Field of the Dead is Stronger Without Scapeshift

CaptainJamoke August 1, 2019 3 min

Traditionally, Magic the Gathering has operated with a few set-in-stone fundamental design theories. One of the most impactful is that of resources – your lands. Your deck cannot be composed entirely of non-land cards- you must pay a cost to play a spell.

This fundamental notion is why cards have casting cost. An effect must be bought. Stronger effects typically have a higher cost, be it in total mana cost or a prohibitive color requirement seen in cards such as Goblin Chainwhirlerimage, Steel Leaf Championimage, and Niv-Mizzet, Parunimage.

Accordingly, you have to play lands in your decks to play non-land spells. And lands, as you know typically do nothing on their own. Most decks will typically be comprised of somewhere between one-third and one-half total lands, and that portion of your deck’s primary purpose is to allow the non-land portion to be played. You won’t kill someone with just lands. Usually.

Again, this is a fundamental concept behind the design of the game itself. Players must dedicate a significant portion of their deck to exist solely as resource generation. Cards are designed with this limitation in mind.

Magic is based on the concept that a certain portion of your deck must be lands.

However, Magic 2020 released a card that topples this paradigm. Field of the Deadimage. Presently, Field of the Deadimage is being utilized in a very limited and narrow capacity through its synergy with Scapeshiftimage. While this returning archetype is strong enough to take some surprise wins, it's limited. It fails to capitalize or understand what makes Field of the Deadimage so strong.

Field of the Dead is strong because lands in a deck running Field of the Deadimage are no longer resources. They are now kill conditions, they now build your board state, they remove the, “I lost because I was mana flooded, and I only topdecked lands.” Field prevents the, “The control player countered everything. I was locked down! I couldn’t do ANYTHING!”

That’s gone. No more land flooding woes. Field of the Deadimage makes floods good.

Just ONE Field of the Deadimage in any deck will greatly improve the control matchup. You need to play 7 unique lands, but that is VERY easily achievable presently.

The big problem with Scapeshiftimage is it operates under the typical Magic paradigm. The deck all-ins under the concept of a big win. You need to protect your Scapeshiftimage from being countered. If Field of the Deadimage is removed, the Scapeshiftimage player usually loses.

This deck bypasses that need. We don’t need no stinking Scapeshiftimage. It's too slow. It's too restrictive. It has a cost.

Instead, we can play Field of the Deadimage and support it with cards that naturally bring it to full effectiveness, and which are also strong on their own.

One more paradigm that we need to look at; the Rock, Paper, Scissors of archetypes, meaning that Magic decks can be boiled down into, essentially, three major archetypes.

Aggressive (Rock): loses to midrange, but beats control.

Midrange (Paper): loses to control, but beats aggressive.

Control (Scissors): loses to aggressive, but beats midrange.

One archetype in particular, benefits greatly from Field of the Deadimage. Midrange.

Midrange loses to control because it can be outvalued. Control can usually two-for-one midrange decks with wipes, permission, and overall value generation. Essentially, control causes the midrange player to run out of gas.

Field of the Deadimage, on its own, allows the midrange player to keep pushing. Who cares if control can two-for-one (or more) when you can rebuild your entire board every turn. By playing a land.


Golos Field

Main 60 cards (28 distinct)
Creature (26)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (6)
Land (28)
Side 15 cards (5 distinct)
Maybeboard 9 cards (9 distinct)

Field no Shift

Main 60 cards (28 distinct)
Creature (25)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (7)
Land (28)
Side 15 cards (6 distinct)

Yarok Field

Main 60 cards (29 distinct)
Creature (28)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (4)
Land (28)
Side 15 cards (6 distinct)


The Final Bean

Main 60 cards (31 distinct)
Creature (27)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (6)
Land (27)
Side 15 cards (5 distinct)

7.29.19 The Beans

Main 60 cards (29 distinct)
Creature (25)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (7)
Land (28)
Side 15 cards (7 distinct)



The general game plan is to blast out your lands and get Field of the Deadimage online for every land played as soon as possible. That’s pretty much it. Once played, it's quickly evident the power this deck holds.

This decklist, and concept was developed by a whole team - not just me. I'm a member of a testgroup with some really talented individuals. The Field of the Dead group team was: Brakadaisical, Brianj10, papasmurf0219, and apoX. Additionally, outside of the testgroup, Ramza1987, Rath, DJkidinfinite13 and many others were integral.

Have a questions? Want some input? Discovered some sweet tech not in the deck? Leave a comment! Also, join the Aetherhub discord! I’m there quite a bit, and you can always message me and I’ll try and get back as soon as possible. If you want to see some gameplay, feel free to stop by my twitch. I stream every Thursday night 8 to 10 PM EST, and sporadically on other days.



About CaptainJamoke:



Aetherhub Content


CaptainJamoke's Streamlabs "Website"


Full time job: Attorney (No legal advice)

Location: North East, United States





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I've been running a variant of this deck but I run Deathsprout, that is the only improvement I have, as I will be making a couple changes. Mobilized district is a great replacement for field of ruin, and Fabled Passage is a natural fit for this deck. The only decks that truly give me problems are Dimir mill mid range. Currently high platinum.
Wow - I completely disagree with the other comments on this section - I made Platinum using a different version of this very deck. Great construction and great alternative to a very powerful card. To everyone else - yeesh. You guys are bad if you can't make this work in Arena ranked. Seriously, lay off and embrace the creativity.
... these decks are all basically the same thing, with a few twists on the secondary cards.

And not a one of them has a chance in Arena constructed at any level. This is straight up trash.
Thank you so much for upvote this deck...I love it...Thx...Thx...Thx... ;-)
This is a great list! Two issues - and I'm curious about how you workshopped them:

1) Mono blue has been the bane of my scapeshift deck. Literally to the point where if Grazer ISN'T out I basically scoop. Did you run into the same problem?
2) More people have been mainboarding Cry - like to the point where it makes ME want to cry. Did Path have better success keeping your Reefs available? And - did this deck RUN without the reefs propelling it forward?
Sorry but in platinum this deck sucks. I have a very bad win rate. Doing much better with my scapshift deck
I totally agree, this card will be a powerful tool in many decks, mostly green ones.
To fix errata in my about section: The last time I received mythic ranking was approximately 19 days ago, - 7/08/19
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