%
    Bloodthirsty Conqueror 1x in 4%
    Realm-Cloaked Giant 1x in 4%
    Avacyn, Angel of Hope 1x in 4%
    Elesh Norn 1x in 4%
    Gisela, the Broken Blade 1x in 4%
    Reidane, God of the Worthy 1x in 4%
    Tergrid, God of Fright 1x in 4%
    Roaming Throne 1x in 4%
    Kambal, Profiteering Mayor 1x in 4%
    A-Dawnbringer Cleric 1x in 4%
    Hinterland Sanctifier 1x in 4%
    Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger 1x in 4%
    Thalia, Heretic Cathar 1x in 4%
    Archivist of Oghma 1x in 4%
    Linvala, Keeper of Silence 1x in 4%
    Sheoldred, Whispering One 1x in 4%
    Twilight Prophet 1x in 4%
    Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite 1x in 4%
    Leonin Surveyor 1x in 4%
    Nightmare Shepherd 1x in 4%
    Acquisitions Expert 1x in 4%
    Novice Inspector 1x in 4%
    Vona de Iedo, the Antifex 1x in 4%
    Salvation Swan 1x in 4%
    Spectrum Sentinel 1x in 4%
    Skrelv, Defector Mite 1x in 4%
    Giver of Runes 1x in 4%
    Amalia Benavides Aguirre 1x in 4%
    Angel of Sanctions 1x in 4%
    Ayara, First of Locthwain 1x in 4%
    Banisher Priest 1x in 4%
    Corpse Knight 1x in 4%
    Distinguished Conjurer 1x in 4%
    Fiend Hunter 1x in 4%
    Leonin Relic-Warder 1x in 4%
    Lumbering Battlement 1x in 4%
    Marauding Blight-Priest 1x in 4%
    Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose 1x in 4%
    Aven Interrupter 1x in 4%
    Knight of the White Orchid 1x in 4%
    Nethergoyf 1x in 4%
    Psychosis Crawler 1x in 4%
    Swarm Saboteur 1x in 4%
    Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet 1x in 4%
    Stalwart Realmwarden 1x in 4%
    Rasaad, Monk of Selune 1x in 4%
    Misery's Shadow 1x in 4%
    Urborg Scavengers 1x in 9%
    Annex Sentry 1x in 9%
    Claim Jumper 1x in 9%
    Athreos, God of Passage 1x in 9%
    Sungold Sentinel 1x in 9%
    Fear of Ridicule 1x in 9%
    Angel of the Ruins 1x in 9%
    Heliod, Sun-Crowned 1x in 9%
    Golden Sidekick 1x in 9%
    Remorseful Cleric 1x in 9%
    Sorin of House Markov 1x in 9%
    Ashen Rider 1x in 9%
    Darkstar Banisher 1x in 9%
    Edgar, Charmed Groom 1x in 9%
    A-Guide of Souls 1x in 9%
    Elite Spellbinder 1x in 9%
    Lunarch Veteran 1x in 9%
    Kambal, Consul of Allocation 1x in 9%
    Grand Abolisher 1x in 9%
    Callous Bloodmage 1x in 9%
    Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim 1x in 9%
    Sun Titan 1x in 9%
    Sheoldred's Assimilator 1x in 13%
    Burglar Rat 1x in 13%
    Plaguecrafter 1x in 13%
    Elderfang Disciple 1x in 13%
    Nezumi Informant 1x in 13%
    Athreos, Shroud-Veiled 1x in 13%
    Gonti, Lord of Luxury 1x in 13%
    Gonti, Night Minister 1x in 13%
    Valgavoth, Terror Eater 1x in 13%
    Noxious Gearhulk 1x in 13%
    Gray Merchant of Asphodel 1x in 13%
    Soul Warden 1x in 13%
    Werefox Bodyguard 1x in 13%
    Skullcap Snail 1x in 17%
