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Combo Jank


cEDH Decks

Consultation Kess - Combo off with Demonic Consultationimage and Thassa's Oracleimagehttps://aetherhub.com/Deck/Public/256663

 Sidisi Ant - Use Ad Nauseamimage to draw your deck then storm off with Tendrils of Agonyimagehttps://aetherhub.com/Deck/Public/255600

 Jarad Midrange - Use your graveyard to reanimate and get value using Jarad - https://aetherhub.com/Deck/Public/255771


Azorius Titan - Use Emeria, Sky of Ruin to reanimate while you control the board - https://aetherhub.com/Deck/Public/256138

Gx Tron - Use the tron lands to get out a t3 Karn Liberatedimage and other big boys - https://aetherhub.com/Deck/Public/255807



Grixis Pestilence Control - Use Pestilent Spiritimage to control the board with damage spells - https://aetherhub.com/Deck/Public/256688

Dino Pals - Use huge dinosaurs like Rotting Regisaurimage with some reanimation - https://aetherhub.com/Deck/Public/244076

Temur Ramp - Use cards like Nissa, Who Shakes the Worldimage and more to ramp into huge creatures - https://aetherhub.com/Deck/Public/244058

Azorius Control - Control using counterspells and use Dream Trawlerimage to win - https://aetherhub.com/Deck/Public/244063

Temur Reclamation - Control with the occasional counterspell with Wilderness Reclamationimage for value and to win - https://aetherhub.com/Deck/Public/244064

Orzhov Lifegain - Gain life to put +1/+1 counters on Ajani's Pridemateimagehttps://aetherhub.com/Deck/Public/244068

Rakdos Aggro - Get value and grind out your opponent by sacrificing permanents - https://aetherhub.com/Deck/Public/244070


Hivemind Combo - Use Hive Mindimage and Summoner's Pactimage to make your opponents kill themselves - https://aetherhub.com/Deck/Public/244554

Tron - Use your tron lands to get huge creatures like Steel Hellkiteimage and more - https://aetherhub.com/Deck/Public/144180

Neobrand Turn 1 Kill - Neoformimage your Allosaurus Riderimage to get Griselbrandimage, enough said - https://aetherhub.com/Deck/Public/179158

Simic Nexus - Attempt to take infinite turns with Nexus of Fateimage and then mill your enemies - https://aetherhub.com/Deck/Public/113586

Dimir Mill - Mill your opponent and gain an insane amount of life with Crypt Incursionimagehttps://aetherhub.com/Deck/Public/172544

40 Land Swan Hunt  - Shoot your own Swans of Bryn Argollimage with Seismic Assaultimage to do a lot of damage - https://aetherhub.com/Deck/Public/107465

Vizier Druid Banefire - Vizier of Remediesimage + Devoted Druidimage + Banefireimage = Win - https://aetherhub.com/Deck/Public/173858

Ninjas - Tempo your opponent out of the game while dealing good damage - https://aetherhub.com/Deck/Public/172531


Zur and Rebels - Use Arcane Adaptationimage + Any rebel to tutor any creature from your deck - https://aetherhub.com/Deck/Public/254318

Slivers - Use The First Sliverimage to cascade into more slivers into more slivers etc. - https://aetherhub.com/Deck/Public/254897

Ezuri Turns - Use Ezuri, Claw of Progressimage + Sage of Hoursimage to take infinite turns - https://aetherhub.com/Deck/Public/254793

Arcades Walls - Arcades, the Strategistimage makes your walls attack and deal damage - https://aetherhub.com/Deck/Public/249756

Sidisi Selfmill - Use Sidisi to mill yourself and make tokens and fill your graveyard - https://aetherhub.com/Deck/Public/249620

O-Kagachi Democracy - Use voting and such to change the pace of the game - https://aetherhub.com/Deck/Public/249591

5c Niv Mizzet - Paying 5 mana to cast your commander and draw 10 cards isn't bad - https://aetherhub.com/Deck/Public/248186

Chulane and the Boys - Get value by playing your small creatures then bouncing and recasting - https://aetherhub.com/Deck/Public/248168

Ludevic Kraum Spellslingers - Use Ludevic, Necro-Alchemistimage's ability to draw a lot of cards using burn - https://aetherhub.com/Deck/Public/248154

Teysa Aristocrats - Sacrifice your creatures to deal damage and win the game with some reanimation - https://aetherhub.com/Deck/Public/247595

Yuriko's Ninjas - Attack with Yuriko and hope you can flip some huge cards to deal lots of damage - https://aetherhub.com/Deck/Public/244121

Julius Jumblemorph - A fun silver-bordered edh deck built around the mechanic host/augment - https://aetherhub.com/Deck/Public/246206

Kozilek Affinity - Artifact tribal and ramp up to your commander to control and win - https://aetherhub.com/Deck/Public/243643

Daretti Artifacts - Renimate your artifacts and deal big damage and get value - https://aetherhub.com/Deck/Public/244575












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Last Updated: 30 Apr 2020
Created: 21 Apr 2020
950 153 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (1 distinct)

Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (60)

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0 0 60 0 0
0 0 0 0 0