Arena Standard - Bant Finale Selfmill BO1 v2

  • Deck contains 17 invalid cards for this format: Sanguine Sacrament (XLN), Glacial Fortress (XLN), Sunpetal Grove (XLN), Search for Azcanta // Azcanta, the Sunken Ruin (XLN), Memorial to Genius (DOM), Hinterland Harbor (DOM), Blink of an Eye (DOM), Syncopate (DOM), Cleansing Nova (M19), Thaumatic Compass // Spires of Orazca (XLN), Silent Gravestone (RIX), The Immortal Sun (RIX), Gleaming Barrier (RIX), Navigator's Compass (DOM), Transmogrifying Wand (M19), Amulet of Safekeeping (M19), Chaos Wand (M19)
Main 60 cards (24 distinct)
Planeswalker (8)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (28)
Land (24)
Side 15 cards (12 distinct)
Maybeboard 20 cards (20 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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This is the revised version of my previous deck submission. The explanation here will be brief.


This is a jank deck using reclamation as infrastructure and jace as win con. The combo that enables this deck is Teferi, Time Ravelerimage + Wilderness Reclamationimage + Finale of Revelationimage. The survival of this deck resides in Root Snareimage and Cleansing Novaimage.


The most significant chance from the previous submission is a shift from Emergence Zoneimage and a variety of win con into a more dedicated, degenerate collection of planeswalkers to cast finale more reliably. Jace count is lowered to bare minimum due to his color requirement and the improved graveyard recursion. 


Cards explained:

- Blink of an Eyeimage: very versatile card, one of the few ways this deck can interact with planeswalkers.

- Chemister's Insightimage: strong draw, becomes immediately available after reclamation resolves.

- Cleansing Novaimage: reliable board wipe, can be replaced with settle should your preference differ.

- Growth Spiralimage: enables T3 reclamation, T4 cleansing nova.

- Negateimage: since we have root snare and nova against creature decks, we can use negate as protection.

- Root Snareimage: buys time. Works very well with Tamiyo.

- Sanguine Sacramentimage: mana sink for reclamation and life gain, effective against burn decks.

- Search for Azcanta // Azcanta, the Sunken Ruinimage: self explanatory.

- Single Combatimage: makes Nissa very sad. Also puts opponent into practical stasis for one turn.

- Tamiyo, Collector of Talesimage: accelerates azcanta flip, recurs root snare and Jace if you lose him. Value engine.


Core combo:

With reclamation on board, manually tap for a minimum of 12 mana to cast a finale with secondary effect. This requires teferi uptick to work unless you have 12 lands on the battlefield. Play jace and deck yourself.

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Last Updated: 24 Jun 2019
Created: 24 Jun 2019
74 136 0

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Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
12 12 34 2 0
2 3 9 1 0
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