    Restoration Angel 1x in 17%
    Basilica Bell-Haunt 1x in 17%
    Lotho, Corrupt Shirriff 1x in 17%
    Accursed Marauder 1x in 17%
    Juggernaut Peddler 1x in 17%
    Crabomination 1x in 17%
    Stonebinder's Familiar 1x in 17%
    Graveyard Trespasser 1x in 17%
    Massacre Wurm 1x in 17%
    Recruiter of the Guard 1x in 17%
    Cackling Observer 1x in 17%
    Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines 1x in 17%
    Yarok's Fenlurker 1x in 22%
    Liesa, Forgotten Archangel 1x in 22%
    Guardian of Ghirapur 1x in 22%
    Charming Prince 1x in 22%
    Lord Skitter, Sewer King 1x in 22%
    Abyssal Harvester 1x in 26%
    Spirited Companion 1x in 26%
    Helpful Hunter 1x in 26%
    Grief 1x in 30%
    Solemn Simulacrum 1x in 30%
    Sheoldred 1x in 30%
    Ravenous Chupacabra 1x in 30%
    Loran of the Third Path 1x in 35%
    Obzedat, Ghost Council 1x in 43%
    Teysa of the Ghost Council 1x in 48%
    Emperor of Bones 1x in 48%
    Solitude 1x in 52%
    Esper Sentinel 1x in 52%
    Boggart Trawler 1x in 57%
    Phelia, Exuberant Shepherd 1x in 57%
    Sheoldred, the Apocalypse 1x in 65%
    Lion Sash 1x in 70%
    Witch Enchanter 1x in 70%
    Skyclave Apparition 1x in 91%
  • Instant, Sorcery
    Declaration in Stone 1x in 4%
    Expel the Interlopers 1x in 4%
    Starfall Invocation 1x in 4%
    Ruthless Negotiation 1x in 4%
    Erebos's Intervention 1x in 4%
    Demonic Bargain 1x in 4%
    Hagra Mauling 1x in 4%
    Cruelclaw's Heist 1x in 4%
    Isolate 1x in 4%
    Final Showdown 1x in 4%
    Reprieve 1x in 4%
    The End 1x in 4%
    Creeping Chill 1x in 4%
    Condemn 1x in 4%
    Thraben Charm 1x in 4%
    Ondu Inversion 1x in 4%
    Doomfall 1x in 4%
    Unearth 1x in 4%
    Feed the Cycle 1x in 4%
    Scarab Feast 1x in 4%
    Ob Nixilis's Cruelty 1x in 4%
    Cry of the Carnarium 1x in 4%
    Cleansing Nova 1x in 4%
    Slip On the Ring 1x in 4%
    Shadow of the Enemy 1x in 4%
    Mana Tithe 1x in 4%
    Scrollshift 1x in 4%
    Sheoldred's Restoration 1x in 4%
    Cut Down 1x in 4%
    Razorgrass Ambush 1x in 4%
    Epic Downfall 1x in 4%
    Feed the Swarm 1x in 4%
    Infernal Grasp 1x in 4%
    Malakir Rebirth 1x in 4%
    Night's Whisper 1x in 4%
    Sejiri Shelter 1x in 4%
    Sign in Blood 1x in 4%
    Stroke of Midnight 1x in 4%
    Approach of the Second Sun 1x in 4%
    Poison the Cup 1x in 4%
    Rite of the Moth 1x in 4%
    Divine Gambit 1x in 4%
    Can't Stay Away 1x in 4%
    Treacherous Greed 1x in 4%
    Blot Out 1x in 4%
    Calamity's Wake 1x in 4%
    Angelic Ascension 1x in 4%
    Not on My Watch 1x in 4%
    Divine Smite 1x in 4%
    Angelic Purge 1x in 4%
    Expel 1x in 4%
    Quicksand Whirlpool 1x in 4%
    Banish from Edoras 1x in 4%
    The Battle of Bywater 1x in 4%
    Ride's End 1x in 4%
    Isildur's Fateful Strike 1x in 4%
    Depopulate 1x in 4%
    No Witnesses 1x in 9%
    Shatter the Sky 1x in 9%
    Agonizing Remorse 1x in 9%
    Emeria's Call 1x in 9%
    Soul Search 1x in 9%
    Duress 1x in 9%
    Intimidation Tactics 1x in 9%
    Revoke Existence 1x in 9%
    Consecrate 1x in 9%
    Lay Down Arms 1x in 9%
    Season of the Burrow 1x in 9%
    Beseech the Mirror 1x in 9%
    Dismember 1x in 9%
    Eerie Interlude 1x in 9%
    Fumigate 1x in 9%
    Get Lost 1x in 9%
    Agadeem's Awakening 1x in 9%
    Vanish into Eternity 1x in 9%
    Dawn's Truce 1x in 9%
    Anoint with Affliction 1x in 13%
    Dire Tactics 1x in 13%
    Dreams of Steel and Oil 1x in 13%
    Split Up 1x in 13%
    Doomskar 1x in 13%
    Hour of Revelation 1x in 13%
    Settle the Wreckage 1x in 13%
    Soul Transfer 1x in 13%
    Dark Ritual 1x in 13%
    Teferi's Protection 1x in 13%
    Orim's Chant 1x in 17%
    Silence 1x in 17%
    Humiliate 1x in 17%
    Elspeth's Smite 1x in 17%
    Bitter Triumph 1x in 17%
    Vraska's Contempt 1x in 17%
    Deadly Cover-Up 1x in 17%
    Thought Distortion 1x in 17%
    Sheoldred's Edict 1x in 17%
    Utter End 1x in 17%
    Vanquish the Horde 1x in 17%
    Reanimate 1x in 17%
    Toxic Deluge 1x in 22%
    Kaya's Wrath 1x in 22%
    Fatal Push 1x in 22%
    Flicker of Fate 1x in 22%
    Grave Expectations 1x in 22%
    Rite of Oblivion 1x in 26%
    Extinction Event 1x in 26%
    Inquisition of Kozilek 1x in 30%
    Legions to Ashes 1x in 30%
    Soul Partition 1x in 30%
    Sunfall 1x in 35%
    Abstruse Appropriation 1x in 35%
    Fragment Reality 1x in 39%
    Cloudshift 1x in 39%
    Damnation 1x in 43%
    Thoughtseize 1x in 43%
    Go Blank 1x in 43%
    Fell the Profane 1x in 43%
    Cling to Dust 1x in 43%
    March of Otherworldly Light 1x in 43%
    Parting Gust 1x in 43%
    Baleful Mastery 1x in 43%
    Wrath of God 1x in 52%
    Day of Judgment 1x in 52%
    Exorcise 1x in 52%
    Ephemerate 1x in 61%
    Path to Exile 1x in 70%
    Farewell 1x in 74%
    Vanishing Verse 1x in 74%
    Despark 1x in 78%
    Anguished Unmaking 1x in 87%
    Swords to Plowshares 1x in 96%
  • Enchantment, Artifact
    Collector's Cage 1x in 4%
    Candletrap 1x in 4%
    Mishra's Bauble 1x in 4%
    Necropotence 1x in 4%
    Static Prison 1x in 4%
    Tinybones Joins Up 1x in 4%
    Urza's Sylex 1x in 4%
    Vexing Bauble 1x in 4%
    Wishclaw Talisman 1x in 4%
    Lunar Convocation 1x in 4%
    Lantern of the Lost 1x in 4%
    Stone of Erech 1x in 4%
    Sword of Fire and Ice 1x in 4%
    Doom Foretold 1x in 4%
    Pariah 1x in 4%
    Kaya's Ghostform 1x in 4%
    Bitterblossom 1x in 4%
    Spectacle of Destruction 1x in 4%
    The Eldest Reborn 1x in 4%
    Unholy Annex 1x in 4%
    Funeral Room 1x in 4%
    Lavaspur Boots 1x in 4%
    Monument to Endurance 1x in 4%
    Replicating Ring 1x in 4%
    The Celestus 1x in 4%
    Chromatic Orrery 1x in 4%
    Portal to Phyrexia 1x in 4%
    Curse of Silence 1x in 4%
    Chimil, the Inner Sun 1x in 4%
    Cleric Class 1x in 4%
    Sword of Once and Future 1x in 4%
    Sword of Wealth and Power 1x in 4%
    Honored Heirloom 1x in 4%
    Necrodominance 1x in 4%
    Phyrexian Unlife 1x in 4%
    Heliod's Punishment 1x in 4%
    Overwhelming Splendor 1x in 4%
    Phyrexian Scriptures 1x in 4%
    Blind Obedience 1x in 4%
    Panharmonicon 1x in 4%
    Black Market Connections 1x in 4%
    Key to the Archive 1x in 4%
    Worn Powerstone 1x in 4%
    Profane Procession 1x in 4%
    Baffling End 1x in 4%
    Fountain of Renewal 1x in 4%
    Sanctum of Stone Fangs 1x in 4%
    Okiba Reckoner Raid 1x in 4%
    Glasswing Grace 1x in 4%
    Bontu's Monument 1x in 4%
    Mindless Conscription 1x in 4%
    Oketra's Monument 1x in 4%
    Wayfarer's Bauble 1x in 4%
    Pristine Talisman 1x in 4%
    Altar of the Pantheon 1x in 4%
    Aetherflux Reservoir 1x in 4%
    A-Cosmos Elixir 1x in 4%
    Glass Casket 1x in 4%
    Citizen's Arrest 1x in 4%
    Sigarda's Imprisonment 1x in 4%
    Makeshift Binding 1x in 4%
    Hieromancer's Cage 1x in 4%
    Mysterious Limousine 1x in 4%
    Dusk Rose Reliquary 1x in 9%
    Temporary Lockdown 1x in 9%
    Land Tax 1x in 9%
    Jet Medallion 1x in 9%
    Pearl Medallion 1x in 9%
    Sword of Forge and Frontier 1x in 9%
    Tormod's Crypt 1x in 9%
    Mystical Tether 1x in 9%
    Painful Quandary 1x in 9%
    The Cruelty of Gix 1x in 9%
    Soul-Guide Lantern 1x in 9%
    The Irencrag 1x in 9%
    Smothering Tithe 1x in 9%
    Oath of Kaya 1x in 9%
    Shadowspear 1x in 9%
    Ghostly Prison 1x in 9%
    Altar of the Brood 1x in 9%
    Phyrexian Arena 1x in 9%
    Prison Realm 1x in 9%
    A-The One Ring 1x in 13%
    Authority of the Consuls 1x in 13%
    Cast Out 1x in 13%
    Perilous Snare 1x in 13%
    Porcine Portent 1x in 13%
    The Restoration of Eiganjo 1x in 13%
    Virtue of Loyalty 1x in 17%
    Unlicensed Hearse 1x in 17%
    Grasp of Fate 1x in 17%
    Trapped in the Screen 1x in 22%
    Coldsteel Heart 1x in 22%
    Borrowed Time 1x in 22%
    Banishing Light 1x in 22%
    Swiftfoot Boots 1x in 22%
    Virtue of Persistence 1x in 22%
    Bag of Holding 1x in 22%
    Elspeth's Nightmare 1x in 26%
    Elspeth Conquers Death 1x in 26%
    Solar Transformer 1x in 26%
    Rest in Peace 1x in 30%
    Agatha's Soul Cauldron 1x in 30%
    Mind Stone 1x in 30%
    Leyline of the Void 1x in 35%
    Seal from Existence 1x in 39%
    Journey to Nowhere 1x in 39%
    Unidentified Hovership 1x in 43%
    Chrome Mox 1x in 43%
    Mox Amber 1x in 48%
    Scrabbling Claws 1x in 48%
    Teleportation Circle 1x in 52%
    Sheltered by Ghosts 1x in 57%
    Portable Hole 1x in 61%
    Ghost Vacuum 1x in 65%
    Touch the Spirit Realm 1x in 65%
    Relic of Progenitus 1x in 70%
    Ossification 1x in 74%
    Arcane Signet 1x in 83%
  • Planeswalkers
    Professor Onyx 1x in 4%
    Kaya, Bane of the Dead 1x in 4%
    Gideon Blackblade 1x in 4%
    Kaya, Geist Hunter 1x in 4%
    Ashiok, Wicked Manipulator 1x in 17%
    Liliana of the Veil 1x in 22%
    Kaya, Spirits' Justice 1x in 26%
    The Eternal Wanderer 1x in 48%
    The Wandering Emperor 1x in 57%
    Kaya, Orzhov Usurper 1x in 61%
    Kaya the Inexorable 1x in 65%
    Kaya, Intangible Slayer 1x in 65%
  • Lands
    Snow-Covered Plains 1x in 0%
    Snow-Covered Swamp 1x in 0%
    Forsaken Sanctuary 1x in 4%
    Silverquill Campus 1x in 4%
    Orzhov Guildgate 1x in 4%
    Sunlit Marsh 1x in 4%
    Cabaretti Courtyard 1x in 4%
    Hidden Necropolis 1x in 4%
    Neglected Manor 1x in 4%
    Sunken Citadel 1x in 4%
    Minas Tirith 1x in 4%
    Obscura Storefront 1x in 4%
    Barren Moor 1x in 4%
    Secluded Steppe 1x in 4%
    Mana Confluence 1x in 4%
    Goldmire Bridge 1x in 4%
    Spymaster's Vault 1x in 4%
    Witch's Cottage 1x in 4%
    Fountainport 1x in 4%
    Demolition Field 1x in 4%
    Gate to the Citadel 1x in 4%
    Shambling Vent 1x in 4%
    Evolving Wilds 1x in 4%
    Forlorn Flats 1x in 9%
    Snowfield Sinkhole 1x in 9%
    Scoured Barrens 1x in 9%
    Valgavoth's Lair 1x in 9%
    Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx 1x in 9%
    Arid Archway 1x in 13%
    Plaza of Heroes 1x in 13%
    Gate of the Black Dragon 1x in 17%
    Reliquary Tower 1x in 17%
    Cave of the Frost Dragon 1x in 17%
    Phyrexian Tower 1x in 22%
    Castle Ardenvale 1x in 22%
    Shineshadow Snarl 1x in 22%
    Forsaken Crossroads 1x in 22%
    Silent Clearing 1x in 22%
    Restless Fortress 1x in 26%
    Scavenger Grounds 1x in 26%
    Polluted Delta 1x in 30%
    Field of Ruin 1x in 35%
    Castle Locthwain 1x in 35%
    Pit of Offerings 1x in 35%
    Verdant Catacombs 1x in 35%
    Flooded Strand 1x in 39%
    Temple of Silence 1x in 43%
    Windswept Heath 1x in 43%
    Prismatic Vista 1x in 43%
    Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth 1x in 48%
    Fabled Passage 1x in 57%
    Bleachbone Verge 1x in 57%
    Takenuma, Abandoned Mire 1x in 57%
    Arid Mesa 1x in 57%
    Marsh Flats 1x in 57%
    Concealed Courtyard 1x in 57%
    Cavern of Souls 1x in 57%
    Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire 1x in 61%
    Hive of the Eye Tyrant 1x in 61%
    Bloodstained Mire 1x in 65%
    Isolated Chapel 1x in 87%
    Bojuka Bog 1x in 87%
    Command Tower 1x in 91%
    Shattered Sanctum 1x in 91%
    Brightclimb Pathway 1x in 91%
    Caves of Koilos 1x in 91%
    Shadowy Backstreet 1x in 96%
    Godless Shrine 1x in 100%
  • Sideboard
    Ketramose, the New Dawn 1x in 100%

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Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
40 35
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